ebony and ivory

then, always, forever

This game barely even functions on the ps2 and it needed a lot more work done to it than just the remaster we got. It's got a pretty cool 'show don't tell' narrative styles and the colossi are neat but yeah, it's way past its prime and the 2018 version didn't help it enough.

I think the first game is a little overrated as a horror title; The payoff to tense moments is often just loud monsters jump scaring you, and the enemy diversity and combat is way worse than it would be in the 2nd game. Still, the combat is fun, the story is okay, and there are some scary moments.

Unanimously better than the first one in almost every area, in my opinion. It does have some more action setpieces (that the first game wanted to do but didn't have the budget for) but I think the first game already was 'loud' enough to break the anxiety it tried to have. This game leans into it, with stuff like the raptor enemies being tense fights and contrasting the high stress action with quiet moments. Probably the best action horror game there is.

It's pretty good! I feel like every NPC in this game is a little too willing to give you their full opinion on every political issue, and not all of the voice acting is good, but the way options work, and how problem solving branches out, and the system behind your inner narration, is all genius and stuff I hope that every CRPG from here on takes advantage of.

One of my favorite CRPG's. I do recommend looking at a build in advance because you can definitely wall yourself if you make too many bad choices, but I don't think any other CRPG manages to combine fun combat, a cool world and interesting side quests with multiple solutions as well as this one does.

I feel like it's not all that different than the normal open world affair besides the nemesis system, which admittedly is a pretty cool gimmick that leads to a lot of fun mini stories over the game, but yeah, I think it's still largely just 'an open world game.'

It's just a meme for streamers to play, the content sucks.

I put a hefty amount of hours in this game. I enjoy the concept a lot and think it's a really cool game that I am glad was made, but I think there are so many hiccups that lead to a game that often feels unsatisfying to progress in or bad to control.

It's not offensively bad or anything but pretty unremarkable now adays by most standards. The level design especially just feels like it is actively wasting your time.

I feel like this game has the most unironically good story content in all of Kingdom Hearts, but it's really sparsely laid out in between extremely uninspired combat. Just watch the movie.


also flowmotion sucks

Feels like more of a tech demo than anything else. The OST is sweet and so are some of the bosses, but they all feel like a tutorial for the final boss which is the only challenge of the game. Fighting the mobs in between bosses is more of a chore than anything else.

Platinums best game in a walk. I feel like there isn't enough of an incentive to switch your 'weapon' without aiming for score, though, and the detective parts are INSANELY boring, but this definitely has the best baseline functionality and combat system platinums put out, imo. It also has some real enemy types and a killer final boss.

Aged EXTREMELY badly. The spooky environment/monsters are almost comedic looking now, and the gameplay is wretched. Especially now that I've realized you can actually just ... gun down everything in your path. There's a lot more ammo than I realized.

Still, I think this has some pretty good writing that is perfectly fitting for what the game was going for that enhanced the atmosphere rather than took away from it. Horror games aren't usually sold on their writing, but this is the exception. And if you're more resistance to age in games, you might still get something out of the atmosphere in this. Try it out.