Loved the story and the overall style of the game. This is my first remedy game and I loved that part of it. Sometimes I found the combat encounters a bit repetitive/draining, but other than that I loved everything else about this!

I haven't finished this game but I have beat the main story and rolled credits on iceborne...its amazing!!! I have put in 150 hours at this point and there is still so much I want to do, which is super impressive for a game. The multiplayer also works great, and playing with my friends adds a lot to the experience. I plan on playing more mh games after this

The best fallout game, and the best bethesda-style rpg by far. The crashes cant even stop me from giving it 5 stars

The last bit is kind of unfun but the rest of the game is constant action with extremely fun combat. On harder difficulties the enemy AI plays in a way that is really fun and engaging to fight against

The best part of this game is ignoring the main story and just walking to places that look interesting. If you play the story the game kinda sucks, but everything else is super fun and enjoyable.

Ravenholm scared the hell out of me as a middle schooler. Ive played this game a few times since then and its still scary as hell. Love the story and hl2's physics based combat and gameplay is still pretty fun!

This game would be vastly improved if the minimap was removed. I swear I spent like half of my playthrough using that to navigate instead of looking around. Great story and characters tho, I love the witcher universe

What would it feel like if you gotten taken over by mario? Seems kinda messed up

Real gaming. Probably my favorite mario game, I love the variety in all of the galaxies

The horror and sadness I felt as my large group of pikmin drowned...unparalleled. Saddest day of my life. 10/10

Improves on Ori and the Blind Forest in every way. Visuals are somehow even better, and combat and traversal feel amazing!

Stunning visuals and a really fun metroidvania, but the combat doesn't really get "good" (at least for me) until very late in the game. Once it hits its stride it is very fun though

Fun for a while but after completing one planet you realize that the gameplay loop repeats for all the other planets, without changing in very engaging ways.


I don't love the shield mechanic on a lot of the late game enemies, but every other part of this game is firing on all cylinders and it rules!