the black mirror of video games.
- interesting puzzles and monsters
- great story, plot, and acting
- awesome choices that put you in a dilemma regardless of their outcome or actual importance to the story
- great end credits song

I played this because I saw some wild shit in some Instagram Reel and what happened was batshit insane but what really stayed with me after the reel was the voice acting.

I really like how much effort goes into the voice acting, even the intentionally bad voice acting. This has a sort of "I don't give a shit and made this whole thing in 5 minutes" kinda vibe but it still manages to be entertaining.

I occasionally consume Visual Novels but I really recommend this one because it looks like something you and your homie would cook up high on some Adderall at 3 am.

Gonna go play the sequel now.

I haven't finished it cuz the final ACT 3 is not out yet but damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

this is fun, I played doom and dropped it, but this just hit different you know

also the OST keeps edging me on so much, first time where I had to go over 800 DPI on my mouse cuz it was hard to follow the enemies with all that movement💀

fun game, play it.

edit: played Layer 7, Violence, game is still PEAK

I liked it but it didn't hit as hard as the last one.

It still has a lot of well written jokes but the endings don't really give me enough dopamine. Like when I got a guy to jump off the roof of a building in the first game, that high was amazing.

Here I just kinda don't feel the same dopamine rush despite bullying my lesbian girlfriend into being straight.

Still fun though, looking forward to a sequel that's longer and has more branching paths.

i don't even know how to fucking play this game but it still manages to be fun as shit

there were a lot of frustrating moments when playing this game but they ultimately paid off.

this was my first resident evil game so the mechanics, thought process, and everything else took a lot of getting used to.

I spent a lot of time bitching about how slow the character is and how I can't just spam shoot 12 magazines in 3 seconds. But I eventually managed to figure that out and my ADHD CS:GO brain learned to play non-competitive survival horror shooters.

That aside, this game wasn't that scary, I did get startled like a bitch when the random black thing came out of nowhere on the ship and the dad was very scary at the beginning.

But then you learn the A.I. patterns and fuck around with them and juke them which kinda took the horror away unless the thing was 1 inch from my face when the real horror came through, the camera (the camera isn't bad btw but imagine 12 black guys ganging up on u for coming on the wrong side of the block).

Also, I know this sounds dumb but I wish the GUI would show objectives so I wouldn't have to press tab to know I have to kill the spider bitch. I wasted like 2 hours running around trying to find a secret door. The puzzles were fun and not frustrating but I really wish I didn't spend 2 hours looking down the skirt of a spider milf.

The highlight of the game for me was when the dad started aggressively drifting in a claustrophobic garage. To be honest, I couldn't take the game seriously from that point at all. That fucking car in the garage was what I would think about during any kind of scary event and start laughing my ass off.

Fun game, goofy game, the voice acting is so bad but I'm telling you, after that drifting car, nothing really matters, because that was when the game peaked, everything after could never live up to it.

I liked this game a lot. The story might've been cliche and predictable but I loved every second of the process.

Something about exploring castles, caves, factories, and haunted houses to find your kidnapped infant was incredibly thrilling. The mechanics and survival horror aspect didn't get in the way of exploring and it was fun to trade with the Merchant.

The NPCs and Monster were really goofy and I would find myself either emptying my entire magazine into them or completely ignoring them and being on my way. I wasn't scared at all during the whole game so I wouldn't say it was a good horror experience. For example, for the vampire lady (yes, i really don't care or remember names) I kinda just ran zig zags and was never intimidated.

Ethan's Voice Acting this time around was way better than Biohazard so I could actually take the situations he was in seriously and would resonate with his frustration a lot. Each character was also pretty fun and quriky and it was fun to see what shit they would cook up to deal with you.

The highlights of this game for me was discovering the castle, that shit was just so cool, felt like I was playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent again. Good vibes. Heisenberg was also really funny, I liked how they turned Walter White into Magneto, definitely one of the crossovers of all time.

The Doll House was also really fun, I liked doing the puzzles and the vibe was scary but the monster itself was kinda easy to just ignore. I still liked all the gimmicks though.

I would've given it a 5/5 if the Monsters were more intimidating and scary but it was a fun experience despite all the goofy ahh A.I. moments (I made the big troll hammer guy go between 2 areas and resetting his aggro, reminded me of Dark Souls kinda).

It's a nice puzzle game, the writing and dialogue made me chuckle a few times.

The grief I felt when I killed my Companion Cube was immense. But seeing them back with my cake made me happy :)

This review contains spoilers

Resident Evil 2 was a fun ride full of bad parents, fun puzzles, men thot-walking in hats, and gross ass gore.

This is the first Resident Evil I thought I would take seriously. The Environment, pacing, situation, and vibe felt like a classic zombie movie. But then I saw Mr. X thot-walking and lost my shit.

It was both funny and terrifying to see this hat-wearing man chase you down. Definitely, the highlight for me. But then my friend told me something about shooting his funny hat off, so I did. And I gotta say, that made him infinitely more traumatizing.

That being said, when he would stare you down as you go into a safe-room is the funniest shit ever and I'm gonna keep looking forward to this goofy ass shit in the rest of the series.

Funny things aside. It was a nice experience. 3rd Person Horror seemed like it would be kinda ehhhhh but it was pretty good. The sound design, architecture, gore, ohh the gore, the gore was so good. When you first lift the head of this dead cop as you enter the... West? (i forgot) wing, and all that droopy muscle was soo dope.

The story for Leon was pretty standard and it was really annoying to see Ada wearing sunglasses at night but then again, it's one of the goofy things in this series so it was annoying but in a good way. Always knew something was off with her. My boy Leon has rizz but lady please chill why did you kiss a man you knew for less than 6 hours and ask him to trust you. You could see the red flags even with those rose-tinted glasses.

Anyway, nice game, wish there was more variety for the monsters. The blind monsters were nice, having to hear you before they could hit you. Something more like that would've been nice. There's just 4 types of enemies I remember here, there could be more but I can't remember anything other than the standard zombies, blind monsters, Mr. X, and the G-virus chads.... and I guess the dogs too but those are... dogs...

also why does Leon remind me of DiCaprio hmmmmm

bitch i finished this game like 10 times and platinum-ed it I have nothing to say anymore just go fucking play it and appreciate it.

Resident Evil 3 was a mixed bag for me.

I usually enjoy the comically bad writing in Resident Evil games and get a kick out of any dumb gameplay but Resident Evil 3 was just a bore to sit through and it was too weirdly serious to be made any fun of.

Nemesis was very intimidating at the start and the game felt like it got off to a strong action start so I knew I shouldn't expect any horror but there wasn't any action-gameplay to accomodate that.

Sure, the dodge mechanic was fun and I liked using it a lot but the weapons were underwhelming even towards the end. I was really hoping for some high risk high reward weapons but instead I just got the same Resident Evil 2 weapons (somehow worse) and more or less the same map as well.

I also didn't like the awkward forced romance between Jill and Carlos. It was weird back when Ada and Leon was forced but at least that was funny in a gaslighting kinda way.

It was an OK Resident Evil game but I will easily forget this one compared to all the other endings. There wasn't any highlights in the game, I'm a whore for Megaman but making cool references to something I consume like cocaine doesn't make the game good.

I never felt like exploring and wasting time playing this game and this is NOT because of Nemesis. He's more annoying than scary or anything.

idk man this game felt kinda weak, like a DLC for Resident Evil rather than a full game.

Superliminal was a nice short puzzle game with a wholesome message at the end about dealing with your problems.

I don't know how moving my thumb away and close to me will help with solving my real-life problems, but maybe I need a new perspective.

There were 2 or 3 levels that I got stuck in, but it was fun to mess around with mechanics and deal with novel gameplay in every room.

It's a fun short game with unique gameplay. Play it.

Felt more like COD instead of RE, except for that Cooling Chamber Alien: Isolation-like boss fight. That was pretty good.

It was better than RE 3 but not as good as RE 2 so I give it a 2.

I didn't really like the setting, Villages are boring, at least RE8 had a cool castle and villa. Even though there's a castle in RE4 it feels kinda lackluster and felt monotone.

The novelty of the combat was fun but it wore off quickly.

Ashley was a mixed bag, on one hand, there were interesting puzzles and situations where you had to juggle defending her and yourself but at other times it felt annoying and like a shoe-horned gimmick.

Alas, it was an OK experience, RE2 has the best remake so far.

I haven't played the DLC Separate Ways nor do I intend to.

Not too big of a fan of this Amnesia entry.

TL;DR: not the best story (SOMA) or horror (The Dark Descent), I don't know what they ended up going for here ultimately.

The monsters do instill a sense of horror and anxiety when they are in your area but ultimately they look goofy and even if you die to them u just backtrack a few paces so it's not a big deal.

The lantern and matches lasting no longer than I do in bed are more annoying than scary. I do recall times when I was scared of the atmosphere and the darkness but eventually you get used to the mechanic and just deal with spamming WASD and moving your mouse frantically at 10,000 dpi to avoid being consumed by the fear.

However, the choices at the end were nice. There are 3 of them, 1 of them is absolutely ass, ain't no bitch getting my baby. The 2nd one is kinda just to piss off the ghost lady cuz you ultimately become a problem for everyone else and I'm okay with that. The 3rd one where you completely obliterate the immortal ghost lady and her inflated ego is the best, I mean, u and ur baby fking die but at least it's an honorable death.

The voice acting was decent, can't recall any highlights but it wasn't bad or mediocre.

Paying a homage to The Dark Descent with Herbert, Daniel, Alexander, The Shadow, Algeria, and The Orb was cool. Having the story fleshed out there was nice.

I'm gonna go watch some lore videos cuz I only read 60% of the tablets and entries so I'm missing out something probably.

I'll update this guide if anything cool was there, otherwise 2.5/5, you should probably skip this one.

The Gameplay. The Music. The Art Direction. The Story. The Characters. The Vibe. The Replay Value. The Fun.
