The Apparently "Good Shit" Priority List

Similar to Woodoo's list. I used to spin a damn wheel when I couldn't decide on the next game to play but looking at the backlog there are games that should be moved up to high priority. Its not intended to be everything, just the highly regarded (4 rating or higher average) ones.

Pulled from my backlog and wishlist sections, using average ratings. If it aint there (I know someone will want to bring up Disco), I probably didn't want to play it if I knew about it already. Is it in an order? Maybe

Items formerly on the list due to completion:
Apollo Justice Trilogy
Outer Wilds
Final Fantasy XVI

Always tends to come up in jrpg circles. I just hope the cracked disc art doesn't fuck up my wii
I got real tired of seeing this dominate jrpg discussion and appear in damn near every thread after it came out for like months. Hope it doesn't buckle under those expectations.
I really didn't like the first one in terms of combat, and I doubt this'll be any different but I've been wrong before
This'll probably be played at the end of this year like I have done for episodes 1 and 2 unintentionally.
Nicole? The Plasma Cutter is my gf and I can't wait to solo the game with her again

Applies to the sequel
Fake persona fan spotted
Might be the closest to classic zelda I'll have for a good while
Did you know I got a physical copy of the ps1 version like a month before this was announced? Shit was pricey
I've had this since launch cuz I legitimately enjoy under night. I just haven't been in the mood for a fighting game. I wonder if it'll even have a playerbase outside of the killers when I get around to it.
I really only got this collection was an excuse to replay Aria of Sorrow, and really why its sat on the backburner for so long.
Fuck you aspyr, lying bitches. Hope you rot
Main reason it wasn't played sooner is cuz I replayed 4 and 6 and played 5 for the first time not too long before it was finally announced to come to consoles after thinking it wouldn't.
I've had this on switch for a long time, too long of a time to not have played it yet. Especially since it was an import
I've only played a bit back in the day. The sprites are too beautiful to not experience in person

Goes for 4 as well
I though people didn't like this game tbh. Something about bad translation?

Hope it uses kaiju sounds like the first one
I really don't want to download 100gb cuz the devs were too stupid to compress and too cheap to multidisc. Only even have it cuz it was a gift
I am only interested still interested cuz of that Zidane lookin redhead. I would have stopped playing the first game if it wasn't for the broken knife glitch.
I'm in the first wave. I'm just waiting for Larion to ship the disc...
Port it to console or I wont touch it. This goes for the trilogy
Indie-fication part 1
Indie-fication part 2
Indie-fication part 4

I watched a playthrough on release, I need more time to forget the details
Indie-fication part 5
Indie-fication part 6
Indiefication part 7

I suck and games like this so I'll be surprised if I get through it
Indiefication part 8

I forgot this was on switch
Indiefication part 9

Forgot the sequel was even a thing
Indiefication 10
Indiefication 11


2 months ago

If the combat was the reason you didn't like the original Judgement, the sequel has much improved in that department. If you didn't like it for any other reason, it's basically the same game.

Also I thought the trails Trilogy was ported to the PC, no?

2 months ago

@DoctorIsssa It was mainly the combat yes. And yes they are but I don't like playing on PC, especially jrpgs unless absolutely necessary. I get the whole xseed debacle but I just wanna play the games on the platforms I like to use (playstation mainly but I can deal with it being switch)

2 months ago

oh hell yeah, signalis is such a treat

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