Megaten games

Megaten games i plan on playing/have played.

Ooh this is a great game but,
Ooooh its too dated ooh I cant stand the clunky mechanics 🤓
Great game, if only characters beside Zayin got screentime though...
SMT if... it was bad. Seriously dont play it.
MT1 top 3 worst games of all time.
JB reference.
El equipo espanol va a terminar de traducir esta primero
Midturne. Ok its actually good but the characters/story shouldve been better.
Its a good game... but did they need to split 10% of dds into its own game lol?
I need to finish the answer. The Journey was fantastic tho.
Persona 4 fans when they play one of the worst games ever made.
Great game with great lore and story. No compendium is annoying tho
The exp gain is too fucking slow.
P3 visual novel mode.
SMT 1 and 2 redux.
Atlus will create a world where Persona 4 lasts forever...
Power of friendship or edgelord, what will you choose? 🫵
No Jesse, This game sucks
Not an official megaten game but fuck it, this is as close to a smt1 remake we're ever gonna get.


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