This game is essential to play if you have a Nintendo 64 and want to know all the technical glitches you can accomplish in one game.

One of thEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE best SNES games in terms of variety, music composition, and art direction.

My absolute favorite 3DS game. The amount of things you can do in this game are so vast. As much as I am against DLC, getting the DLC for this game is highly recommended.
Lots of great songs, outfits, and places to explore.

I first played this game at five years of age and I can vividly remember my first impression upon loving the Gothic architecture throughout the stages. I didn't get far as a child, but after growing older I came back to the game and was able to appreciate the game so much more with every new discovery. The Royal Chapel is one of my favorite examples of amazing art direction of any 2D game. The music composed by Michiru Yamane is also very memorable and sets the tone, perfectly balanced with Ayami Kojima's art.

I & II Plus is the best console version of this game due to the feature of having local multiplayer and previously online quests being available to complete offline.
This game is extremely fun, I have fond memories of playing this game for hours with my family members as a preteen. Going back to playing this game as an adult, I gained more respect for the music composed by Fumie Kumatani and Hideaki Kobayashi and how the compositions were programmed into the game. The art style of this game is unique, but also very familiar for the Dreamcast era. If you have a chance, pick up The Book of Hunters, which covers the development of Phantasy Star Online.

There is a lot to do within this game, which makes it one of my favorites. I really enjoy the Yakuza series and I was thoroughly surprised the fifth installment of the main series was this entertaining. I enjoyed the survival hunting sections, along with the taxi driver missions. Honestly, it's hard to describe what makes Yakuza 5 so special compared to the past games. You can really tell how much care they put into this game. The music is very good as well.

Honestly the best spinoff game of the Yakuza series. It would be my favorite, but there was no localization, so that sets it back a bit lol. Besides the language barrier, I loved a lot of what this game had in store. The battle dungeons are entertaining, but also a challenge. They can sometimes get repetitive when you start leveling up to stronger weapons, as most of the items are randomly scattered in specific dungeons.
I love samurai style games a lot and this fit right in with my love of the Way of the Samurai series. The music is amazing, this game has one of the better soundtracks.
The Vita companion app is very useful for the Another Life and Battle Dungeon segments.


I had developed a newfound love of golfing games after getting Everybody's Golf 6 on the PS Vita, so this game is special to me lol.
This game is challenging and the physics are really great compared to Everybody's Golf 5. The PS3 and PS Vita version, if I can recall correctly, have some differences to them, so I can recommend getting both versions. I do not like the fact there are a couple characters hidden behind paid DLC and the difficulty spike is pretty tough to get over, but it is rewarding when you get the hang of it. Some challenges are hard to understand that allow you to obtain crowns.

This game is packaged with a robotic dog, which the game can interact with the dog via beeps and barks. There is also an in-game 3D Wappy Dog, that doesn't require you turning on the robotic dog. You can play with the dog, feed it, customize it, and make it do tricks. There are mini games as well, which help you unlock options.
Wappy Dog was released in Japan as Heart Energy Poochi, extremely similar to the Poo-Chi dogs from 2000, both Poochi and Poo-Chi were handled by Sega Toys in Japan.

This game is literally unfinished.

This game is nothing like the other Souls games. The enemy placements are too manufactured and unrewarding. I was expecting it to be better than DS2, which DS2 is known for feeling different because Miyazaki didn't work on it so he can do Bloodborne. Well, apparently Miyazaki is back and it's not working out at all. I defeated one boss, I didn't feel rewarded. This game feels like a poor fan creation.

Satisfying to play. The controls feel very smooth compared to other similar titles. Variety of things to accomplish and explore. One thing that sets this game back is the amount of empty space between populated areas.

This game is as bad as Dark Souls 3. Although it swears it is not like another Soulsbourne game, the enemy placements are very manufactured.

Did not enjoy Majora's Mask at all. Maybe it is due to me comparing it to Ocarina of Time, but the clock system really ruins the game flow.

Super fun snowboarding game. The soundtrack in this game is what makes me love it more than Snowboard Kids 1.