I'm a certified gamer now mom
You see, the areas not making sense cohesively is actually meta commentary on dementia and how the world doesn't make sense anymore. Mind=blown
I hope future souls games are also made up largely of mediocre gimmick fights
Politics but awesome (2)
Peak game design
This is just like real life!!1!1!
Has lesbians so it's automatically a masterpiece
Politics but awesome
A e s t h e t i c 2
Good because it isn't problematic like later Persona games!
Something sometime vibes
You will literally die if this isn't in your top 5
Guys this is the first meta video game. The level design "doesn't give a shit about the player", how can you normies not understand?
Obviously. Taz-Mania is the home of meta commentary on my favorite website backloggd . Com.
The first video game with grey morality
At least there's no boobs
A e s t h e t i c


true especially demons souls, dark souls 2 and disco Elysium. However OG xenoblade is still kino

1 year ago

@CNM true, I genuinely enjoy some of the games on this list. I just think some of the takes on these games from this website are goofy as hell

1 year ago

yeah i agree the takes can be absurd, i understand the value of games like demons souls greatly (experimentation is better than repetitive game structure) but people really play up some stuff as the second coming of christ

1 year ago

@Scamsley I'm 100% down for more experimentation in future Souls-like games but it really gets under my skin how people here act like every game since DS1 just copies the same boss and that Demon's Souls is like the godly underrated gem that does nothing wrong. Like my brothers(sisters) in Christ, DS3 had gimmicks (Curse-rotted Great wood, Crystal Sage, Abyss Watchers, etc), they were just more subdued in some instances and focused more on the combat encounter.
ong, totally agreed (also DS3 the goat)

1 year ago

@Pkshyguy definitely, i think demons souls for me (as i actively play it) is my favorite for its experimentation, but thats mostly because its less egregious when the first game in a series has problems than the say, fifth or fourth. also just cause its short, but demons souls actually has a large fanbase of its own and definitely isnt underrated, anything matthewmatosis praises gets a mob behind it

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