Reviews from

in the past

There is an insane amount of depth, customization, and strategy to be found in this game, which is not only impressive for a farming simulator, but for a game in general.

And honestly, I don't care about any of that. This is the most relaxing game I've ever played, with insane vibes and a cozy gameplay loop able to put a person directly in touch with nature. It's truly a game anyone can enjoy, and one I can enjoy at any time.

got to the final crystal, wiped, thought i just saved but lost 2 hours of leveling. Think im ready to move on..... since im so close ill come back to finish it out. overall, plot started strong then got really stupid and half baked. have to remind yourself that this kind of story was first of its kind and adjust your expectations accordingly. played on gba. ill re review when the credits roll... eventually

Love this, so much is done well here. Arkane's take on atmospheric sci-fi horror is sterile and uniquely unsettling

Shoutout to classic games remade and expanded into insane sensory experiences, gotta be one of my favorite genders

My wedding: 🚶
Elden ring dlc release date: 🕴️🕺

Story was lacking, but graphical fidelity, combat, and puzzles were improved around the board

Não ligo que o controle do skate era uma merda peak gaming foi atingido com esse jogo


Olha não é ruim mas nem fudendo, mas dá metade pro fim fica cansativo e bem fraco em level design, mas no fim não é um jogo ruim.
Eu realmente queria gostar desse jogo, mas galaxy se mantém sendo o melhor que já joguei até agora.

This game could be a serious overwatch competitor if it wouldn’t run on the spaghetti noodle engine 3000

I played two missions and was so bored that I genuinely cannot bring myself to continue. Fundamentally does not understand Halo. Storywise, gameplay wise, visually, it doesn't get it. A complete and utter mess.

Multiplayer is pretty good though.

Don't remember much besides the fun fart boosting ability

Fun exploring a world where enemies are unforgiving and death is always an option. The combat is fun, although I'm not a huge fan of boss battles where iFrames are the key mechanic.

The world does seem like it's a couple generations out of date. Yes, it's open world, yes it's 3d, but so much of it is bounded by sheer cliffs and oceans, there are a very limited number of paths into and out of each distinct area.

The world seems like a series of small areas connected together, you never really get benefit from scanning the horizon or taking a high vantage point like you are in the new Zeldas.

The discoverability of things is also stuck in the 1980s, where you need to attack each and every identical wall to find which ones are illusionary, or rely on player notes/websites. So you're not rewarded for attention to detail or perception, you find secrets by brute force or crowd source.

Equipment (esp armor) stats don't seem to matter much, I never felt the need to swap out for a resistance set or anything like that, and with the main mechanic being iFrames it's not like an extra 4% damage reduction does anything significant. So you just dress your character up like a paper doll, and you only get the excitement of finding an 'upgrade' a few times early game, and then maybe once or twice for the rest of the runtime.

There's a ton of QoL issues with the interface, inventory, and quest logs. Tons of one-way doors that aren't well signaled, you can't even see if an item a vendor is selling is already owned, or compare the base stats of one weapon to the base stats of an upgraded version.

In general, while the game has a very broad range of viable builds and combos… all the incentives within game is to narrowly specialize. You're not rewarded at all for mixing it up, or changing weapons, or learning different skills. You can respec, but high level upgrades require limited consumables. You find a groove early on… and that's the groove you have for the rest of the game.

Wish I was playing it on PC instead of ps5 cause the joystick + auto-aim is criminal especially when using the bow primarily, but still I love this game. Turn your brain off and go fight a tiger, I dunno. I love Vaas more than a sane person should

Good fun. Non linear story was refreshing at the time. Villains were excellent and scared you with their devotion. Gameplay didn't translate perfectly, ally characters are not too memorable

To talk about Memories of Celceta it is important to speak of Celceta's journey into modernity. Due to Falcom's incredibly storied history, Adol's adventure in Celceta has always had a layer of uncertainty. To keep it brief, Falcom was approached by Hudson for plans to develop a sequel to Ys III, however, due to poor upper management and mass resignations following Ys I, Ys II and Ys III Falcom was unable to develop a new entry. Due to this, Falcom pursued partnerships with other developers to create a Ys IV sequel for various consoles. Falcom would ultimately provide the framework for Ys IV's scenario (including characters, setting, story, soundtrack, etc.) and allow Hudson and Tonkin Soft to create Ys IV: Dawn of Ys (PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16) and Ys IV: Mask of the Sun (SNES) respectively.

Then, in 2005 Taito ported Ys IV (along with other Ys titles) to PS2 under the title Ys IV: Mask of the Sun: A New Theory. These three titles all shared similarities in setting, characters, and other aspects of Falcom's original design doc but with a few notable changes such as the primary antagonist.

Among these, Ys IV: Dawn of Ys was always considered "canonical" due to being released first and Ys IV coming about as a result of Hudson's initial proposal. However, in 2003 Falcom published an official Ys timeline which marked Ys IV: Mask of the Sun as the proper interpretation of Adol's adventure as it closely matched the original design and vision Falcom sought.

Thankfully though, in 2012 Falcom released their interpretation of Adol's time in Celceta with Ys: Memories of Celceta for the PS Vita.

This game is the definitive interpretation of Adol's journey in Celceta and was well worth such a turbulent history. Ys: Memories of Celceta is such a treat to play. Memories of Celceta takes the foundation of Ys Seven and elevates it to an entirely new level by refining many of the systems introduced in Ys Seven creating a tighter, more robust experience. In every way, this game surpasses Ys Seven on a technical level. You can tell Falcom critically thought about Ys Seven and the players, and aimed to make a better experience from the map design, to the increasingly thorough map itself, to the material gathering, to the weapon crafting, to the skill design and so much more.

And as per Falcom standard, the story, characters, settings, and soundtracks all remain immensely memorable. There are moments throughout that are inspired by Falcom's love for Ys I + II with locations and camera views that call back so emotionally to Adol's most recent adventure in Esteria. Memories of Celceta also take things one step further by acting to consolidate the Eldeen lore and mythos that were so prominent early on in Adol Christin's journey. This game was crafted with consideration for every aspect of Adol's journey, going so far as to flesh out characters and events that have yet to happen chronologically that we as players have already experienced. Part of Ys' appeal is that Adol Christin's travelogues are told "out of order", as they are discovered, which makes Celceta such an important story to experience. This game is the origin of Adol giving meaning to his journey through the title of "Adventurer" and this incredibly pivotal moment is one that makes this game so beautiful. This, on top of setting the stage for Adol's future encounters.

In sum, Memories of Celceta is a great game that deserves its place among Adol's travelogue and one that is important to experience as the definitive interpretation of his time in Celceta. It is a game that I love, as I do with every other Ys entry and one that I think is important to play for any fan of Adol's journey.

Roguelike the game! Mais um roguelike isometrico twim sticker shooter. Esse tem a adição de um sistema de gereciamento de culto que é basicamente uma fazendinha macabra. O que eu mais gostei foi das dezenas de segredos no jogo como quests, skins e loot. As armas não variam muito e cansam rapido. O combate não é grandes coisas, a parte da fazendinha é bem legal mas você atinge o fim rapidamente e o endgame não contribui muito. O tema do jogo é o lado forte, junto com a lore.

I beat Isshin sword saint hitless so yeah, I'm just better than you

Still scratching my head over the story, but vision counts for something. Gameplay is great fun and the world is altogether unique for AAA games

A remarkable game for its time, with a tense, lonely setting and some genuinely terrifying boss battles. There was definitely some frustrations along the way with the controls and save points locations with some bosses (I'm looking at you nightmare) but overall it was a memorable experience. Thank god for the switch's save states.

Decent little rogue-like. Fun to play co-op.

I want to like it so bad. Obvious callbacks to 3 make it appealing to me, but so much else fall short, I can't call it one of my favorites

Que experiência incrível! A história é extremamente cativante e densa, que consegue com certeza prender qualquer um que jogue. A gameplay, apesar de ser um clássico de turnos, consegue trazer novos elementos para esse consagrado gênero. Filho espiritual do maravilhoso Chrono Trigger.

While some aspects of the series clearly capped out with Dragon Quest III due to the NES's limitations, Chunsoft managed to keep things fresh by approaching the narrative in a unique and inventive way. Creating actual character development for your party members was a novel concept in the early 90s as silly as that sounds. My biggest complaint here is the "Tactics" system, which is effectively forced auto-battling. It's not sophisticated enough to just be a time saving tool, as it will sometimes just flat out work against you, and I hate auto-battle systems in games in general.

>Be Tecmo
>Ninja Gaiden 3 is a trash fire that everyone, even the casual western audience you were pandering to fucking despises
>It reviews horribly
>Release a totally revamped version of the game that basically makes it more like NG2 in the span of a year with more weapons, enemies, missions, etc.
>It's actually pretty decent but still nowhere near as good as the last 2 games
>Updates and DLC make it pretty good, though

De longe o melhor nesse game é a trilha sonora. Depois vem a dublagem, aí a interação dos personagens entre si, depois a ambientação e depoisssss a gameplay. Ela é bem divertida e fluida, sendo bem legal usar os comandos para pedir habilidades aos guardiões. Mas senti que em alguns momentos o jogo perdia o ritmo, ficava arrastado e os inimigos se repetiam muito, apenas aumentando em quantidade e vida, virando verdadeiras esponjas de bala. Além disso, por várias vezes encontrei bugs visuais e de áudio, erros de continuidade e decisões estranhas de narrativa que me fazia perder um pouco da imersão. Apesar disso, o jogo teve mais pontos positivos do que negativos, oferecendo uma boa e simples árvore de habilidades, divertida campanha (apesar de um vilão que não me agradou taaanto) e ótimos momentos contemplativos ao som de um metal dos anos 90.

obs: maneirar no uso de Deus Ex Machina e no uso excessivo de diálogos seria bom :)

Taught me more about communism than Miss Smirnova in high school