You'll Cowards Don't Even Play Licensed NES Games

But you should. And no, we're not counting celebrity-endorsed and/or league-licensed sports games. Only NA/PAL releases.

If I missed anything, or if I very understandably somehow ended up with the wrong version of the multiple entries virtually every game on this list has, drop me a message/comment.

Currently missing Fisher Price: I Can Remember and Super Jeopardy. IGDB issues.

This game shows up twice in the database, and the other one has all the logs, but this one has the right box art so here we are.
You will learn the awkward pogo input, and you will love it.
It's Ducktales, but slightly more complicated and much less played.
Given previous experience, I am now concerned that this lifestyle-branded experience may not, in fact, be tight at all.
Often forgotten, as the youngest child so often is.
Imagine your first exposure to Felix the Cat being the unbelievably explicit bootleg XXX porn movie. Anyway, great game.
Powerful evidence that Capcom sought to lower the birth rate in Japan by tearing families apart.
Love is throwing your cousin into the void.
The game that taught me what a downport and, consequently, disappointment was.
The Ninja Gaiden of Looney Tunes.
This game with a figure, absolute peak.
Th good sequel. Not to be confused with the bad one.
The reigning champion of Batman games.
It is a heartless world that gives us Battletoads vs Double Dragon, but not G.I. Joe vs Contra.
Mega Dark Man Duck.
The good Golgo 13 game.
You will get on/in the animal, and you will like it.
Oh. Oh no. Why is that the cover.
Belgian comic book enjoyers rejoice: I see you.
Noteworthy, as most pools aren't radiant at all.
It's a 1994 NES platformer, which means it's either an absolute banger or utter dreck.
Which Doctor incarnation do you think she is?
You can rebrand your Japanese movie tie-ins all you want, I'll find every one.
No need to dig deeper for sleeper hits, you've hit... bedrock.
That dog is a real piece.
G.I. Joe x Atlantis = <3
Oh boy, problematic hidden gems.
The game that came after the reigning champion of Batman games.
The not-so-good Golgo 13 game.
Don't let the gaslight you, this is a Terminator game where the rights fell through at the last second.
Aladdin, but with half the bits.
This man, this comic book.
The moral of the story is that you should never let your daughter date.
You can't hide from me, Mickey Mouse.
You are required to watch the terrible CGI morphing scene from the movie before playing this game.
Look at that little man on the cover. Look at his stride.
Judge your child.
It's another real life table, the sequel to which is, for some reason, a little horny.
The best game about a movie I genuinely despise.
Was... was that not Vanna before?
You probably already know The Goonies stayed trapped on Famicom.
A little Konami smack 'em up, as a treat.
It's no Impossible Mission, but it'll do.
You can play as Hamton in this one, and therefore it is notably worse.
Never let them gaslight you: Star Fox 64 ripped the flippy maneuver off from this game.
Taito showing up to make sure you grandpa's favorite cartoon gets some respect.
Did you know Burt Reynolds, sex icon, is credited as a creator of this long-running game show?
Wheel of Fortune, but now it;s a threat.
May you never be haunted by the theme song. Looping. Forever.
This one was a novel, believe it or not.
You're not going to believe how buggy this game is.
Franco-Belgian comics: not the first time you will see one on this list.
See a dragon, strike a dragon.
Better than the film.
Captain America and Hawkeye go and do their own thing in an adventure of reasonable power levels.
Turns out this was a real life pinball table.
In a shocking twist, Casino Kid II, like its predecessor, is also based on a manga.
Bet you didn't know this was a TV show.
I hate this band so much.
This fortress is positively unhinged.
Manga origins once again emerging from the woodworks to hurt completionists.
An incredible way to lose faith in a random assortment of 100 people from a mall.
This was supposed to be a Bond game and there's nothing you can do to stop me from including it.
Nobody buys Sean Connery as Harrison Ford's dad.
In the distant past, all pulp icons get to have a tiny version.
Not fondly remembered, and that;s because history is unjust.
The best game to both not have and desperately need a save system.
It is so unbelievably obnoxious to try and find the right version of a game from a popular movie. I am begging for systems in search results.
The game show that brings its own punctuation.
Terrible fact: this mascot got cancelled because a guy that shared a name with him killed himself over it.
I don't want to hear any crying about the dam level, it's not that bad once you figure it out.
Classic. None of that godforsaken Neo-Concentration.
All Hollywood Squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are Hollywood Squares.
Jeopardy, but distinguished by the passage of aesthetically pleasing portions of time.
The Waterworld video game had an incredible soundtrack, you know.
Suddenly: saxophone.
They didn't even have to edit the racism out.
Then again, it doesn't feel like Ocean is really understanding the vicious satire that the original Robocop movie was, does it?
Can you believe the kid who played shortstop would go on to become the emotional core of Everything, Everywhere All at Once?
These people do not seem like they are here to help Bugs Bunny celebrate.
Look how big those sprites are. Now fly over everything as Mothra.
Shin Megami Tensei prequel.
The boys can have Sailor Moon, as a treat.
The greatest game of raw tactical prowess ever invented.
They just wont stop reskinning Japanese properties, and this list won't stop growing.
No way this will ever be easily edited for laughs in the future.
Just what everyone wanted: a slow puzzle platformer starring the wackiest Simpsons character.
Basically everything used to get a cartoon if it was a movie that got even a little bit of traction with kids.
Based on the Outrageous, Unpredictable and Fun-Filled TV Game Show!
Man who is too old for this is on system he is too young for. Fate is cruel.
The deep state will tell you this is not based off the Japanese film Mr. Vampire. They are lying to you. Stand strong.
Please, let Officer Murphy rest.
Is it really a licensed game if you own the license but let someone else develop it for you? What if you develop it internally? What if I've had too much whiskey to care?
Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere. That's what it stands for.
Unlike the movie, does not star Madonna.
A great game that also has Thunder Mountain. Why, Thunder Mountain. You pox. You stain.
Ernie, currently 3/3 for cover appearances. Hopefully he is on the cover of Sesame Street: Countdown as well.
A metaphor for LJN's relentless license hunger.
There are people out there who will tear you down, tell you Ocean could never make a good game, that they were a license shovelware factory. They are demons, and they have no respect for this walk cycle.


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