absolutely amazing return of the metroid series after a long time. maybe 1-2 EMMI zones too many but it was still so amazing.

art style, music, characters, boss fights, it just rules.

some guy did what nintendo couldn't

innovative reimagining of undertale's combat systems

beautiful game, fluid motion, kinda wish there were actual boss battles but it makes sense in the game's atmosphere for there not to be

surprising release. top down ALTTP style nailed it. maybe some dungeon pain points but it wasn't enough to ruin the game.

amazing story, great characters. i can't fault the motion controls too much as the game is built around it. is it unreliable at times? yes. did it ruin the experience? absolutely not.

took what was already a great game and overanalyzed and retooled parts that were already fine. adding weakpoints on bosses to cut down on guesswork is insulting to the player's intelligence. zora swimming being reworked was a horrible idea. twinmold fight was almost good until you have to do phase two with the awful reworked giant's mask and wrestle the other twinmold for like 10 minutes straight. i'd give it less stars if they didn't add such good quality of life in the game like double song of time precision choices and increased item slots.

weapon upgrading is a pain point but this mastered the mmorpg

reimagining the first metroid title couldn't have been any better.

modern rendition of zelda formula, what more to say? also best dungeon design out of all the 3d games.