It was fun when it came out nearly a decade ago. It's age shows really badly today and the game suffers from not having singleplayer DLC like GTAIV did. The multiplayer is a lot of fun.

Absurdly boring. I'm willing to give this another chance if I get a PS5 so it runs better, but as it stands this game just bores me to death.

It's a great fighting game with a fantastic roster, and the single player features like Classic mode and World of Light are all fantastic. However, as lockdowns for COVID started and I was forced to come to grips with how bad the online is, everytime I play this game I get frustrated with how awful the netcode is. It's simultaneously a great and awful game. I have no desire to play this unless rollback netcode is implemented or I can start playing it irl with other people again. I can't in good consciousness give this a good rating with how broken the online is. To make matters worse, most of the playerbase refuses to use ethernet cables, and it has all kinds of other technical issues like built-in input lag. even Smash 4 online was better than this.

There are some aspects that haven't aged well, but this game is near and dear to me. It was my first Persona game.

Playing this game literally makes my base PS4 smell like it's about to catch fire. I'll wait to play this when I have a PS5.

I'm not sure how to feel about this game. On paper it has so many things I love but it feels hollow in a way that other Animal Crossing games didn't. I liked New Leaf more, this one feels unfinished even though it's technically bigger in scope. I hope it gets a big update soon like Welcome Amiibo in New Leaf.

It's fun and all but has not aged very well for a 3D platformer. That said, it was a pioneer of the genre so I still have a lot of respect for it. I enjoy playing this game but I couldn't recommend it to someone who has already played newer 3D games.

One of the best Zelda games and a literal breath of fresh air for the series. I just wish there was more weapon variety, but this is a fantastic new direction for the series, and one of the better open world games I've played.

This game is really special to me. I think Royal is a dramatic improvement over this and I will always recommend that over the vanilla game, but I have a lot of fond memories of playing P5 when I was 17. It made me feel really good about where I was heading in life.

I still need to finish the DLC, but this is one of my personal favorite interpretations of Spider-Man ever. It's way better than any of the movies to me. The gameplay is also a lot of fun for a super hero game, and it thankfully moves away from the Arkham combat that's so pervasive throughout the genre.

lots of fun to play with friends. All it really needs is a voice chat option so you're not forced to use Discord. Never ever play this with random people.

Fantastic game that challenges a lot of norms in games that was largely misunderstood at release. I just wish the ending with Eli was actually finished and implemented into the game.