About Me

Update: Finally bought Dark Souls (Was on "Didn't played but want to")

Favourite Villain
The Cold

It's true though. Cold is a bitch.

Honorable Mentions: Dutch; Shriek; Kuro; Gaunter O'Dim; Queen Myrrah.

Favourite Ending

How can an over the top action game be so sad?

Honorable Mentions: Red Dead 2; Halo 3, 4; Sekiro (All of them).
Relaxing Game

Literally just watch characters talk while listening to the game's Lofi. More relaxing than that is impossible.

Honorable Mentions: Slime Rancher; Banjo-Kazooie; LEGO games.

Childhood Game

Kamehameha spam.

Honorable Mentions: Ultimate Spiderman; Super Mario World; Lion King.
Favorite Series

The franchise about the soldier with a lady in his head.

Honorable Mentions: Monster Hunter; Metroid; Doom; Gears of War.
Game you always come back to

Always see myself replaying the whole franchise again... instead of finishing other games.

Honorable Mentions: Monster Hunter World; Sekiro; DBZ: BT 3; Dishonored; Doom Eternal.
You Love Everyone Hates

It's complicated because of the Halo Cycle, when the game launched it was hated and nowadays it's "underrated", but is the best contender so it's here.

Honorable Mentions: SW: Battlefront 2; COD Infinite Warfare.
Stressful Game

I can put ANY fighting game here that it would fit. FighterZ is just the one that tilted me the most.

Honorable Mentions: Any Fighting Game; Any Multiplayer Game; Sekiro; Darkest Dungeon; Doom Eternal; Hades; Dishonored; Cuphead; Mortal Shell; others.

I play too many stressful games.
Guilty Pleasure

Most Ubisoft Open Worlds honestly.

Honorable Mentions: Ubisoft Open Worlds.
The Best Art Style

Playable painting.

Honorable Mentions: Cuphead; Hades; Darkest Dungeon; Streets of Rage 4; Aragami.
Tons of Hours Played

+1000 hours of slicing big monsters's toes.

Honorable Mentions: None.
No individual game comes close to having the amount of time I have in World
Favorite Protagonist
Master Chief

This is was a hard pick but Chief is just my guy.

Honorable Mentions: Arthur Morgan; Geralt of Rivia; Marcus Fenix; Bayek.
Favorite Game of all time

Gameplay is so good it just makes me ignore all the flaws.

Honorable Mentions: Monster Hunter World; Doom Eternal; Sekiro.
Didn't played but want to.
Best Soundtrack

Metal album with a bonus game.

Honorable Mentions: Halo; Metroid; DMC 5; Ori; Undertale; Metal Hellsinger.
You Hate Everyone Loves

The gameplay is horrible.

Honorable Mentions: Vanquish; Wolfenstein the New Order.
Favourite Boss Fight
Genichiro Ashina/Inner Genichiro

Bosses that are hard on the first 100 tries that become easy on the 101 try are my favourites.

Honorable Mentions: Nergigante; Shriek; Mother Brain.
Best Story

May I stand unshaken.

Honorable Mentions: Halo 2; Gears of War 3; The Witcher 3; Forgotten City.


1 year ago

Nem gosta de jogo de tiro ele. 👀

1 year ago

Só alguns pô.

1 year ago

Quase nada.

Last updated: