Games I Will Force Hilda To Play

Everything but the first 43 games are very very bad and potentially offensive, but hildas must endure

Finished august 29th:
Well hildas if youre reading this it was an honor and a pleasure to show you one of my favorite things in the world and i hope you had a good time. It was a very memorable experience and i had a blast reliving the game.
I don't know what this is

Played April 12:
I still don't know what this is
Played April 2nd: hilda couldn't figure out tetris for babies and got impatient. Shame...
I have an excellent on Jitterbug on hard, my only claim to fame

Played on April 7th: hilda got so overwhelmed after 3 songs that she just gave up and watched me play

Played may 19th:
Hilda pulls off another wonderful surprise and finds the game on a spanish-speaking forum. What can i say? Kona5 has a power that no other game dev can even come close to. Kojima? Fuck that guy, Miyamoto? Hes a hack. Kona is not afraid to make whatever he wants to make, and what he does make tends to involve toilet and going toilet and the tragedies of going toilet at the wrong time. There was a lack of playable strong and courageous women, however our environmentally concious lead villain fills up that role.

JOBLESS IS NOT CRIME. i will scream it from the rooftops...
Could be fun

Played sometime in june:
A pretty blatant attempt to cash in on acnh success but the tutorials were insanely long and outside of that, there wasnt much to interact with
Played April 26th:
AHHHHHH PUI PUI PUI PUI PUI AAAAAAAAHHH MOL!CAR!MOL!CAR!MOL!CAR! Mario party who? This is all anyone should know, put a hat on that molcar and watch it go...
Played may 28th:
It was a bit boring to watch because it was pretty much just doom inside a house with some weird things occasionally. I thought it might be creepier, but i dont much sbout doom so i cant attest to it really.
Played as a kid and loved it, let's see how it holds up now

Played April 21st:
It was going well but then hilda computer crash ):
you didnt play this.
Played April 23:

I am so glad to play games with strong and courageous women in them
Played at a date

orbos dream.... shot straight like an arrow, across lava and cliffs and offices..... peeb....
I played this as a child and loved it.. should of been a red herring, with the squirting mechanic and all

Played match 26th: the game froze and she lost all her progress. NOOO.... she hated the squirtibg part she can't handle it. But oh, i can.
Played august 7th:

I painted and hello kitty was busy rescueing. Werked her tail off in several different fits. Stopped bombs and missiles, violence and terror. All with that golden hammer.
Played october 29th:

Thought it would be a stinker till mr hyde became sexified. Tearing up the streets of london and kicking children, just as i remember. Werk your gay ass down the halls on your quest for salt, kill those senile old men. Youre a star and everyone knows it. 50? Unmarried? In the 1800s? You wanted utterson ass and we all know it. Dont repress it. Youre all invited to my coming out banquet. Thank you.
April 24 2024

Reminds me of hypnospace, very darling passion project
Dec 11th

wet paper towrl.
Played dec 9th

gooby gooby boy is santas little helper. He helps everyone and is very careful. He brings water to everyone and everyone smiles and says thanks gooby gooby boy. You did so good and we all love you. many sanatas presents to you
Febuary something 2024

Cunt I Am hildas best friend do NOT play games. Alone in the Dark? What the fuck is this? Any hildabro would KNOW that she loves quiche and would KNOW that her favorite game is pokemon. Get your pink out of my stink
Jan 12th 2024

Sad game mostly pertaining to the death of a family member. Hilda can not read
Dec 7th

Interesting concept. I am excited to scream or laugh more in full release
Played feb 29th 2024

Carol was put through so much. Shot at with fireworks and hit by a car. Reduced to a life of brain cancer. But she did what others couldnt do, put that bastard Bill behind bars. She will never see her precious bird again, but shes flying high. Sue. Don. Ron. Her brother, potentially named Gary. You dont ever win the game once youre in it. But you can still... make... things... right.

and i raaaaan. I ran so far ☆awaaay☆ i just RAAAAN.... i couldnt get awaaaaay. couldnt get away..... i walk along da aveneue... never thought id meet a girl like youuuuUu meet a girl like yoaauu... red ahyhrhi and shjsh eyes... the kind of eyes that me thruuuu. Hypnotize me throughhhh and I Raaannn i ran so far awayyyy i just raaaan i ran all night and adaaay
Played september 24th

Rpg maker games are presents from heaven onto earth. Ideas likes miles edgeworth, connecting all the shells. And the north easts.
Played April 27th:

Found a game I played in my childhood.
.. was my Sims kingdom but I win
Saving this one is a punishment.
Played may 7th:

My life is now complete! Hilda played the coolest game ever! Dave should be nicer to Alivin (: and she earned 2 gold medals!!!!!chiptastic!!!
Played on March 15th

Would rather play Charlie and Chocolate Factory ps2. Wrong.

Played March 20th
A disappointment through and through though this would inevitably lead to the Great French Movie disaster
Played April 7th:

Dbd is the only game that makes me feel like im working a 9 to 5 office job, and I only watched hilda play
Played may 6th;
Best bday gift ive ever recieved
Discovered through a game called "novastella Island", which was apparently supposed to be an adult game that got changed into a farming sim (very obvious).

played at some point

I wasnt texting the whole time i remember everything like uhhmm ms naoki and the boobs and the mirrors and the dramaa. And that lady. And the curse. And the puzzle.
Played on March 18th

confusion about Mr tomato gameplay at the beginning, would of enjoyed if it didn't delete your save file after every fail
YOU WILL finish ms lemons so help me god....

March 18th replayed, ms lemons is filth

Played April 12th:

no fucking way
Probably not bad but since hilda just LOVES Texas chainsaw massacre so much I am sure she will have a blast

Played may 29th:
No useful tutorials or map preview makes for the most confusing online horror game ive ever seen. Several mechanics just straight up were not explained and theres no explanation online. Seems like it could be fun but someone needs to write a breakdown on what youre supposed to do in this game.

Having an issue finding the rom for this game. Hilda has found "bubble bath babes" instead.

Shelved on March 17th
Hilda played it for 2 hours then gave it a lower score than fucking floigan bros what the fuck.

Played april 29th:
this pig is so lonely and everyone hates her and wont tell her that shes going to die. RAT?
What the fuck is this

Played may 24th:

Oouuuuuuuhh oouuuhhhhh nooooooo.... noooooooooo.....
"Jesse we have to cook" - hilda (white)

Played March 27th: Gordon was a very. Proud. Man.
I wanted her to play Babe ps2.

Played 4/20:
Do you see that? Yeah.... thats right. You know
Played in march or something

Who cares.
Played April 4th:
This game was maybe 12 minutes long. There was a dinosaur that was defied by the valorant hippo. I was playing octopath, oops
At my local grocery store there is a place where you could dump off children, and my mom left me there a few times while she was running errands. They had a ps2 with this and the Robots (movie) game and I played them frequently. I remember being mystified with stuarts skateboard.

Played March 27th: hildas mind is so fucked
Played on April 17th:

Sex? Yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Played again April 21st:
I no longer associate with Mr. Powers
Found on switch store. Looks incomprehensible.

Played April 4th:
This game appears to be overly "girly" and cute but then the main character has skimpy anime clothes and breast physics. It's a bit sad cause it could of been something.
SAW!!!!! I wanna play a game!!!!! Lol

Played March 24th

i hate this.
I don't even think this is the worst i just wanna see what she thinks

Played March 28th: aaa scary aa aaaa

Played April 4th: you move very slow and there's so many invisible walls.
I hope this is the right cat go, apparently many cats go

Played April 11th:
it went
Played june 8th:

I was playing a game and listening to her play... hearing about sexist ghosts haunting frat women was more entertaining than anything i would of witnessed
Played April 12:

If you wanna be my lover if you wanna be my lover if you wanna be my lover if you wanna be my lover if you wanna be my lover if you
Teaching hilda what silly means with silly bandz

Played may 4th:
Was not expecting an angry birds clone. They didnt even look like silly bandz...
Played on April 18th:

Played some time in june

It was a very interesting and nostalgic ps2 game. I wish there was a English release so i could see what they were saying. There were a lot of spiders
Played may 18th:
I hate this
Play April 23rd:
Push barrel up hill for more information about our scary baddie boobie game
These two are gonna be a real hoot

Played April 18th:

Might i speak to the manager about the failure prostitute i just witnessed who could only scissor and nothing more. Yes, i know she cant afford mouth animations, but surely she can work something out.
Played at a date

Apparently someone went on a solo bubble adventure and now i will never know. what is it? the bubble. the popping.
Played April 21st:
This game had a really bad atmosphere to it, so much so that I didn't get to laugh at it being funny. Very uncomfortable but not how the game intended
Played April 22nd:

It's thr killar!!! Aaaa!!!!!! Loop the killar.... get on gens..m. sprint burst .. . .
Played April 23:

Sadly this was not as entertaining as the other games made by Kona5... we kept getting lost.
played on April 22:
this is the worst and it should not exist
Played june 6th:

I hate amnesia and i hate their games and i hate reading 500 notes and i hate world war 1 and i hate the french and i hate that gay glasses dude that died in a gay fashion and i hate finding keys and i hate the gun you only use to shoot barrels and doors and i hate that awful awful awful wet shit of an ending that i stayed up to watch but i do like world whirls guy.
Played july 18th:

Is mort any less of a chicken for being a hero? He saves us, the children.....he walked on water. He walked on cubes. we wouldnt be anything without his courage.
Played April 23:

slender? Woman slender? female slender sauntering sexily down the hallway as I collect my books? My sexy books?
Played April 25th:

Frustrating and stupid boooooo booo....
white! White white white.....
Played April 23rd:

large starberries.
Played April 25th:
I don't know why I keep putting these here. They're not even funny.
Played April 28th

Puppet combo Is a hack and makes the most unfun games imaginable
Played june 1st:
I was looking forward to it but nothing really makes any sense and the hook feels like it doesnt exist. The dialogue feels stilted and offputting and none of the jokes landed. There is no horror or sense of anticipation. I have never ever ever gotten bored with a game but i got too restless to even continue watching. Really, really weird execution.


can't wait!!

now i feel inspired to do the same with CURSE ..... if i don't make the list... know it is happening slowly but surely

1 year ago

@Hilda what could possibly be bad about chipwrecked!!!!!
it's a ??rhythm game??? can you play with DDR pad?
it'll be fun!
Dead By Daylight and the Arthur game being added feel so mean spirited

1 year ago

I'd love to see that list but regardless I'm keeping him in my thoughts and prayers <3 but it would be very funny if you also made him play floigan bros. Although,, Hilda is my online friend so it's acceptable to spam her 24/7 with floigan threats, however I would be worried about the repercussions if I lived with them :P

1 year ago

@BEAUTIFULBRUTE Maybe someday I can convince myself to play it when I buy an adapter for my ddr pad that for my own sake hopefully doesn't work anymore
@BlazingWaters I spent years of my life in dead by daylight but some people would rather see me fall in the hole I climbed out of for so long

1 year ago

@BlazingWaters this is enrichment for Hildas (:

1 year ago

@CURSE she made it through frogger... she's trained to experience Arthur
It's funny 'cause the first three games seem at the bare minimun very fun, and then the flood gates are opened by Alvin and its friends.

I have no idea what even Mr Tomatos, and frankly, I am VERY scared to know.

1 year ago

@DemonAndGames the first 3 are some of my favorite pieces of art that I genuinely wanna show my friend here but the others are just funny lol
@moschidae <3 i understand
@Hilda ahh, well me & moschidae are the new founders of the get-hilda-an-adapter-for-ddr-pad-and-if-that-one-doesn't-work-a-whole-brand-new-one foundation. accepting sponsors

1 year ago

Buying hilda a ddr pad the SECOND I get my disability check next month

1 year ago

Buying myself a dramatically lit chair to sit in

1 year ago

we are fucking sponsored by ms. lemons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

that arthuer and the invisibles stream was insane

1 year ago

Shoutout to Wayne, now I don't have to rummage through Wikipedia to find gems like arthur and floigan bros

1 year ago

Water Horse and Charlotte's web forever stuck in my brain. Also found out wikipedia diving that the dudes who founded the studio that made the original Shadowman, dipped and made a new studio, which then made cheap ass games, including Water Horse and Charlotte's web

1 year ago

Oh my god, im actually shocked by that. What a coincidence... Water Horse/Shadowman crossover when..?

Oh yeah, and thank you for reminding me that I need to make Hilda play Babe as well. I'm sure she'll love it (:

1 year ago

This has nothing to do with anything but they're making a Beverley Hills Chihuahua for adult straight men called Strays. i must remember it.

1 year ago

You don’t REALLY have to though…

1 year ago

Keep talking like that and I'll make you watch Strays

1 year ago

I’ll hopefully be catching some instead

1 year ago

Will Feral (changed his name for the movie) is in it. You will watch Strays.

1 year ago

You should add Wo Long I think it'd be kinda fucked up

1 year ago

Keep talking like that and someone is getting locked in the cupboard again ! Or put into a jar.

1 year ago

A worthy sacrifice for a mere cupboard

1 year ago

Does anyone else have any more bad game recommendations that are short-ish. I'm running out of ideas.

1 year ago

How short?

1 year ago

Uhhh like, 2 hours or less preferably
Barbie secret agent because CURS wouldn’t finish it when i tried to make em play even though he almost beat it !!!!!!!

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