77 Reviews liked by Zyon

to think a snes game has the single best scifi worldbuilding i have ever seen sounds crazy, but it happened. a one-in-a-million experience that i absolutely adore every second of

still the only good rpgmaker game btw

not sure what compelled me to not have this at 5/5 before. this is just the best for reasons i cant even fully articulate. a perfect storm of new, inventive, and compelling creative ideas.

super important and one of my first indie games but the things it inspired outshine it hard

We ❤ Backloggd discord server being wholesome

Nunca pensei que iria me divertir tanto dançando, me ajudou muito a emagrecer em 2019, fui de 56kg pra 46kg

A única felicidade que esse jogo me deu foi não ter comprado ele. Jogo muito bonito mas totalmente datado e segue as fórmulas básicas do mundo aberto médiocre dos AAA. Simplesmente exausto de jogos assim!

Consigo entender poruqe muitos amam o jogo. Mas pegando ele pra jogar pela primeira vez em 2021 foi uma experiência muito cansativa e um pouco datada em alguns momentos. Vou dar outra chance em algum momento.

So much can be said and so much has already been said on how powerful of a game Mother 3 is emotionally. Hitting from all sides. Mother 3 isn't a game, it's an experience. An unforgettable one.

Just remember, no crying until the end.

É muito bom, só fica bem longe da fan base

Sent (churned) through the tower (tower) with weapon (sword) in one hand (controller), & a photo-translator in the other to glean (gears pressed against my brain) any sort of narrative (biblical fracture) I could, made for one (zero) of the (thee) most individually (surviving collective) unique (cloned) experiences (death & rebirth) of any media (twisted metal rot - fire purification & holy sacrifice) I have ever lived (died) through.

A decent enough handheld Mario game that really just feels like a prototype for 3D World. The levels are fun but there are almost no original ideas, the presentation isn't creative, and all the bosses are just boom boom, ninja boom boom with a ponytail, and bowser. There are some depth perception issues that pop up and playing with a 3DS circle pad can get annoying. All that being said, it's still fun enough for a mario game and it looks pretty good too.

everyone says its the best Mario game on the 3ds but honestly i enjoyed the 2n one wayyy more, also it might just be me but i never could get a handle of the controls on it they weird and I'm not a fan of how short this game is I beat the main game in under 3 hours way too short if you ask me at the end of the day it's a good game I just wanted more from it