The pacifist route feels a bit too sappy and undeserved for how little you know any character myself, and the genocide routes meta commentary are done better elsewhere. Still, there's some cool tracks and a few of the lines made me chuckle. I don't despise it, but please keep the fanbase away from me.

I had dreams about this game and played it for hours a day for about a week. The enemy placement gets very annoying in the late game though and on release it was REALLY rough in terms of glitches, but this game is consuming in a way I haven't experienced before.

The much improved sequel. While I think the original paper mario has more memorable individual areas, TTYD has a much more original setting, a pretty fun script, less peach segments, and a better partner system. Just 64 but more refined.

My choice for best SNES rpg. The translation in hindsight is pretty... all over the place to the point of being a rewrite, and timing jumps forever as the most optimal damage does get pretty old, but it has a pretty good mechanical base and is well paced.

Still one of the best looking metroidvanias ever made. Its honestly got a bit too much dead space in its castle and the game is WAY too easy the point of boredom at times, but it's still one of the most complete metroidvania experiences ever made.

One of the best horror games to come out in the last 10-15 years. No jump scares, no cheap tricks. Just the crawling dread going through your spine as you walk through the forest and pray something red with teeth doesn't eat you. It's a pretty fun game, aswell, in the survival aspects.

One could find it questionable as a remake itself, but it brings the opening section of FF7 to life in a way I thought would be impossible. The ending is pretty damn out there and I'm a little concerned where it goes from there, but as a recreation of midgar it's something to behold.

The plot and writing can only be described as bland, but I think it has some of the most fun combat and character growth in the atelier games I've played. The difficulty is very weird though, with the endgame even on hard just uselessly falling over, and the postgame super boss being outrageous. But it's fun to get there.

There's a bit of disappointment in just how much of a step back the combat of this game was in comparison to Sophie, but it's a huge game with a ton of content to offer and see. Firis is a loveable dork aswell. It's not super well written but the way it's structured leads itself into something a lot more unique than you'd expect.

The cleanest of the ateliers I've played both in terms of the writing and the mechanics. Crafting is simpler in this game some of the others I realize now, but it's really enjoyable and intuitive, with a pretty good combat system! The only downside is the soundtrack. Hope Ryza 2 builds off this.

I'd say the most balanced of the fushigi series in crafting/writing/combat. Writing isn't a snore, combat is a middle ground between firis and sophie, and crafting is solid. Not quite as fun as it would be in Ryza, though. If I had to pick a favorite from the fushigi series it'd be this one but not by alot.

The horrible triforce section near the end soils my memory of this game beyond repair. The sailing is better than the green plains of breath of the wild though, at least. Also, this has probably the 2nd weakest dungeons.

More of a 2.75 to be honest, but whatever. It's a really boring start but it expands into one of the largest and expansive metroidvanias to date with some simple but satisfying combat and a somber atmosphere to drive it home. I think the souls mechanics of losing your money and whatnot is pretty hamfisted though, and exploration is not nearly rewarding enough. Like, I just went through hell for 20 coins or lore? Come on.

Exceptionally overrated difficulty wise. The game isn't really that hard as opposed to just being pretty cheap and ganky at times, and the run and gun sections are so terrible. If it wasn't for the artstyle I don't think this game would have anything to offer.


Not a bad boss gauntlet, though it has some of the most boring filler walking segments of all time. And again, the best part of the game is the NG+ bosses which ramp everything up to a hundred. If you're the type of person who gets really impatient when you're forced to restart something from the beginning then stay WAY the hell away.