CRPGs That Feel More Like TTRPGs Even Though Technically They're Still CRPGs Not TTRPGs Since You Play Them On a C and Not a TT

Being VERY loose with my definitions here, I know. What I'm looking for is games with the story-rich, character-centric, relationship-oriented, open-ended ("choices matter") nature of classic tabletop RPGs or gamebooks, but that unlike straight visual novels, interactive fiction or adventure games, also have robust RPG-style gameplay mechanics involving stats/exp/levels, builds, skill checks, gear, survival, etc. (and which ideally "show their hand" more than the typical CRPG, i.e. through visualizing dice rolls, card play, etc). This is kind of a nebulous category, so I'm including things that fall outside the usual "CRPG" label.

Definitely eager for some recommendations for this one!


11 months ago

i would almost certainly put roadwarden here based on many of these entries

11 months ago

Cool list! From your description I feel like KotOR would qualify. According to wikipedia:

The game's system is based on Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game, which is based on the d20 role-playing game system derived from the Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons rules ... the full breakdown for each action (including die rolls and modifiers) is accessible from a menu.

11 months ago

@poyfuh: It's on there! Probably next on my list of games to play after I finish Citizen Sleeper :)

@cowboyjosh: I didn't know about the die roll breakdown feature of KotOR!! That's cool. I've thought about including this one, but then it feels like I should also include stuff like Divinity: Original Sin, Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, etc and then if I do that I might as well include all the Baldur's Gate games and the Fallout games and the Elder Scrolls games and then before I know it 50% of all CRPGs ever made are included, ya know? Idk I think I'm realizing I actually need to play more of these classic CRPGs if I want to make this list less vague! And KotOR is one I definitely want to check out so thanks for the reminder :)

11 months ago

lmao i went through the list literally like 3 times and i missed it being the fourth game huge L for ina

8 months ago

i have found my genre

8 months ago

@xaien 🙌

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