One of the greatest video games of all times and biggest game design flex in the industry.

It is still worth playing.
Bros 3 has tighter controls and better overall feel. World triumphs with it's exploration, but it is really cool to go back in time and see how this amazing franchise came to be.
It still plays great, has good levels and is just fun.


Incredible title. So glad I finally played a game that shaped some of my fav titles ever, and it turns out, it is amazing on it's own.

There is no other game I suck as much as I do with Ikaruga but it is still a blast
Music, art style, bosses, gameplay loop with switching between different ship modes is addicting.
Hats off to anyone who manages to finish it without continues.

It's so much fun I have no idea when 10h required to finish it went.
Such a tightly designed game.

Another Team Silent banger.

If you want a game to easily put you to sleep, here's your best contender.
First 2h were pretty fun I guess, but then it goes for another 12h, and it gets more and more boring.

Greatest action game of all time made even better.
No U-3 fight is a bummer tho.

This game is a masterpiece. Nothing else to say. Level design, music, controls, every level is polished to perfection. Every single level has unique mechanic, and it is always fantastic. Bosses were so much fun and it has probably the greatest final segment to a game I've played in a long time. Goddamn, what a steal for 20$.

Sometimes you are sure a game praised so much for over two decades, won't meet your expectations. Thankfully, it is not the case with Metroid Prime. It was my first ever playthrough of it and I loved it from top to bottom.
It plays like a dream, controls are tight, movement feels good, combat is fun, with enemies being very agressive. Every enemy, boss has it's weakness and it's up to you to learn about it. Bosses are varied and never just a simple shotting until health bar reaches 0%. Game's atmopshere is insane, music is top.
But the biggest star of the game is world, sense of wonder and level design. IT IS SO GOOD. In an age of AAA video games scared to even remotly trust in player's skills, here's a 21 year old game which totally understand what video games are all about. You will be in awe of design of this game. With every hour you Discover more about the world, how it is connected and what actually happend with that place. It's the best world building I've encountered in video game, next to Dark Souls/Hollow Knight/Outer Wilds.
+there is totally nothing else like it, AAA metroidvania games are non existent, and indie devs are going only for 2D style of it.
It feels fresh 21 years later, and its one of the best looking Switch games thanks to remaster.
Could not recommend it enough. If you love this medium, do yourself a favour and play it.
It is 6th game I've ever gave 10/10.

It's Shovel Knight.
Ofc it is a quality.

I am so sorry to any video game which will release in 2023, because it will be so damn hard to top this.
It's just incredible, no dull moment.
Incredible gameplay, insane boss fights, MUSIC, it plays like a dream, writing and humor is on point, pacing is top. I am not gonna stop talking about this game until every person who is even midly interested in video games will play it.

There is nothing better than starting trilogy from the last game
Really good game
Maps are well designed, game let's you do anything, it controls very well.