April, 2024


51h 36m

The new Jungle area is beautiful. But I imagine it's gonna be a NIGHTMARE to find everything. So many nooks and crannies and all the verticality too with the mushrooms and ropes to climb. I feel like it's gonna be an OCD person's worst nightmare. That being said, it does make getting to points of interest actually fun instead of brain dead "walk there." Finding the mushroom you need to get to and then figuring out how to GET to that mushroom is way more engaging and satisfying.

The enemies look cool but god damn they are all such pain in the asses. Nearly everyone either sits there and just blocks until you attack, or they sit there and wait for you to attack to counter attack. The only other ones are the frogs who turn you into frogs. Seriously, I hate the enemies in this area. (makes it even worse that I wanna try to start using Red more and he requires blocking for his gimmick mechanic and no one freaking attacks!)

The railroaded story segment was fun and I loved how they split the party up until the guys and TEEN GIRL SQUAD. Was fun to have two bosses to fight with both parties back to back.

After beating the boss I am so curious how the hell things are gonna progress forward. Cloud is getting noticeably worse at a rapid rate. He went from just getting Voldemort headaches to full on turning on and trying to kill Tifa. And this was right after she flashed him like, how the hell do you live with that? Jokes aside, how she feels safe with him after that I don't know. And how Cloud lives with that I don't know. Plus the rest of the party saw it so I EXPECT some sort of blow up or at the very least some acknowledgement from the team at some point.

Lastly Sephiroth is confusing me to hell and back. He's real but he isn't? The people in the party can see him, but no one else can? Except for Hojo back in the lab on the camera that one time. Him attacking or damaging the real world is a hallucination but it isn't sometimes? He was able to stab the giant Materia monster and slice it in half and it cried out in pain but it didn't die or have any injuries on it after? And Sephiroth is able to appear anywhere in the real world but also somehow in the actual life stream? And he can control where he appears in the life stream? It's all so damn confusing. Then there's also the fact there's "white" whispers fighting the black ones and the white ones seem to be on the side of the Materia monsters while the black ones are on the side of Sephiroth? But I thought the whispers just fought to maintain destiny? Is it that Sephiroth believes he's destined for something so intensely the whispers manifested as a result of that? Does that mean the Materia monsters did the same? Are there two "destinies" battling it out? I have no idea. All the rules around him seem to confusing and I really really hope it makes sense at some point.

March, 2024



Tutorials are weird. I think this game goes to show that sometimes a tutorial can only go so far to help and can very easily just complicate and confuse things. I found myself overwhelmed by the tutorial and getting confused quite quickly and decided screw it, I'll just jump into it. Luckily, if you are mildly familiar with Poker and the hands you can play, you can pick up on how to play pretty quickly. And it's pretty fun and I get why people say it's addicting.

Only thing is, I can't tell if I'm really bad or if I haven't unlocked many jokers and cards to use. Because I'll find myself usually getting to the third boss and barely getting beaten. But the thing is this thing goes to like 14 bosses and the scores required get so big they require exponent notation to show. So am I just dumb and incapable of finding good combinations to get my numbers high enough? Or is this like Isaac where the cards available to me right now are super basic to make the game easier to grasp and nearly impossible to win? I'm hoping (and based on the game's runaway success) and thinking it's the latter. I'm excited to really sink my teeth into it because it's already really fun but I imagine it'll be a bit of an uphill battle.


February, 2024



2h 40m

After having done some research watching videos online I felt a little more comfortable going in and trying to learn some more. I on a whim tried out Azuscena (One of the videos had her for a part of the video and loved her energy in her idle stances) and absolutely loved her. Her alternate stance blocking one of the 3 hit types and parrying the other, I figured she'd be a good beginner character. I worked my way through her move list and the sample combos and felt pretty good overall. Some of them are just so satisfying to hit (the one where she counts is just so fun lol) I definitely feel like I found a character that I enjoy playing period, so now it's the part where I need to actually figure out Tekken's Mechanics well.

I know about highs mids and lows, I know about ducking, I know about tornados, so I get the basics but it's still not known enough to be easy info I can just pull on the fly. That makes it harder to figure out what to learn with her first. Yes yes I know, don't stress to much but it's just how I enjoy fighting games. Before I really start trying to fight even against CPUs, I wanna know what her good pokes are for high mid and low (In case an enemy is covering one or 2 options well and I need the third option just to even get in) I want to learn what her best launchers are starting from high mid and low (to use and abuse until I get to more competent players) and I want to have like 2-3 combos down consistent (to capitalize on when I successfully launch someone) Other things for her are the unique things. Her stance that stops highs makes it so she ends up behind the character, and she has certain grabs and moves that work specifically when you attack from behind, I want to learn those. Besides learning her best highs mids and lows in general, she specifically works well when her back is turned so the work I have is (kinda) doubled in that regard. And before I at the very least shelve this game, I want to land the heat version of her flick taunt to knock the player down. I'll at least be able to walk away from the game feeling accomplished.

All of this is A LOT of information to learn. And even if I feel decent at knowing all of these, all of that shit will fly out the window as soon as I'm actually in a match lol. And I know that, but if I have that knowledge locked away in my brain, as I play more and become more comfortable and go on autopilot for some things, I'll be able to start pulling that other info I memorized and I'll hopefully play better. At that point I'll probably know if Tekken will be a game I stick with or decide that it's not really for me. And if it is for me, then I go back and start either A: Learning her other moves in general and learning the niche situations they're used for or B: maybe try my hand at another character or two to see if they're for me.

January, 2024

December, 2023


313h 42m


After playing about 4 and a half online games I realized that the game just isn't for me anymore. I played one game that was pretty close and enjoyable, 2 where I got steam rolled, 1 where we steamrolled, and then the on the fifth one I just realized after getting killed right away 4 times, it just wasn't enjoyable and I was only pushing through hoping I would like it. I think at this point it's safe to say I won't.


November, 2023

October, 2023


44h 33m


Finally finished the game. Beat hot dommy mommy, beat the "final boss" with his domain expansion, and beat the nameless puppet. Dommy mommy was just damn fun. Still hate that stupid triple dash attack though.

The "Penultimate" final boss was also really fun. Though he was a bit of the pain in the ass cause he swung his weapon from his right side, and my weapon blocked a lot of real estate on the screen to see the incoming attack. Took a while to get used to the timing for parries but once I eventually did, that boss was REALLY fun. And the switch to the boss using Domain Expansion Unlimited void was really cool as well. Overall a really fun fight that took some time to master, but not a frustrating amount of time.

Now the nameless puppet, this one pissed me off a lot and I'm not entirely sure why. I think it's because he does so much damage and it relentless with his hits. I feel like if I ever make one mistake and let him get in one move, he puts me at kill range. And all his moves are so flashy and visually overloaded it's hard to predict the impact timing for parries. And he's also so relentless that it's hard to find time to heal when he lands that one hit. This all adds up to nearly always being on the edge of death with a constant pressure to heal, leaving almost no time to attack. It was so tilting. I also think the character's simple design and small stature made it really hard for him to have tells for what attack he was about to use, so I could prepare a parry. Just a lot of really frustrating little things all over. It was a really cool thematic fight, the first phase was really enjoyable, but the second phase was tilting. I don't even really know how I beat it, I just kinda mashed block and got lucky enough to parry somewhat frequently.

However the unforgivable thing is what happened after. When you beat the nameless puppet, there's lore and content and collectables and achievements to obtain back at the hotel. However before the game drops you off there, it asks if you want to start new game plus. I was under the impression if I said no, it would kick me back out to the menu, and loading the game up would put me right outside the nameless puppet fight. So I chose do NG+. That saved the game and locked me out of all post game lore and bonuses. That's so beyond fucked up. Why the absolute fuck wouldn't the game just drop you back off at the hotel and then the next time you boot up the game have it offer NG+? Or have a letter from Sophia that you can interact with that asked to initiate NG+? The way it presented it was REALLY unclear and I'm honestly really pissed I didn't get the few things that were available as a reward for beating the game. The devs REALLY fumbled that one in an infuriating way. But overall, I had fun with the game.



Super tired so I could only play for a bit. But very interesting first impressions. Reminds me a lot of Conker's Bad Fur Day but with a focus on puzzles. You have just basic movement and a "context" button. Other than that you really just move around from puzzle prompt to puzzle prompt. But the world is pretty and intriguing, the boss fights are fun for how simple the mechanics are in the game, and the puzzles have such simple solutions once you figure them out. It's great. I also LOVE how the game teaches through play. There hasn't been any dialogue or "instructions." Really really good first impressions.

September, 2023



16h 39m

Did my dailies for some free vBucks and then played some games with my coworker. I’m not sure if people are just cracked all of a sudden but we have just been getting our teeth kicked in lol. We just can’t get any games going. We’re still having fun but man a victory would make it a lot more fun lol. Maybe it’s because there’s no food movement items atm, or that I just can’t settle on a load out for end game, or that they put the stupid Deku Smash back in, but we’re just really struggling to get a game going sadly.



17h 4m


This was it. I uninstalled today. It's so fucking tilting. It's infuriating to be playing as a class and just never being able to get kills no matter what. I played as ranger just trying to get level ups by killing ADs and if I lose to an enemy, whatever no biggie. They're probably higher level and better geared than me. But it's beyond frustrating when people I go against are just geared up to the gills. Blue rarity everything, they got 2 rings an amulet and a cape, and they're going into fucking default level caves. I don't want to play against sad players who just want to pub stomp to get their rocks off. And when I die to someone else who's also in default gear like me, my two arrows and 2 dagger stabs do barely 60% of their health. What finally pushed me over the edge was someone from across the map managed to land their 3 arrow volley, every arrow on me despite the lag/desynch, and it killed me from full health. I miss half my arrows because of delay and still barely do more than half health but someone else lands all 3 shots and from full court and it takes away my full health bar? Nahhhh fuck this game. The numbers and systems in this game makes no sense and I'm done.



99h 18m

I find myself finally getting fatigued. I did the last maze in the north eastern area of the map and that was fun, but after that I had a plan. Do the Faron area, then move on up and do that Akkala area. After that finally do the Eldin area, finish the depths under Eldin, and then fight Ganon. But This time when I started exploring the Faron area I felt so bored and aimless. It's probably because I hate that area. I mean HATE it. It's always raining so you can't climb, it's so damn dense and thick so you can't see off in the distance, it feels like it's easy to miss stuff yet I never find anything of interest, it's just so dull. I think I'm at the point where, I'm just gonna focus on the main mission stuff. I'm gonna B line for Lurelin, do the quests there, go to the Eldin area, do the temple and quests in the Goron area after that, finish up the depths, grab the last tears and shrines, and finally beat Ganon. I am curious about some other things here and there but It's now at the point where I want to actually follow a guide instead of aimlessly wandering and wasting a ton of time doing so. So I'll likely look up where the cherry blossom trees area, clean up the caves with them, and when that's done I'll see if there was any armor of things I missed. But as it is right now, I'm at the point where I actually want to follow an online guide to get to the main things and I feel like that's just a sign of fatigue and I should really just focus on the big meaty content now or else the game will just leave a sour taste in my mouth.

August, 2023


8h 41m

Had to shit stomp my siblings. I was visiting family in NY and they wanted to play Mario party thinking they could beat me. A quick 20 turn match on Peach’s Birthday cake and they all were put in their place as I got first place with 6 stars. It was a fun time :) (also, hilariously impressive that my brother rolled a 1, seven individual times. Four of them in a row.)


33h 16m

Had to shit stomp my little brother for a hit. I was visiting family in NY and my little brother who thought he was a tough guy wanted to challenge me so I had to put him in his place. 13 games later and I finally crushed his spirit. He did almost beat me twice, I’ll give him that. Maybe next time buddy :)

July, 2023


41h 18m

Fully completed 100% tonight. Collected all treasures/leaflings/flarlics/onions, beat all night missions, platinum-ed all Dandori challenges/missions/sage trials, completed all side quests, purchased all equipment, and maxed out Oatchi abilities. Did it all 👍

December, 2022

August, 2022


20h 37m

Worked on 100% completion

July, 2022

May, 2022


April, 2022


0h 45m


I have played this game plenty but this is the only time I could see me playing on stream



2h 33m


This was the Beta


March, 2022


98h 37m




40h 17m

They finally patched the softlock and let me continue

January, 2022


4h 33m



Started / Finished

November, 2021


16h 4m



October, 2021