Minecraft is a game that gives you back what you put in. I played this when it was new, then later on consoles, it’s a revelation for some…to me it’s a fun game to play with friends occasionally. But its overall impact is out of question.

I was very hyped for this game and left disappointed. The split into 3 characters has been done better many times before, the odd thing I don’t like any of them. This game tries so hard to be a parody all the time, it misses the punch lines. None of the side activities is fun. The missions are mostly forgettable. The best thing in this game is the music, thats pretty astounding. GTA Online is also a thing but I played it when it was new and got burned out pretty quickly by it. I would rather play Vice City, San Andreas or IV.

I kinda like the story, but chloe has some horrible character moments that feel a little „too much“. Still worth playing if someone liked LiS.

I remember trading this game for a bugs bunny game. I regret this till this day. Another Mario sellout game like the doki doki panic one. And you can tell they forgot to put the fun into this one.

I have severe problems with this one. Firstly it tries way to hard on the exposition, the game is never able to build momentum, and the best features of this game are unavailable.
This game tells us a story which also reaches to past of Nathan Drake we get to see him meeting with Sully…but why? The only reason is to show us that the new villain was around back then? Seriously I don’t get most story additions and they really hurt the pacing, too ambitious for its own good. The game just feels like it never reaches highspeed. But the biggest disappointment is actually the missing multiplayer and coop in the re-release. These were easily the best qualities of the game, servers being shut down I get it, but I really would liked the coop somehow implemented a bunch of short coop campaigns..so good.

SMB is the granddaddy of jump n runs and does so many things great, and basically almost single-handedly saved the gaming industry. My problem’s are the scrolling of the levels, and being unable to return, the level design is limited, controls are slippery. Sounds are great and it’s still fun to play. There are just many games which improved upon this.

This was my third attempt to get into this franchise and it worked. I adore this game to this day, monster selection is great: I love Gore Magala, Seregios, Seltas Queen, Tetsu, Zamtrio, Nercy, Kecha, Naraja and the returning classics made me aw, new comfort features are added. Everything is such a joy I love the quest-grind system, the story and its progression is fun. An absolute blast. I also have to give some love for the community: the way I was treated was amazing people would help and explain me various things such nice people.I think this is still may be myfavourite.

In a time where 3d-platformers are abandoned by most developers. This game stuck out, its controls spark joy, the levels are creative and a blast to play. And oh yeah this is another one wholesome experience.Some Mario 64 influences are quite there, which is a good thing.A must play for platformer fans.

Great game idea to have an engine that reacts on you moving a hole. Really sweet minigame experience. You can tell there was some heart put in this one.

These rhythmic dancing games are awesome, because the music in persona games is fire, here you have additional reason to burn my dread.

This is something that should be experienced even outside of gamers. I played this probably a dozen times and I still return to it because it has almost therapy character for me. What a game.

One of best platformers of the ps2 era. Stealth as a design choice. Cartoonish likeable characters, great level design.And Time Attack for additional challenge. Sadly the sequels are less platformers which is sad.

It’s crazy that no game can do what Super Smash Bros. does. But this is one of the best, which doesn’t mean much. The roster is good and they tried to give you a different experience than SSB. I think if this game would be supported it could easily be the 2nd best brawler game. But as is it’s just slightly underwhelming.

I wish the game had a better focus in its story and more fun side activities to do. This game just feels so basic, was very interested in it after playing some Mafia II.

Best Rockstar game. Very tight story. A great character with John Marston which reminds me of the young Clint Eastwood. A rich word, and a cowboy game, very unique and quality wise unmatched. It’s a revenge story a lá Quentin Tarantino. I wish they would preserve this game on modern consoles and PC.