Indie Games

A list of indie games I've played in the (most probably) order that I've played them.

On hold. Cannot get past the fourth boss.
On hold. Will get back to it once I feel like it.
Gave up on it. Rogue likes are just not my thing.
Gave up on it. Rogue likes are just not my thing.
Gave up on it. I love puzzle games but I suck at them.
On hold. Will get back to it once I feel like it.
Played for a few minutes and stopped. It's fun for a while but not my style of game.
On hold. Will get back to it once I feel like it.
Reached one of the endings (the main one).
Gave up after I got stuck at the first boss. I guess I just suck at this game.
Still playing it. Since it's an open-ended game I guess I'll eventually decide when I want to put it down.


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