Video game characters who would listen to Death Grips

From the guy who made the Weezer list, I am now guessing which video game characters would listen to Death Grips. Suggestions welcome as always.

John Marsh (suggested by BloodHole)
John Cruelty (suggested by Cr4zy_hunt3r)
Crash (suggested by Unaderon)
Kreig (suggested by wrieth)
Violet (suggested by wraith)
9s (Suggested by wreith)
Dante (Suggested by wreith)
Harry and Kim (Suggested by ZapRowsdowser)
Jimenez (Suggested by Moister)
Lt. Surge (suggested by LordDarias)
Demi-Fiend (suggested by Moister)
"Cloud would try to listen to them, but get a migraine or say its ass, but Vincent would listen to them unironically"-HunterMask
Sol, Zato, Bridget, Happy Chaos.
(Honestly place your bets on if the next GG game will have someone inspired by MC Ride in it)
Mona and Plague Knight
Zhao (suggested by LesbianKakyoin)
GLaDOS if only out of scientific fascination or something
Karkat, Dave, Terezi, Gamzee. Maybe Rose too


zhao would 100% rock it to death grips also

1 month ago

Lt. Surge

1 month ago

Both Harry and Kim from Disco Elysium.

1 month ago

Makoto Yuki would be on here fs as well

1 month ago

Demi from Nocturne
Jimenez from Strange Journey

1 month ago

DmC3 Dante would 1000% listen to Death Grips completely unironically and would enthusiastically show Lady if given the chance.

9S from NieR Automata & Kenji Tomochika from P3 would probably listen to them when they're all angsty and pent-up.

Violet from Neon White & Krieg from Borderlands 2 would listen to them cause they both have straight brain rot.

TF2 Pyro might blast some Guillotine mid-match.

1 month ago

Crash Bandicoot from the 96 game specifically. Mf was anxious like he had reefer on him in Tokyo, turning his head when idle, which got toned down in later titles. Listening to Death Grips helps one process anxiety and agression in a safe environment.

1 month ago

John Cruelty from Cruelty Squad.

1 month ago

literally John Marsh from Ace Attorney Investigations 2

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