Really good Mario, but I wish it wouldn’t focus so much on secret endings and more of the depth the gameplay clearly has, overall a very easy Mario game trough out its runtime. The Cape is not as rewarding to master as the tanuki for me personally. But nevertheless a worthy game that should be played in the origial version or gba rerelease, not on mario maker they couldn’t recreate the engine there - sad.

What an amazing mario jump n run on handheld. The world design is fantastic, the developers never reached a creative level since. The music is bangers and I just like how much love this game clearly has gotten.

I like DS3 but I have my fair share of problems. But first things first. DS3 is the most polished Dark Souls title and the amount of quality especially the bosses were improved a lot adding many phases and very clever designed world map. Fast travel, and many more comfort additions make this game feels very fun in theory. My main problems are that these game resemble one another - duh.
But what I mean with that is the gameplay stagnation of the games. They add weapon arts which is just not enough for me personally. But what bothers me the most is the online game design as well as the community. Let me start by saying Im a fan of playing online for the inscription of other players it’s such a unique feature in modern gaming that makes me feel connected. But when kindled which you might want because of the extra hp, you will get invaded - all the time, you want to help out a friend or the other way around a person will come and kill you with annoying builds and tactics to ruin your day and also kindled is a result of using an consumable, finite. I tried many covenants to test if I can somehow change being invaded but I couldn’t find a reliable way. People might say get good, or play offline. But I have only so much time to invest in a game and also there a so many builds that most people won’t really make a one on one but rather just waste your time. I feel like this is a design choice that doesn’t respect the players time. And playing offline will cut away very unique features of the game. I wish you could actively kill a specific person in the map like in Bloodborne or would’ve have a way to make it coop-friendly like Nioh.

The sprites and animations are peak Pokémon, the region and its Pokémon are in the main story fully original. It’s almost like experiencing Gen 1 from a new perspective. What and outstanding Pokemon game. I don't dig some designs but a team is easily built only issue is the lack of quality water Pokémon very uncommon in the series.

The fist Budokai is a game that looks and feels like a psone game.
Budokai 3 on the other hand has more to offer but nothing else so it’s just a game you just put on once. It’s not rich enough to be a really good dragonball game, and it does not have any of the qualities to rival a real fighting game.

SMB is the granddaddy of jump n runs and does so many things great, and basically almost single-handedly saved the gaming industry. My problem’s are the scrolling of the levels, and being unable to return, the level design is limited, controls are slippery. Sounds are great and it’s still fun to play. There are just many games which improved upon this.

I want to love this game a lot, I really do.
A game I bought multiple times, an character-action game from platinum games, it is fun even though it lacks on the presentation side of things. But I have a primitive problem: the controls, I can not change the buttons, at first this seems like a small problem right? But if you play several games this becomes a problem especially when you would like to return to this game again. On the PS3 this game ran terribly, I’m pretty sure it’s common knowledge but the anniversary version runs way better on PS4. Just wish I could change the button layout would make this game so good for me.

In a time where 3d-platformers are abandoned by most developers. This game stuck out, its controls spark joy, the levels are creative and a blast to play. And oh yeah this is another one wholesome experience.Some Mario 64 influences are quite there, which is a good thing.A must play for platformer fans.

These rhythmic dancing games are awesome, because the music in persona games is fire, here you have additional reason to burn my dread.

This was my third attempt to get into this franchise and it worked. I adore this game to this day, monster selection is great: I love Gore Magala, Seregios, Seltas Queen, Tetsu, Zamtrio, Nercy, Kecha, Naraja and the returning classics made me aw, new comfort features are added. Everything is such a joy I love the quest-grind system, the story and its progression is fun. An absolute blast. I also have to give some love for the community: the way I was treated was amazing people would help and explain me various things such nice people.I think this is still may be myfavourite.

I really love this game. And I think it’s a mixture of the decent third person elements, the RPG elements and the sci-fi world you traverse. The Party-members just click with me hence committing to their missions was always fun. The villain is good, just like the ending. I really liked to spend time with my crew. Beating it was kinda remembering me how lonely I am. That is a feeling I get when I beat RPGs where I meet characters I feel attached to.

I put an unhealthy amount of time in this one I’m pretty sure most people will never forget their first Battlefield. This one is mine.

This is something that should be experienced even outside of gamers. I played this probably a dozen times and I still return to it because it has almost therapy character for me. What a game.

I wish the game had a better focus in its story and more fun side activities to do. This game just feels so basic, was very interested in it after playing some Mafia II.

Minecraft is a game that gives you back what you put in. I played this when it was new, then later on consoles, it’s a revelation for some…to me it’s a fun game to play with friends occasionally. But its overall impact is out of question.