12542 Reviews liked by CDX

even though i played this game just into my 2nd year of college, persona 5 made me feel like a kid again.

the characters felt so real. the borders of my tv melted away as i slowly grew closer with the confidants. Spending time with these characters made me feel like I created my own bonds with them. ryuji best boy.

The gameplay is consitently rewarding. Whether it's the polished combat, the vast, creative dungeon crawling, or the effortless style, Persona 5 never had a dull moment during the 117 hours or so of my journey.

this game is not only a masterpiece of a jrpg, but it revitalized my love for jrpgs, and propelled the genre to become my favorite across all video games.

not as good as a Thiefs End or Among Thieves, but because 2 and 4 are both phenomenal pieces of gaming, saying that Drake's Deception isn't as good isn't too much of a critique. I think that 3 is still very close to 2 and 4, it just didn't reach as high of a spectacle. With that said, it's still a damn awesome game and is arguably the funniest in the franchise.

Drake's Fortune is unfortunately dated now in restrospect, but I still love this game as it is an excellent introduction and depiction of Nathan Drake as a character as well as in action.

so underrated and charming. this was a unique jrpg with its battle system, use of dinosaurs, and more importantly, the gameplay aspect of searching for fossils and cleaning them. they really knocked it out of the park with that idea!

my most heavily anticipated game, and one of my favorite jrpgs ever made. the gameplay was not too expanded on compared to the first, but the story and its characters i found more investing and charming, especially rupert, todd, and the sideplots with the tribes. truly one of my favorite worlds, and an underrated gem of the jrpgs.

This might actually be the slightest of the new style Resident Evils for me so far (have not played 3 remake yet). Gameplay design is primo survival horror stuff, but I think I tend to like these more when they're experimenting than when they're acting out of homage. Mostly just makes me want to track down the original and play it, which I have never played

Juego divertido para jugar con amigos, pero no da para mucho más. Han querido crear Left 4 Dead 3 y no se han dado cuenta de que los trucos que servían hace 10-12 años a día de hoy están obsoletos.

La mecánica de las cartas es un poco chorrada, yo me acabé todas las misiones sin dedicarle especial atención. El gunplay se siente bastante bien, en eso sí han mejorado mucho. En cambio, la historia es totalmente genérica y sin importancia y con un ritmo regulero, pasando por capítulos infernales y otros muy cortos y con poco contenido.

Recomendable solo si te lo vas a pasar con amigos/familia y cuando bajé bastante de precio.

unlocking all of the characters at age 11 was one of the smartest things i did

Work simulators are still weird, but it's also weird when you accidentally fall into the rhythm of one. "Ok let me just fix one last client's computer then I'll stop playing" bro??

This was already a really great entry, but for a long while I felt like New Leaf was still just a tiny bit better....until the 2.0 update and the Happy Home Paradise expansion that is. With 2.0 and the expansion, this is, hands-down, the ultimate and most fun Animal Crossing experience.

I'm honestly at a loss, I have no idea what they can even do to improve or build upon the series as it is now in any big meaningful way outside of just making the individual characters even more unique and adding even more furniture/customization options.

The person who made me aware of this game has successfully occupied all of my free time with it.

It's picross with Miku, what more do you need? There are hundreds of levels and each one unlocks a cute piece of art to view in the gallery. Art is good, music is nice, character sprites jump when you complete a line, and it's cheap!

It'd be nice if there were difficulty options maybe but honestly I prolly wouldn't use them anyway.

Bad North was super fun and addictive when I was still figuring it out and trying to get as far as possible, but after a while you start to notice that 80% of your playthrough is either piss-easy or literally impossible to have fun or win. That 20% is super enjoyable and shows how this game can be great at simplifying the RTS genre into something everyone can have a blast with, but it's spread very thin over your playthrough. I really wanted to love this, but the balancing and the shallow tactics let this one down A LOT

Saltar, saltar y más saltar. Aprovechando prácticamente todas sus posibilidades. Barreras, obstáculos, enemigos... Todo se puede utilizar para aprovechar el salto, rebote y gravedad para tener esa fluidez y disfrute danzando por todo el juego.

El único pero que le pondría son esos momentos de los castillos finales donde tienes que ir probando diferentes rutas hasta dar con el bueno, de lo contrario vuelves al principio del nivel. Entiendo que es para dar sensación de búsqueda y que cueste más llegar al objetivo final pero me impide disfrutar de la fluidez y gracia que tiene el resto del juego.

Pero vaya, 5 estrellas y san se acabó.

Metal slug 6 was my first metal slug game I have ever played, it's a good game. Even though it i had to discover I had to play on hard mode to do the true ending.

muy bueno pero siempre me desconcierta la gente que dice que este es mejor que el 3. sinceramente no lo veo! el 3 tiene mejores niveles, mejor combate, mejores diseños de enemigos, mejor musica, mejores entornos, y ambos tienen un boss final malisimo!