To me Halo is quite the strange series to me. On one hand It's one of my favourite FPS series ever and On the other hand I've barely ever played the games (in fact I never even beat a campaign until now). However, growing up I did play a shit ton of this games multiplayer (Infection, sword base) so I have many good memories of this game. This game has an amazing story that I want to see how it's events affect the other games as you get to see the many scarifies that the characters go through to secure a better future.

I'm not really sure what to say about this game It's not the worst thing ever made but yet again FromSoftware just has way better games that this is just kind of embarrassing. Like this game has so many baffling choices in it that makes 0 sense, Like how when you die you lose a fraction of your max health when you die and it stack and to remove it you need to use a human effigy, it just becomes more annoying then getting cursed in dark souls 1. Life gems are a huge problem in the game as it's way more versatile than the estus and it can stack up to 99, meaning you have 99 opportunities to heal within a fight. I did have some fun with game but mainly due to the fact I was using a rapier build (This game would be worst if I wasn't using it). I will tackle the DLCs whenever I feel bothered to play more DS2.

I love this game and I am proud to say that I have finally completed it. There have been many times where I would start a new game get stuck on a boss and the reset a month or two later and on every new playthrough I would try out a new play style (which the game is very good at). Finally I found a play style and I found the last half of this game to be a breeze. Speaking of which the last half of the game (excluding Lost Izalith) wasn't as bad as I expected, while they weren't as good as the first half I didn't end up hating them as much as I thought I would. The music in this game was amazing and really fits in with the atmosphere of this game. Unfortunately, I have to play through dark souls 2.

Has some really cool bosses and areas but was dragged down my those stupid mage enemies that shoot those dark fireball things. They were harder than the bosses.

There are aspects of this game that I like and some that I don't. This game's major flaw is that the cast of characters just feel like weaker versions of the season 1 characters and the few interesting characters, like Pete and carver get killed of in the same episode where they are properly introduced. There were many time I was just hating the characters because they were all just so useless. I felt like characters like Sarah, Carlos and Nick just served no purpose and I honestly forgot about them when they died. And the fact the group rely on Clementine all the time is pretty sad. However what I enjoyed in this season is the over all "goal" of the game (going to wellington) and overall sense of bleakness. I loved how bitter Kenny became in this season and as a player I really sympathise with him seeing how cruel the apocalypse was to him in season 1 for the same thing to happen to happen to him again this season. I also love the way he acts without Lee here to help him through the hardships he is going through and with the group basically being against him by the time episode 5 happens you can clearly see how AJ and Clementine is really his last hope. The scenes in episode 5 where clementine cleans his eye and him leaving on his own are genuinely sweet moments. It's a shame that Jane is just such a boring character because the final choice between Jane and Kenny could of been such a good dilemma with the player but the fact the she doesn't even tell Clementine that AJ is alive makes the player more inclined to side with Kenny (even if they hate him) due to the fact they believe that Jane killed a child.

I'm not sure what to say about NMH 3 I just find it the middle ground of the first 2 and that's fine. I enjoyed my time with this game but It has it's flaws. For example I found the line up of bosses to be the weakest in the franchise (Except FU he was the highlight of the game) and to me they were extremely easy and at times I felt like the regular enemies were stronger than them. I felt like the open world was fine (a lot better than the first) but it wasn't really something I enjoyed. The job system returns (and is similar to the one in NMH 1) but this time it was less grindy than the first game and I only ever found my self doing a job like 3 times. Overall I enjoyed my time with the NMH series but it'll probably be a while before I replay them.

To me No More Heroes 2 was a lot more enjoyable than the first. It fixed the major issue I had with the first game which was the boring overworld and the boring grind to the next level/boss (and while that was the whole point of the first game it was just something I was not a fan of). When playing this game I also noticed it was quite a bit easier than the first which I liked, because I could basically shut off my brain as I kill everything in my path, but I also felt like there was never any learning curve like in the first game. I felt like the bosses were at the same level of quality as the first (with the exclusion of the final boss because it fucking sucks). Another thing I really enjoyed with this game is the parts where you played as Shinobu and Henry since they offered a new a new fighting style for them both. The job system was also improved in my eyes with them being Retro style minigames except them being in engine (except the 8th job which was basically the same one that was in the first game).

Pretty strong first entry on the Streets of Rage series and a solid Beat em up game. Good music, gameplay and sprite art, ect. However the bosses weren't too memorable and that duo boss soured my experience of the game for a bit and the fact you have to beat it twice was worse.

This is a game that means so much to me. I always happen to play it about ever 1-2 years and I almost never get bored of it. To me it just gets better with every playthrough especially if you decide to go down different paths on how you treat specific characters. While it is very limited on what major choices can effect the story (It's a telltale game) it still manages to be very repayable. I love the fact that as a player you have to think about how certain choices will not only effect Lee but also Clementine. However if there is one part of this game that I feel that it needs an improvement is the last half of episode 3 with that god damn train because it's such a slog to get through.

Before I even stared this episode I had a feeling that It might over take episode 4 as my favourite episode and it 100% proved me right. It starts of with such a simple of "who killed Beatrice" and it expands to so many different results, like how the name "Beatrice" can refer to (from what I can remember) 3 different people. The past of Kinzo was also pretty cool as well as the scene where Kinzo apologises to "Beatrice" as I felt like it was meant to mirror the first ever scene in Umineko where it shows Kinzo Lamenting over wanting to see "Beatrice's" smiling face one more time. I also loved how it answered so many mysteries that was set up in the first half. Like the origin of the gold, who Beatrice is, Battlers sin from 6 six years ago, the solution to the epitaph and etc.. I loved the dynamic with Willard and Lion and the amount of twists the tea party revealed (I can't believe it got me to feel sympathetic towards Eva ). I am really curious on how this story end and I hope that episode 8 will live up to the hype this episode built up for it.

Unfortunately for me my Xbox 360 disc tray has gotten stuck (I was using the Sega Mega Drive collection to play this and thankfully there was no disc in there when it got stuck) so now I am now unable to progress within this game (I was using the Sega Mega Drive collection to play this). It is such a shame as well since I was really enjoying it and you could tell that the team working on the game fully understood what the Master System could handle and I felt like they managed to push it to the limits. like the sprite art in battle is quite stunning, I really enjoyed the fact the dungeons were in first person and the overworld was also pretty cool. The main complaints I have with is game is it's official translation (although it's pretty common for most games of it's era) and it's music, my god the music could make anyone go insane but yet again I'm pretty sure this was just the case for a lot of Master Systems games. I'll most likely move onto the other games in this series and return to this one whenever I fix my Xbox 360 disk tray.

To put it simply A Hat in Time is one of my favourite 3D platformers of all time. From the beginning to the end it knows what style it's going for and never strays from it. The level design never becomes dull due to the fact (especially in the later parts of the game) as it designed around the multiple hats and wants you to mix and match the on the fly. This game has never left me bored in the multiple times I have 100%ed this game and is the one game I would recommend to every fan of the 3D platformer genre.

To me this DLC is another one that's worth it if you are going to play A Hat in Time. The main Nyakuza Metro chapter is really fun with so many new cosmetics to unlock not the mention stickers that's a new collectable (which is more than a novelty more than anything) which pretty cool. i'm also pretty sure it also unlocks some extra content towards the death wish content which is yet again pretty cool.

I'll be honest while the Arctic cruise chapter of this DLC is a 3/5 where the only good level is ship shape (I love how hectic it can get) however where this DLC really shines is the death wish content. Like Death wish is that good I'd recommend the DLC just for it. It's basically just remixed versions of levels in the base game just made harder and it's just a really fun challenge with the added bonus of rewards like outfits and badges. It really pushes the player to perfect the well made controls of the game and is just a good time all around.

This game is quite a strange one, It feels like a Wii game but at the same time I feel like I would hate to play it on the Wii. The early game sucks like the bosses are really tanky and most of the time I feel like they weren't really engaging. It then picks it self up around the half way mark (I'd say after Destroy man). if this game were in a Mission based structure where you select the next stage or shop through a menu I feel like it would help with it's pacing but it's just not like that. For example, in the game, once you beat a boss you then have to complete very boring jobs to get enough money to move onto the next stage and I just don't like how it's done (maybe in the sequels it get better). The game does make up for it though with some great memorable characters who really help with the style it's trying to go for. That's not to mention the last like 2 bosses in the game with the dumbest twists ever but since this game doesn't take itself too seriously and I love them.