Really good game made way better with the ReMiND update that added critical mode and revamped Sora's moveset. The gameplay is really good and on par with KH2FM post-update imo. However, the story is structured really poorly. KH games typically are divided into Disney World stuff and the actual original KH story, while other games do a good balancing act between the two, KH3 shoves all of the actual plot all the way at the end, which makes the rest of the game feel like a colossal waste of time. It also tries a little too hard to wrap up everything, and you have weird situations where the most cartoonish villains get redemption stories that are insultingly unearned.

Best 2D Sonic game and a perfect redemption story for SEGA after Sonic 4. It's everything I wanted out of a sequel to S3&K.

This is the game where everything really comes together and I think this is one of his most definitive games. Definitely Kojima at his most competent. However...I just like MGS2 more.

One of the best 2D games from this era. The sprite work is still insanely beautiful and I just love everything about this game. I do think there are better Metroidvanias though.

One of the best plots in JRPGs imo. Roxas's story alone is just fantastic, and everything about this game is just so damn cool.
Unfortunately, I think the gameplay hasn't aged very well. There's too much of a reliance on QTEs and the game is just too easy and you never have to think that hard about the combat. To clarify, this is /Vanilla/ KH2 I'm talking about -- not Final Mix, which is much better.

When people praise KH2's gameplay, this is the game they're talking about. It's such a dramatic improvement over Vanilla KH2 that it is criminal how long we had to wait to get this outside of Japan. Critical mode KH2FM is one of the best action games of all time.

It has one of the coolest stories in all of video games with one of my favorite sci-fi stories ever. It also has some of my favorite MGS gameplay, it's such a tight, fast paced experience compared to later games, and I really wish there were more MGS games like this and 1.

It's pretty fun but doesn't do much to stand out from other games. Also, I hate that you're locked to 8 directions.

This is a really, really good 3D Mario and it's a shame that it's trapped on the 3DS. Especially when you unlock the harder levels, it really tests your skills and it has some really cool use of the 3D gimmick.

It's as bad as they say it is. At least it's hilarious though!

I can't give this a real score since I barely remember it, but FF8 on the PS1 was one of my first games so I have a fond memory of it, although it felt surreal and weird to me at the time since I was a little kid, characters like Squall felt really cool to me. I think it was part of what allowed me to get into RPGs later in life

This game will never get old to me. The themes of trauma and how everyone copes with it makes this one of the most memorable games of all time to me and it really hit me hard when I played for the first time. It's such a bizarre, unique Zelda game, and has so much going for it. Clocktown, despite featuring in a game for the N64, is still one of the most alive towns in a game I've ever seen, even two decades later. For anyone with even a passing interest in Zelda or JRPGs, I think this is a required play. It's very old but don't let that turn you away.

I don't have even a single complaint about this game. Kino

Leon is one of the coolest RE protagonists ever. I don't mean that in just "woah he's so bad ass", I just mean he's one of the more compelling RE characters to me overall, and I really enjoy seeing his origin story here. ...Oh yeah, Claire is here too, I guess.
Overall, RE2 is a really awesome, classic game, and the remake is one of the best remakes I've seen. There's so much love for the game and it's history here. Overall, it's just so solid, the survival horror is top notch, and RE2 to me is the peak of the series.