Prominent flaws exceeded by everything else

A list of games that I enjoy despite any flaws, either the positive aspects more than make up for them, or the flaws make the game more interesting and unique, others have a few aspects that made them worth playing despite being very unpolished.

Ranked by how significant the flaws are (doesn't necessarily mean lower games are worse than higher ones). Some might call these "flawed masterpieces"

Notes with worst and best aspects for each game, basically a mini-review
Ratings represent enjoyability (subjective) and not overall quality or polish
(Work in progress)

Wagyan Paradise
Wagyan Paradise
Kishin Douji Zenki: Battle Raiden
Kishin Douji Zenki: Battle Raiden
The Adventures of Batman & Robin
The Adventures of Batman & Robin
Blast Wind
Blast Wind
-Very short even for the genre
-Audio is poorly balanced (loud sound very quiet music) needs to be played in mono for better (but still not great) balance
-Not pushing or using hardware much, less effects than other 2D saturn games
-Simple gameplay (2 modes of fire and a bomb)

-Quick to complete, makes it easy to replay and game-overs less frustrating (both a negative and positive)
-Distinct and appealing futuristic technology style and theming
-Backgrounds have look of depth or have small intricately animated details
-Branching paths, unique system where the path changes halfway through each level, with a basic switch puzzle
-Very overpowered bombs are fun to use
-Powerups add temporary invincabilty have unique attack that happens when collecting one, sort of a mini area of effect damage, striking visually and adds extra strategy of collecting near bosses/enemies and waiting for the right time to pick them up
-2nd player has different ship that attacks differently
-Unique well designed (but simple) boss fights
-Great synth, rock, metal soundtrack (when it can actually be heard)
-Overall low difficulty makes it relaxed while still being intense, not at all stressful and easy to get into
-Memorable, out-of-nowhere ending
-Great pixel art

Alligator Hunt
Alligator Hunt
Earth Defense Force
Earth Defense Force
iS: internal section
iS: internal section
Batman: Return of the Joker
Batman: Return of the Joker
Lennus II: Fuuin no Shito
Lennus II: Fuuin no Shito
Baten Kaitos Origins
Baten Kaitos Origins
Slow battles
extremely tedious and long introduction
progression isn't always intuitive
Forgettable Antagonist

-Losing in battle resets the fight, very accommodating
-Good visuals and setting
-Satisfying card chaining system
-Battle system is fast and intuitive, less menu management
-Well executed split timeline plot
-believable characters and writing
-Interesting map design and gimmicks
-A lot of content with not much filler
Brave Prove
Brave Prove
Gotcha Force
Gotcha Force
Clockwork Knight: Pepperouchau no Fukubukuro
Clockwork Knight: Pepperouchau no Fukubukuro
Sion II
Penny Racers
Penny Racers
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic 3D Blast
Kingdom Grand Prix
Kingdom Grand Prix
-Sometimes unfair obstacle/enemy placement
-Main gameplay is focused on being at the top of the screen where enemies and hazards spawn, staying back safely means not getting the ending (very "jank" without extreme memorization
-Other players can collide and push the main player into walls, enemies, ect
-"Rubber band-ing" AI
-Racing focus is unique, but un-intuitive and doesn't make the game more fun

-Secret non racing mode fixes the awkwardness and AI problems
-Branching paths with a lot of levels
-Fast paced
-Bombs feel powerful
-Cool and unique bosses in every level
-Interesting level gimmicks
-Playable characters are very differentiated and diverse, well balanced
-Visuals and sound are good, well done and memorable overall despite not being the best in the genre

Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors
Lords of Thunder
Lords of Thunder
-Large character, harder to dodge
-Native input latency (slightly less responsive than normal)
-Abrupt ending with easy to overpower boss
-Boss attacks give no time to react
-Some obstacles are unintuitive to navigate
-Power loss from getting hit, extremely hard to get fully powered, and very hard to keep it...
-Bombs trivialize every boss

-Art style
-Opening and ending cutscene looks great
-Audio quality
-Smooth scrolling with some parallax
-Interesting boss designs and attacks
-Elemental weapons
-Not too hard with good use of shop system
-Short range attack is automatic
-Money and shop system gives incentive to defeat enemies

Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!
Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!
-Framerate problems
-Ice platforms that are hard to place correctly and sometimes require tanking damage
-Some less intuitive puzzles that require patience
-No manual saving, level has to be completed to save, exiting level loses all upgrades and collectibles gained unless re-completed
-Enemies can steal all speed or power making the experience very unsatifying and annoying, less of an issue if the player knows how to avoid it
-Bosses are all humanoid, no more bosses like in the original 64, giant robots, dragons, large monsters, ect
-Full Powerup in shop is mis-translated making players believe it is a one-time use leading to players avoiding it and causing common complaints. It is restocked per level and greatly imporves playability, a necessity.
-Some very punishing precision required
-Somewhat tedious final level
-Ice/Lava bombs are overpowered against bosses and enemies (can be fun/satisfying to be OP though)
-Most level music tracks are short

-Effort given to narrative
-Characters with dialogue and cutscenes
-Very clean detailed and not blurry
textures, looks next-gen and not like other N64 games
-Attempt to give bosses and antagonist more character (most are still shallow but it's better than nothing)
-Great visual design and planet theming
-Unique and typically satisfying bomb puzzles (with exceptions)
-Fun to find hidden collectibles, permanent upgrades and character progression
-Elemental bombs that add a lot of needed depth, each have puzzles and gameplay designed around them
-Most ambitious of the N64 games
-Co-op story mode
-2nd player can evolve and has different paths, many forms
-Nice looking effects
-Plot twists (though not surprising or original) add some depth to the story
-Great sound quality for N64, very catchy and well composed some themes are very good
-Satisfying story and ending
-Multiple endings and alternate bosses
-Multiplayer has new modes (some aren't good but more good than the previous game
-Overall serious tone and real stakes in story, RPG/Megaman X vibe, very memorable game overall

Chameleon Twist
Chameleon Twist
Addams Family Values
Addams Family Values
Mega Man 64
Mega Man 64
Rohga: Armor Force
Rohga: Armor Force
-Extreme difficulty, requires intense memorization
-Weapon balancing, some weapons like laser are underpowered and unsafe to use
grenade is only good on bosses
-Late game bosses have way too much health
-Attacks from bosses have poor telegraphing and read-ability
-Bosses and larger enemies can push around/corner the player
-Some levels go on for too long, especially the underwater one
-A few music tracks are grating, short, and very repetitive
-Awkward jump weight/arc needs to be mastered and changes depending on build
-Big hitboxes
-Not much color variety in environments

-Unique auto-scrolling Run-&-gun genre
-Select-able robot parts many possible builds that play differently
-Branching level paths
-Cool details and animations in background during gameplay
-Fun to use special weapons
-Varied scrolling and movement
-Some great level themes
-Health bar instead of 1-hit death that heals slightly after each level
-Unique gameplay ideas like ejecting from mech on final health point and having to rebuild it with powerups
-Easy modes and quality of life options (console ports) mitigate difficulty
-Nice mech design
-Memorable voice quotes
-2 different select-able soundtracks (arranged or arcade)
-Infinite continues and easier level paths helps with frustration

Mystic Ark
Mystic Ark
Treasure Hunter G
Treasure Hunter G
-Imbalanced difficulty
-Laid-back minimal story and writing -Muted color palette
-Battles can take awhile

-Incredible diverse and varied Soundtrack -Good sound quality with memorable sound effects.
-Charming detailed graphics
-Nice looking spells and special moves -Nostalgic 3D rendered characters and enemies
-Great looking set-pieces and story events
-Relatable cast and writing, lighthearted story
-Deep enough battle system
-Easy to navigate overworld
-Difficult enough to be engaging and never too much

It's not on the same level of scope as FF6 or Chrono Trigger, but I find it way more charming and fun moment to moment, it's a nice change with a less serious tone and more of an adventurous focus, while the majority of games like these are serious and about saving the world on a large scale.

Wonder Project J: Kikai no Shounen Pino
Wonder Project J: Kikai no Shounen Pino
-Brutal difficulty
-Poor visibility
-Takes a very long time to understand and master
-Hostile and punishing with drastic sudden swings of adaptive difficulty
-Half of the player ships are too slow to have any chance.
-Rare and expensive PS2 port is the best way to play, but due to image quality only looks good on CRT with composite, ugly blurry interlaced mess upscaled or emulated.
-Unintuitive overly cryptic scoring secrets
-Difficulty encourages bad play (intentional loss or less power)

-Great animation and environments
-Very detailed backgrounds and enemies
-Fun and addictive once understood
-Deep score system
-Great metal soundtrack
-PS2 arrange mode significantly improves intuitiveness, adds accessibility and difficulty options, toned down adaptive difficulty, balances difficulty better
-Dense fast paced game-play
-Unique themed environments

Assault Suit Leynos 2
Assault Suit Leynos 2
Simple DS Series Vol. 18: The Soukou Kihei Gun Ground
Simple DS Series Vol. 18: The Soukou Kihei Gun Ground
Star Cruiser
Star Cruiser
El Viento
El Viento
Neo Contra
Neo Contra
-Story is completely nonsense
-Acting and characters are over the top, absurd (and I like it more for it)
-Most character focused cutscenes drag on for a bit and I usually skip them.
-Change in perspective makes aiming and dodging more difficult.

-Incredible setpieces
-Extremely over the top and increasingly ridiculous scenarios
-The most unique Contra game if not the most Unique Run-&-Gun of the PS2 generation.
-Intense satisfying action
-Punishing but never to a detriment.
-Opening Cinematic
-Overall style and clean visual design
-Fun to use weapons with many to unlock
-Great for multiplayer
-Enjoyable and engaging ranking system
-Fast ever changing pacing
-Challenging enough to require focus and skill

Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage
Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage
Willy Wombat
Willy Wombat
-Slow start
-First world is not visually interesting
-Later levels have framerate issues
-Possible to lose a lot of progress if game is not frequently saved
-Saving costs currency earned by beating levels
-Short post hit invincibility makes losing lots of health a problem
-Only a few simple bosses
-Enemies clash visually with environment, aren't well animated, and look bland
-Dashing is double tap based, easy to initiate by accident
-Some occasionally awkward platforming

-Fully voiced with many cutscenes
-Likeable Protagonist
-Interesting yet simple plot
-Great unusual soundtrack with vocal opening and credits track
-Esoteric in an interesting and not frustrating way weird, secrets and puzzles
-Fun level design
-Each world is visually distinct
-Experimental use of fake lighting and color, sometimes neon areas within drab environments
-Interesting use of perspective, camera rotation
-Not too punishing or difficult as long as collectibles are prioritized
-Very distinct visually and thematically

Iridion II
Iridion II
Boktai 3: Sabata's Counterattack
Boktai 3: Sabata's Counterattack
Hard to navigate level design, many bike sections that are basic and clash with the setting and narrative.

Well done stealth gameplay, fun to fight bosses, great plot twists that affect gameplay, engaging story, best graphics and music of the series, multiple endings
The new bike sections add style and personality despite not having much substance.

Boktai 1 and 2 may be more focused and innovative, but 3 has the best presentation and gameplay polish, with the most variety. A great end to the GBA games.

Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
Elemental Master
Elemental Master
-Some rough looking background graphics
-Ugly and basic boss animations
-Some damage hitboxes are misleading
-Final boss randomly has a gimmick that makes it seem unbeatable unless figured out, lead to several game-overs

-More weapons and abilities are unlocked each level
-Fun but simple gameplay
-Top down shooter with level design
-Walls don't cause damage
-Creative level obstacles
-Well balanced difficulty, enemies aren't weak but also don't have too much health.
-Balanced weapons.
-Can shoot backward
-Varied settings
-Great varied soundtrack

kind of unfocused, meandering and obtuse level design, weird shading and art.
Some unfair moments and tedious levels.

A truly chaotic (and exciting) game, the strange and clunky things about it make it more interesting to me. Colorful and vibrant, nice painting style backgrounds
Very fluid animation, unusual otherworldly style, smooth curved terrain (doesn't look "blocky" or tiled) fun combat system and smooth platforming. 10/10 music

Battle Mania Daiginjou
Battle Mania Daiginjou
-Some graphics are low quality
-Awful attract opening, bad visuals with seizure inducing flashing
-Flashing color during entire final battle, hard on the eyes
-Needless confusing background effect on first level (it scrolls incorrectly based on movement
-Some levels drag a bit
-Large character, large hit-box
-Some special weapons are ineffective

-Characterization and scenes between every level
-Unusual 8-way shooting
-Good difficulty balancing
-Strange and comical boss fights
-levels are varied and unique, lots of setpieces
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
-Standard and Generic Plot
-Gameplay progression/loop never evolves or changes as the game progreses
-Battle system is mostly standard and requires less strategy
-Writing could be better
-Average/decent but repetitive visuals, not as good as other games at the time

+Dugeons feature puzzles and terrain with enemies displayed ingame
+No random encounters in dungeons
+Balanced difficulty
+Engaging to use "IP" system
+Tools like bombs and hookshot add diversity to gameplay
+Tons of content, minigames, endgame dungeons, rougelike tower mode
+Good characters
+Progression is not tedious or obscure, easy to find the next destination
+Solid RPG Soundtrack
Jet Force Gemini
Jet Force Gemini
Illusion of Gaia
Illusion of Gaia
-Static level progression
-Some slow parts in towns and late dungeons
-Repetitive music
-Feels unrefined

-Multiple playable characters
-Varied style and concepts for dungeons
-Unique historical/ancient civilization aspects (uses less accurate real world locations)
-Original plot
-Not overly long or padded

Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Zero
Bomberman 64
Bomberman 64
Mischief Makers
Mischief Makers
-Boring to play first world
-Marathon level
-Some overly basic boss fights
-A few obtuse gold gems

-Smooth movement
-Unique look and style
-Deep main boss fights
-Character design
-Deep mechanics
-Creative design, good iterative level ideas
-Not overly long, not much filler

Dynamite Headdy
Dynamite Headdy
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man & Bass
Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
Game Boy version
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Donkey Kong 64
Donkey Kong 64
-Very imbalanced, some overpowered tedious bosses.
-Weird inconsistent pacing
-Random non-combat sections
-Poorly telegraphed or unintuitive puzzles
-Messy third act
-Bad hitboxes on later bosses
-Most bosses are one-note, have only a few attacks and not much strategy
-Hard to navigate overworld
-Unfinished game
-Plot holes or parts of narrative aren't explained, confusing motives for antagonist
-Spells are either extremely situational, useless, quickly obsolete,or hard to understand
-Spell casting system is awkward, if done in menu is bugged and cant be aimed, needs to be equipped, weird to restock
-Slow item menu

-Top quality visuals
- Favorite RPG soundtrack
-Emotional impactful narrative makes up for a lot, nuanced narrative with deep compelling story, believable protagonist with development, impactful plot twists and very creative scenarios.
-Smooth movement
-Varied combat options
-Fluid and detailed animations
-Unique and ambitious cinematics

Armored Core
Armored Core
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
Remake with controversial changes.
-Some things are made easier than they needed to be
-Slower or less smooth movement in some situations
-Bank is in a strange spot in clock town
-Bosses are more buffed and aren't as fun to overpower, less varied ways to damage them than in the original
-Stone tower is easier to enter and flip but still has a tedious climb to the dungeon

I like the convenience and playing in 3D
(higher base frame-rate, better time skip system and easier saving)
Mini games are far better with gyroscope aiming, better camera control, sidequests and collectibles are far more intuitive to track, more item slots and extra options with touch-screen.

The positives and negatives balance each other out making it as just as good as the original (but in different ways) to me, I don't prefer one over the either.

It's not a great remake, but it's still a great game.

Sometimes (rarely) rough visuals

A few status effects are too effective and tedious to cure

Required quests such as an item trading quest in some caverns that requires leaving and re-entering several times

Can be slow with respawning enemies, areas like the underground factory and sewer are hard to navigate because of maze design and respawning enemies

side characters become less useful as the game goes on
There's not much I can really complain about, and the few things I can are minor

-Great strange soundtrack
-Animated battle backgrounds
-Very memorable areas like Magicant and Moonside
-Unique story and progression
-Comical, lighthearted, writing
-Good character progression and varied characters
-Extremely unique and unforgettable final area and boss
-Grounded less fantastical setting stands out


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