3523 Reviews liked by zeroesandones

Why do I get the feeling the little monsters at the school used to be children???

I must say, if, like me, you hate tank controls, then playing tank controls on analogue isn't quite as bad. I'm actually enjoying this and I did not expect to at all.

I think what set this game apart from Resident Evil is the semi-openness of the town. It's not "open world" or anything but it is large enough to feel like an explorable space and also... get very lost in. For a PS1 game, Silent Hill is a fairly large town. The RE games definitely felt a bit more claustrophobic, but then you have perpetual fog and darkness which also add claustrophobia to this as well.

Most of the design philosophy that makes SH2 such a great experience is already prevalent in this game. It's certainly not quite as cinematic or weird, but nuances were harder to approach with early 3D (MGS certainly tried though). I view this as a very necessary stepping stone to the amazing SH2, Akira Yamaoka is there, the general gameplay feel is there, but it would all be perfected the next time. (Actually combat in SH2 is just as blah if not worse, but I could give a rat's ass about combat in that game, I would have been fine without it even)

I tried this game a long time ago and wasn't feeling it, but after beating SH2 I wanted to dive right into SH3, but then of course I find out that's a direct sequel to this one, so I'm back here and I wasn't really looking forward to it. But it's a solid game. I'm glad I could get over my initial impression of it.

Damn, that ending was pretty wild. Probably going to need to read a few plot analyses to fully grasp, but this game goes full on into the occult.

And finally, that "cast roll" at the very end is one of the greatest things ever. Cool game!

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If MGS2 was already a masterpiece than MGS3 is a victory lap for Kojima.

First to discuss is the story that takes things back to basic and introduces the original Boss and her protege Snake, who both go through the traumatic experience of Operation Snake Eater to create the Big Boss we all know and love. It's definitely not as insane as MGS2s plot but doesn't have to be and alongside some of the best performances (Josh Keatons Ocelot is my favorite performance in any of the games) make this my favorite story in the series. With the perfect balance of goofy spy espionage and genuine tragedy, Snake Eater is the perfect prequel and explains why the world is so fucked up.

Gameplay wise its also a step up from the others. With the new backpack system you can FINALLY customize what you have which gets rid of the clutter of past games and make the loadout you want and change on the fly (though the game does love to auto equip the kill pistol which is annoying). Another new system is the camo system which is also brilliant, allowing Snake to become like the predator and shift through the jungles like a shadow (or look completely ridiculous). These alongside the new and improved camera make the already solid systems from 2 that much better and make this one of the best stealth games I've ever played. If I had any real complaints I would say the cure system can be a bit finnicky, as you need to be careful with it as to not waste supplies.

If its not obvious enough MGS3 is a masterpiece from beginning to end. The original version is already good but Subsistence takes it to a whole other level with the afermentioned new camera but also the OG Metal Gears too (and some exclusive stuff on the PS2 version like Snake vs Monkeys). Even if the future of Metal Gear is spotty, Snake Eater will go down as not only Kojima's best game, but one of the greatest video games of all time.


Alright. The time has passed, and I don't have to pretend this is the best thing ever anymore. Armored Core VI has a SHIT ton of problems. The biggest thing is that it's nothing bold or interesting. It's actually a downgrade to many previous games in the series with fewer parts and less part types and less in game mechanics in general. Whilst I don't dislike this game a whole lot, I am in the end an Armored Core fan and wish for the series to improve. First off, the sekiro stagger meter was an awful design choice for this game. It makes fights that should be two giant mechs with a shit ton of fire power just going off on each other but instead your mechanised combat machine staggers. It interrupts the flow of combat, and it makes fights feel so much less tense because you can straight up see their health bar and how close they are to getting staggered by you. The soundtrack is... not very great. While there are some standouts, the track list is quite boring. I'm a huge fan of cyberpunk sounds and the influence from vangelis is a great thing to hear but it just doesn't make for a very good soundtrack over mecha fights none of the song particularly get you hyped up or get your blood pumping or stressed it's just pretty normal stuff. The mission design is actually pretty good and is pretty on par with an Armored Core game specifically its more like AC4/4A, which usually did things much nicer. The lack of parts is quite a bummer to me and even if the mission designs are good there isn't a mission that's like super grand and amazing that makes me feel like it's utilising two generations more of power compared to For Answer. You'd think that after being told we were getting a new Armored Core for a decade and being told it was being cooked, we'd get something you know, bold. Something that does something interesting and cool, yet we get heals and a stagger bar, which is just so disappointing from a new gen Armored core game that should be huge and unique. Also, the multiplayer is like for answer in the way that it feels super haphazardly thrown together with no real thoughts about how fun it actually is. It's quite mediocre. I'm not a very big fan of the 5th generation but they had very engaging multiplayer that has kept people invested for a decade (which they now shut down cause come play our mediocre new multiplayer instead of your cool clan wars.) it's just such a disappointing thing to see. The game is just a standard Armored core experience, which makes it such a disappointment to me having to wait all this time. It'll be fine to a newcomer to Armored core because they didn't have to wait for so long and be forced to expect more. Is Armored Core VI the worst thing ever or the worst Armored Core game? No, it's just extremely safe. You could tell they wanted to cater to some souls fans too with healing and the more forgiving tracking. I think it's fine. Hopefully they do something more interesting for the next Armored Core game. I didn't wish to speak much on the story because I think it is just fine. Its quite a normal mecha story with some memorable moments but usually quite normal. The final boss also boils down to almost the same thing in each ending which was disappointing. I think the endings were fine though so there's that.

this game at an impressionable age gave me my bloodthirst for manslaughter

"Would a mentally ill person do THIS?"
[plays all the way through Fallout: New Vegas four times in two weeks]

"Every time you play this I feel like you're doing something completely different. I've never seen that Casino mission [Dead Money]. How much stuff is in this game?"

Joke's on her because I'm not doing different stuff. For 14 years I've been making Primm Slim the sheriff of Primm. Good karma, bad karma, how about a yee-haw for law and order in the fine town of ERROR: TOKEN NOT FOUND.

Obviously there's no shortage of Fallout: New Vegas glazers, but you're in luck because I truly cannot express how much I love this game. I have been pulled back into its vortex many, many times; if nobody got me, New Vegas got me. One of the most important games in my life, and one that I look forward to replaying in the future despite claiming to my loved ones that I'm done.

"I sort of tasted human flesh once. Mmm mmm good. Tell me all your secrets."

Why does Fallout 3 have a 4K update but not New Vegas? Both got the FPS Boost. What gives? Also if you wanted to license the Fallout IP to other studios again that would be cool. Plus who needs Spider-Man games when you have gamebryo Y-spam climbing? More Fallout! Get on it!

Better than any 3D Mario game before or after it?

No, not even close.

Wii U-to-literally-right-now-era baby game design?


A genuine fun game that you can sit and chill with that’s unique enough to exist as a pre-Switch handheld game with secrets that at least appease what I would expect to find in a Mario game?


Summary: New Super Mario Bros. but what if Nintendo made a sequel that did not make me want to sell it within the first week of me acquiring it

there's absolutely nothing entertaining about this game, you just slowly progress to the right and swipe at things here and there. what little appeal it has is achieved way better in the pikmin games.

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From its announcement, it was clear this was a very heartfelt game, driven by the personal tragedy and grieving process of actor Abubakar Salim. His speech at The Game Awards 2023 is so vulnerable - I already can't imagine speaking in front of that many people physically and online, but such a personal parable on top of that... I just couldn't do that. This was immediately a game I had my eye on between it just looking generally fun, and wanting to see what kind of story and characters would be birthed by Salim's grief.

By total coincidence, the day after I downloaded this game, I learned about how the harassment of the game developers about this game got so bad that Abubakar Salim himself made a video response, and in response, he discounted the game to be less than $15 when it was "the price of a pizza" (Salim's words, I thought it was funny) so that more people could play it. Good on him. I'm not surprised at all that the developers were harassed - it's honestly just so commonplace in general nowadays, but especially if you dare to make your game star a character that isn't white ("Forced diversity" in... a game inspired by Africa's Bantu cultures? Sure). I'm sure I don't need to explain all this to you, but it's still so disappointing to see, and I imagine nothing but crushing on the receiving end. I sincerely hope this doesn't deter the team from working on new projects, or simply adding more to Zau, whatever is next.

So, I'm going to start off in talking about the game itself by saying a general statement - everything about Tales of Kenzera: Zau is pretty good. I don't really think any one aspect rises too far above "pretty good", but nothing falls below that threshold either. The platforming is pretty good, but doesn't beat its contemporaries. The combat... is pretty bleh for most of the game, but I found by the end it was pretty fun. The artstyle is great, but I feel the actual graphics were lacking in comparison. The story and characters were pretty good, the themes are where it really shines. The setting is great, though, I'd really like to see more of this mythology put to use.

Something I didn't know going in is that this game is a story in a story. Zau is technically not the main character - he's who you are with the most, but he is simply a character in a book; the real main character is Zuberi, a young man who recently lost his father, and his mother gives him the book his father was writing for Zuberi to help him grieve. The book itself follows Zau, a shaman who... just lost his father. But instead of reading a book, he searches out the god of death, Kalunga, and makes a deal with him to bring back his Baba in exchange for "guiding" the three Great Spirits. As you'd expect, each Great Spirits' areas are essentially chapters wherein Zau (and thus Zuberi) tackles his emotions and learns to grieve his father. Much to my surprise, this doesn't do the standard five stages of grief, but takes its own approach to it, and that really set it apart from other stories about tackling grief, to me anyway.

I already marked this review for spoilers, but I'm about to spoil the end, and it's a satisfying conclusion, so if you're interested, I recommend packing up here.

Anyway, after defeating the third Great Spirit, Kalunga and Zau begin talking. Zau has met his end of the deal, and now "It is-"

It cuts off. I thought my game crashed for a second, but no. Zuberi's father never finished the book. In the middle of a piece of Kalunga's dialogue, the story ends. After reading what there was to read, Zuberi resolves to finally visit his Baba's coffin. He finds his mother, and after pouring his emotions out to her, she tells him something his father said to her: "Every story begins at the end of another." And so, Zuberi goes and finishes the book himself (using a PEN, DIRECTLY ON THE BOOK! Surely I'm not the only one who is dumbfounded by that?). I won't detail the rest of the story as there's a bit more, but that's the most striking part to me. "Every story begins at the end of another." It's a phrase I feel I've heard before, or even thought of before perhaps, yet I couldn't help but feel it was quite profound in that moment. It's a great message.

Really, the whole last third of the game is a great time. The movement of Zau was pretty underwhelming, but you get the best additions to your moveset at the end and it starts being really fun (a new game+ would be amazing). The combat was a slow burn. I outright disliked it at first. I saw no reason to use the long-ranged Moon Mask outside of when it's needed, so I would embody my inner Kafei and main the Sun Mask, with close-ranged, more powerful strikes (and a pretty potent spear attack at the end of the first act). Almost every enemy in this game is so annoying, especially the last enemy introduced, but when you get all of your moveset, it gets a certain rhythm, and ended up being a great time, especially when I fully upgraded the Moon Mask and saw its merits. I think the combat is gonna be the thing that breaks this game for people, but if you stick to it, I think you'll find a good time. It's just a shame how long it takes to get there.

I know a lot of people make fun of this kind of approach to rating things, but for a good two-thirds of the experience, I was thinking "this is a solid 3.5 star" until the last third where it became more like a 4.2 star game. But since that's only a third, uhhh... it averages out to around 3.75, and I want this game to get more attention, so I'll round that up to a solid 4 stars. Is this really a four-star game? Nah, not really. But if they make things better from The get-go in a future project, then it would be something pretty special.

But for now, Tales of Kenzera is

Pretty good.

There is absolutely not enough I can say about Persona 3. Loved every part of this game from beginning to end. Persona 3 specifically holds a special place in my heart as it was my very first exposure to this series. Saw a friend play it and thought it looked interesting so I picked up Persona 5. Been a huge fan of this series since then. Everything in Reload is exactly what I wanted out of a remake for this game. Incredible presentation, outstanding music, and unforgettable characters that I will hold close to my heart for as long as I remember. I love Persona.

a very beautiful, open expanse with great vehicle controls, combat, and customization. the hand to hand combat as well is also super satisfying. that said though, the game’s story and progression didnt grab me much at all honestly. the game has really good bones, and i wish i liked it more. maybe i’ll come back to it eventually. i love mad max!

Indiana… Let it go

My first playthrough of Dead Money was a purposeful, intense experience, and one that I won’t ever forget. The atmosphere in this DLC is off the charts. On that first run, I understood the point of the story, and followed it to its natural conclusion: letting go.

But this wasn’t my first playthrough.

CHA-CHING! See ya Dean Dumbino, I’m walking outta here with 37 gold bars ya coward! Why would I stay here if I’m banned from gambling, anyway? Yo Eli, I’m not specced for laser guns, so I threw your LAER straight in the trash! I’m gonna get so many implants I might have to join an MLM! See ya never, GodDog! Whatever your deal was. Christine, love the hair. I’d say hi to Veronica for you but she won’t talk to me on account of burying all of her old racist friends in that bunker. Yeah baby! Dead MONEY $$$$ ar ar ar ar SpongeBob me boy

What can I say, world 5 really appeals to me. Don't know why.

This is what I wanted Stray to be - a game with a nebulous overarching goal that you can achieve at some point but being able to spend the vast majority of your time going around doing cat things; making friends and causing chaos.

Could maybe have done with a little more to do in the hub world, or had that area be slightly bigger but still good fun.