(Favorite Game for Every Year I've Been Alive)

Except that I didn't play anything from 1995 and 2021.

Tried to give more weight to games that were important to me in my youth instead of my current favorites.


All time favorite.

Bought it on release day along with my Xbox, to pass the time before Skyrim released.

Just a good game in a not so good year.

Spent a lot of time in the editor making stages to play against my friends when they visited.

Honorable mention to Warioland 4.

My second favorite sport.

Honorable mentions to MGS V (this was the year I got into MGS) and Witcher 3 (my favorite back then).

All time favorite party game. Made me go to a tournament to get slapped around. Won one match tho.
Honorable mentions to Ringo Ishikawa and Heaven Will Be Mine.

Insane year. Honorable mentions to Hollow Knight, Mario Odyssey, Nier Automata and Prey.

Honorable mention to We Love Katamari and Killer7, which are better games but didn't impact me as much as this korean Worms clone did.

Solid pick in a weak year.

Obsessed over it, catered to my adolescent wishes perfectly.

Kinda of a weak selection to pick from, to be honest.

Honestly one of the most influential games of my life: fostered friendships, taught me that man is inherently evil, allowed my first outings with expressing creativity through game design and code via OT servers.

Growing up Brazilian and Tibiano builds special character.

This slapped back then.

I had a pirated copy that reset at every 45h of game time, so I basically beat it once every week.

Honorable mention to Ragnarok.

Don't really like it now, but it blew my mind back then.

I mean, it's not good in retrospect, but this game was my life back then.



Not a strong pick.



Absolutely awful year.



Never got past the second stage (only played the demo repeatedly).



The OG.



Childhood defining.

Honorable mention to Planescape Torment.



Got me a questionable internet friend.

Honorable mention to Hotline Miami.



I traded my Lvl 100 Feraligatr for a Lvl 100 Scizor who didn't obey me.

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2 years ago


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