Is this combat a joke? Who thought this would be fun? The creatures spit, but there's no defense.

The puzzles are complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, they're all solved. None of it is fun and it's boring. Even if you're a game with an atmospheric horror-thriller element, I would expect this to be done well. The puzzle interactions, no matter how cool they look, are not enjoyable, I was incredibly bored.

The thing I hate the most is that the stupid creatures just spit and we have to kill them with the shitty gun we're handed. No defense, not even an escape mechanic. They kill me stupidly and I start from the beginning of the puzzle, there's not even a checkpoint. The animations are already slow, did you think it would be fun to solve it all over again?

I like atmospheric thrillers but this game just wants to look pretty, it has no other purpose. You don't even understand what it's telling you because it has no purpose.

The first time I played it, I honestly didn't know what to do. Everything was so complicated and I felt like a wanderer who had lost his way... I quit the game after 8 hours of adventure...

Months later today I finished the game in full and I absolutely loved it. I thought it deserved a second chance and the fact that I was giving up so quickly where everyone else was loving it, it was like there was something wrong.

I started the game from scratch, I restrained myself to go more planned and programmed, I didn't lose my focus and I kept my patience alive. All this worked and increased my enjoyment of the game. I'm happy to give this game the credit it deserves. Sometimes it's good to start from scratch.

There are many things I liked about the game. First of all, the characters were interesting and cute. The world was full of different places that didn't repeat themselves and the music changed with the area. The boss designs and challenges were incredibly satisfying. I felt really good when I defeated them, and even though I struggled at times, I never gave up. I was captivated by the game and lost track of time.

The shortcomings, for me, I couldn't feel the character development much. Yes, maybe I was completely different at the point where I came with new abilities, but I felt like I had a very inadequate character. As time progressed, I got a little bored and tired of constantly traveling around the same spots. Fast travel points were placed in pointless spots for me.

In short, I better understand why people have waited so long for this game, it's definitely a good game.

It was a series I had never played and I decided to play it. I honestly liked the game, the music, the atmosphere, the story and the characters. I can't say that I was bored while playing, it was dubbed in the local language and I enjoyed the dialogs, but I encountered a few bugs in the remastered version. Since I didn't know the first game, the remastered version was good enough for me. I think it's a very good game for its time.

It's a strange gaming experience, frankly. I didn't expect this journey to get so complicated in the first place, and even though I love the art design, the sounds and the music, I felt a bit bad that I was struggling to understand something along the way. What was I supposed to make of it? I felt something more than that. The artwork was so strange that I realized when I got to the end of the game that it actually managed to hypnotize me. But in the end I would have liked to understand something, so I went online and got some information, and yes, the game doesn't tell as complex a story as it seems, it presents a simple story at an astronomical level, so I can't say I was bored, but I want to make it clear that my mind was tired.

Yes, it may be a very deep game, but I wanted the depth to be understood on the surface. In this era of game uniformity, I will continue to test the different experiences that games like this provide. For me, it will remain the strangest game I've played this year.

I don't know where to start, but this is definitely an below average game. Honestly, there were a lot of things I didn't like about the game and very few things I liked. What I liked about the game: The atmosphere, the weapon designs and variety, the inherent enemy design and variety.

I have to say the following about the things I liked because they are also lacking in their own right. The atmosphere looks good, but it feels hollow. The weapon designs and variety are good, but the combat is incredibly bland and boring. Enemy design and variety is good, but they are incredibly frustrating and the constant hit and run is tiring. There's no soul in the things they do well.

The game is frankly unnecessarily fast but not enjoyable. I hated the stupid glove that talked to me while the character was walking fast. I had to stop to read the dialog and I couldn't even feel the surroundings because he was talking so much. The shooting feel is very weak and unpleasant. The most useless open world game. It would have been better if it went in a linear direction. Not every game has to be open world. I witnessed them killing a potential and I was really patient with this game but no, it makes absolutely no sense and will not leave a trace in my mind.

It's a constant conversation and I wanted them to stop talking and I wanted to play the game a little bit but no, it's just a soulless production that wants to tell a lot but can't tell and in the end it doesn't make you feel anything, if they learn from the mistakes, the next work will be much better.

It's a great game. The artwork is really impressive. The characters, the dialogs, the story and level designs are incredibly good and very cute. The challenging tracks really tested my patience, and would you believe I enjoyed it and never got bored for a second. Anyone who wants a competitive experience should play it.

This game is a masterpiece. The puzzles are much better, more varied, more enjoyable than in the first game.

The atmosphere is very impressive. The horror of the sounds, the chaotic side of the atmosphere, the presence of music in some moments and interactions, this really made me feel inside the game.

Obviously, the twist in the story was also successful. It took me back and forth between truth and lies, love and hate. The unique behaviors and actions of the characters did not go against the flow of the game. Obviously, they did not leave me alone on this path I walked with them, I had fun with their dialogues. Sometimes they left me with question marks, sometimes they just told me the truth, sometimes they left me in a dilemma. I want to say that it was an enjoyable experience, and the logic of the portal is taken to a whole new level here, it's really close to perfection. I knew it would be much better than the first game.

I say again, this game is a masterpiece and please Valve, don't hate the number 3 so much...

I like this game, it doesn't give you very competitive puzzles, but it's reasonable to explain the general logic of the game. When you first start the game, everything seems normal, but it gets increasingly strange. I also like how the portal works, it's more like a prototype game. Still, I know it's one of the legends, and I'm sure the second game will be even better.

First of all, I think it's a pure experience, different from other games. There's less interaction, more story. There was a lot of discussion about it, but my opinion was that it's not like other games. It's a game and it probably doesn't fit your definition of a game, but it is. It's like What Remains of Edith Fitch, the presentation is like that. There's a story and we move through it with atmosphere. We walk and sometimes we fight. There's not a lot of interaction along the way, but we are affected by what we see.

Even though everything is good at this point, my expectations from this game were a bit different. The first game was graphically average, but this one looks much better. The fighting wasn't as intense and impressive in the first game, but I found it much more intense and impressive in this game. I also noticed that some things didn't change. The puzzles were average again, it's a pity that they didn't follow a different path. There were very few moments to interact in the cutscenes. For example, there could have been moments where you could press certain buttons while fighting, climbing, or defending. It could have been like Detroit: Become Human, but it wasn't. It's more of an experience where you're watching and there's much less gameplay. I would have liked to be able to steer the story and force us to constantly make choices. At some point it became a simulator where you just walk around and taste the atmosphere. While the level designs were incredible at this point, they didn't adequately cover up the shortcomings of the overall game. It could have been a perfect game after five years, but as it is, it's lacking. It's still a better experience than the first game, but it lacks variety. I liked it and found some of the scenes impressive and despite its shortcomings it's above average.

I played it on PS4 when it first came out and loved the atmosphere on the giant TV. Years later, when my interest in the game's story and atmosphere grew again, I decided to play it all over again on PC, but this time I also wanted to finish all the DLCs. After finishing the main game, I moved on to the DLCs and today I finished the game after 109 hours. Honestly, I enjoyed every moment.

The atmosphere is strong, Greece is wonderful and spacious, the architecture is impressive and some of the characters are interesting and fascinating, the DLC zones are incredibly beautiful (Elysium, Underworld or Hades and Atlantis), the soundtrack is good, traveling by ship is nice and many other pleasant experiences.

As for the cons, I think the main story is a bit lackluster, it feels a bit disjointed with the side quest structure of the game. Even though the characters are strong, I got bored at some point with the story being so sprawling, but as I said, the positive things cover it up to some extent. Honestly, Greece is incredibly big and there's a lot to explore, but I didn't give up and kept going. Even though the mission structure felt repetitive, I kept seeing the positives. The combat system gets very repetitive as the game gets longer and longer, and after a while you can't find a gameplay style. The abilities are good, but as I said, the repetitiveness is a bit overwhelming. New abilities are unlocked with DLC, or existing abilities get stronger as you play the Atlantis DLC. This reduces repetition a little bit, but a lot of people may not have gotten to this point and seen these things, so this point is a little bit more for the people who are loyal to the game. Our character's animations aren't nimble, they're a bit heavy or clunky as they're a bit more RPG-ish, and frankly, I found myself missing the old-school nimble and different animations. As heavy as the character is in this game, I would have liked to see more, jumping, running, walking and similar animations.

I also enjoyed playing the Atlantis and Legacy of the First Blade DLCs, but again, the fact that they are too long is a shortcoming. There is no need for it to be so long. Ubisoft can't or doesn't want to adjust this... I'm satisfied with what I've seen here and what I've learned about how the other games continue. The information about how the story starts and how it will continue was very helpful. Both DLCs had their own unique, character-changing narrative touches, both happy and sad. Anyone who has played up to this point will obviously not have any question marks.

In summary, I enjoyed and digested this game in general. It is a game that can provide continuity by covering its shortcomings with other positive things. I did not and will not regret spending my time on this game, even though Ubisoft made it. :D Thank you to everyone who has read this far, I hope I've translated your feelings somewhere...

The climbing mechanics, the general atmosphere and the music are really nice. Climbing doesn't seem very interesting, but I wanted to know what I was going to see, so I kept going. We come into contact with various elements to climb, it doesn't get repetitive with the changing atmosphere, the music accompanies you at this point and it feels good, but there's not much to interact with, it's more about climbing.

The general problem with this kind of game is that the way it tells the story is not interesting. I don't find it interesting to read letters and writings that are scattered and left here and there, I find it boring. Is it really difficult to present an interactive story, or is it difficult to have an inner voice talking to me and giving me messages about the general state of the world and the environment?

It could be better...

The only Soulslike game I've ever played and finished. The theme is great, the story is beautiful, the map and art design is unique. The combat is varied, it's not a very difficult game to be honest, but some bosses are really hard but you can overcome them after a few tries. No matter what anyone says, it will be the best game for me, don't take seriously the comments written by some people in an effort to be meaningless and funny, it's a beautiful game.

It's a very beautiful game, the atmosphere and the music, the animation and the speed of the character, the acrobatic moves that diversify as you progress... All these things are nice, but they also make the game longer and I think this game takes too long.

I found the story strong, but frankly in this kind of game the story is slow in the pace of the game and it becomes very difficult to follow, but the story is still successful.

It's definitely the gameplay that keeps me going. I liked this game even though it sometimes tried my patience.

By the way, it was also very troublesome in terms of optimization, it was constantly stuttering, but I still continued.

The game is very good but the gameplay is below average. That's because our character feels like he weighs 100 KG, the animations are slow and the puzzles are cursory. The only thing that changes is the level designs, but the puzzle solving elements that change with the level design start to repeat at some point, something that disrupts the flow of this sweet game. Honestly, at some point the weight of the character started to get annoying, as if it wasn't enough that we were already heavy, the patience-straining puzzles we had to carry around the cute little Mui were the things that made the gameplay pale. It's still a good game, but your patience will be tested and you'll definitely be blown away by the music and art design.

It's a great work, it won the Best First Indie Game award. The game fully deserves its award. Cleverly constructed puzzles, non-repetitive gameplay and a strong atmosphere that changes.