Was a lot of fun doing multiplayer with a friend. Despite some gripes, overall a fun time with great presentation thanks to its voice acting, style and music

One of my favorites, can't wait for Silksong

best rhythm game that is not a rhythm game, perfect game, play it

Very fun and solid entry in the franchise. While it seems simple at the surface, the amazing level design and fun, jazzy soundtrack really help this game stand out. The multiplayer is chaotic in the most fun way possible and overall I have a blast with this game. One of my favorite Mario games.

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Overall a great and highly memorable experience. One of my favorite indie games and RPGs. The lovable characters, fun bullet hell battle system and amazing soundtrack are all reasons I'd recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it. Though it's definitely not perfect. While optional, the Genocide routes is way too grindy and way too much of drag, not giving much of a reward for doing so. Even if it's intentional, that doesn't make it fun. Thankfully the amazing experience I had with True Pacifist route and the freedom of the Neutral routes more than make up for it.

Respect it for how it impacted the video game industry but doesn't hold up today and find it to be a tad overrated. One of the weaker 3D Mario games and its controls and camera make it hard to want to revisit. If this game were to get a remake, it could become one of the best games in the franchise. As it stands, it's only alright gameplay-wise with my biggest praise being for its charm and memorability.

Please put it on Switch with better controls. It would be a definite 5/5.

Very fun and challenging. Beautiful animation and catchy, energetic music that helps enhance the experience. Had a good time with it.

Took what I liked about the Classic Sonic games and improved in almost every way. And the soundtrack is reason to play alone. Had a fun time.

Already liking this game functionally more than Undertale. The characters are fun, the combat more refined and the charm and amazing soundtrack are intact. Excited to see the finished game.

Best this franchise has to offer easily.

Definitely one of the weaker entries in the franchise as well as one of the weakest 3D Mario games but still a pretty fun time.

It's decent. Respect it for the huge impact on the video game industry, but not a fan of the level design and the controls feel a bit off for me. Though it gets extra points fir being one of the only retro games I can tolerate playing.