2023 Games !


An avant garde saterical masterpiece exploring the expectation and subversion of gender roles, and the overbearing presence of violence in our world today.
This game has such a weight to it. It always had to me, there is a sadness, a finality, a climax that few other games hold in my brain. Maybe its because Touhou as a concept has been a fated loved one since I was 10. But there is nothing that comes close to the coolness of Stage 4, the final showdown between to friends and rivals, the BLAIRING sound of both themes. It is a game made of magic, true fantasy. I lvoe Touhou guys I wish I wasnt so ass at games and played these at like age 14.
The most accurate game title known to man
You bring a parrot into the court of law, this is fantastic
good game until the dev forgot what checkpoints are.
This game was so fucking cool. Its so sick, I had no idea what was happening but man was it cool.
Half Life rules!! I mean we all know this, its just an accepted fact this game rocks. Its punishing but fair, its atmosphere is consistently tense, and it keeps itself fresh and interesting. I didnt even hate Xen outside of the bosses (which were both generally slogs)
A super fun, super creepy horror game that works just as well as a standalone story about a boy slowly unraveling in paranoia, as it does as the epilogue its meant to be. really recommend it even if you don't have any interest in reading the rest.
I am going to refrain from noting all of the Higus, cause I am lazy, and use Ch6. here as a general discussion. Higurashi has been and is a wonderful experience throughout. Its flaws as a written work are painfully apparent but it never holds the story back from chugging along and doing exactly what it wishes. Whether that is a heart wrenching examination of the failures of the Japanese Child Protective Services, how the scars of older generations leave deeper wounds in their children... or how 2D and 3D waifus are both to be worshipped and beloved and failing to understand that a happy life is to have both is also why the Xbox flopped in Japan. Its a series with something for everyone !
I played this game in a way only 3 other people ever have, those being my bestest fwendsssssssss, with whom I read in a discord call voice acting our selections of scrimblos (I was Keiichi, Ooishi, Akasaka, and Kameda [whose newfound surfer vibe and tendency to expand his rants made him a favorite to voice even if it was all unhinged bullshit]). This way of experiencing such a deeply connected cast made it all the better. Theorizing on what would happen next, what was X character truly thinking, would Satoko grind out every Fortnite Battlepass day one??? (yeah). A magical experience, and truly my favorite gaming event of the year.
Another game where I don't have much new to say, but one that constantly impressed me. Just a golden gem of a game, its vibe and aesthetic senses hit me every way possible. (I love the contrast of the silly chibi sprites and the jaw dropping artwork) I do think that back half of this game falls off a bit, not enough story momentum due to how its designed which is a shame!! The gameplay also ends up very homogeneous, the ability to grant everyone all spells really just means almost everyones gonna do the same thing. But thats okay! I need to play more SE classics they always impress
Whats there to say about Super Mario World? Yeah its fantastic, its a land mark game. But it does suffer from "early console syndrome" A lot of it feels a bit unpolished or rough, its OST stinks! All being one theme is cute but not for me. Overall though? A blast.
This is just nice. Its a nice game, I like Kirby he is cute
Specifically Heveans Feel Route, as it was the only one I played this year.

Heveans Feel is my least favorite. Sakuras story doesn't feel as tasteful as it probably should have and her and Shirou can't keep it in their pants its crazy. The midsection of this route is also really slow I find, dragging its feet to an inevitable horrible end. And that ending IS fantastic, when its story picks up its just nonstop pressure and intensity. Im glad this 4 year journey has reached its end
One of the less impactful TH games I think, its themes and concepts dont really lend it to a major impression. But thats okay! I think its still pretty fun and I do like its climax, some awesome themes and stages in the back half. And hey, the Grassroutes rule. Bring em around again ZUN!
I have always been a bit of a sonic pessimist, I don't think i've ever really seen him as all too great and his games have generally failed to impress. BUT Sonic is fucking cool, i cant be a hater guys its too hard when you play this game and just go, "yeah Sonic is fucking the coolest"
This was a nice game, it sorta drags itself in both pacing and its gameplay loop (it does NOT have to be as long as it is). But I was very charmed, I learned a lot about Rice.
Quirky Weird and Odd, I love most people love Wario Ware for the same reason I liked this game! I havent touched this series before so I was very pleased by how charming it was! Def wanna try more
This game is cool but i did NOT play it enough haha
a fighting game that makes you play a genre I am way better at?? Thank you capcom god bless
I was like, constently whelmed playing this one. People hype this shit like crazy and yeah! Its pretty good! But its far from amazing, none of its games really last long enough to feel fleshed out, or more than minigames. Meta Knights Revenge was awesome but its so short! at least kirby is cute!
Listen, i know this game goes crazy in score. I knoooowwwwww but personally, I don't feel the sauce in this one. The taoists never really did much for me, and generally, I think this is aesthetically kinda plain. Its music is also kinda weak! Desire Drive will always fuck though, and I could never be mean to Yoshika, who inadvertently got me into this whole shebang.
if you are reading this you shoe is united
Very fun multiplayer game with some good scares and plenty of tom fuckery to go around
If Pikmin 1-3 is about exploring a distant, far off abandoned planet, than Pikmin 4 is a nice vacation to a National Park. It IS more isolated and remote than anywhere else, but its still bustling with activity and people.

I dunno this game just never hits the same emotions or sense of dread the other (mainly 1/2) do. I dont know why I am so pretentious about this game I dont even fuck with this series that heavy
This is one of the most vitriolic hate filled projects I have ever experienced. It is also completely hysterical, one of the funniest batshit games I've ever experienced. please play this its great
I played this one procrastinating on studying for my finals, at least I was thematic! A very charming visual novel with tons of personality and very very cute art. Its short too, give it a go
Charming litttle april fools game thats just a nice time, ya know? Man I played a lotta VNs this year.
This is such a human game. Its a mess, its full of life, its unfinished, its a great story, its unbalanced, its Touhou at its finest. This game needed more time in the oven, but I quite enjoyed this mostly baked-pie. ZUN is great with large ensemble stories and every story route had great moments.

I hope someone makes half decent online though
An evil evil evil game thats awesome and like, the peak aesthetic. Mentally I am here
A very charming little horror game. Its game play is very simple spot the difference but it never feels like it wears out its laughs or spooks. There is this one fucked up evil difference that was barely fucking visible on my computer tho, but even then it just produced a good laugh for me
The minigames in this one rule. I know nothing about Mario Party but what I played was fun
if ur reading this we should play Majong
This was like... good! Better than it had any right to be I would say. Insanely charming romp, the gameboy could cook huh
the kusoge is alive and well
Fucking crazy so much of Kirby's iconography comes from a 30 minute game you could beat with your eyes closed. Very cute game I like it
Big monster punch other big monster, then pick up and throw train at big monster. Come on now.
A cute little side VN. I miss Va11 Hall-A.
Great music, wonderful vibes, fun and charming cast of characters. Overall great package outside of a frustrating gameplay gimmick that bogs it down. Now it may sound like I hate this game, but I buckled down, clenched my jaw, wiped my tears, and simply got good
Its game and watch games! Its cute and fun but very simple.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Yuuka Kazami
Getting Help With Patchouli Knowledge
A charming game that sorta banks on that charm without much substance in the game design. Playing this a decade past its intention really makes it feel somewhat old hat.
reddit amongus
A game likely much better enjoyed when not 100%ing. As experienced, a slog to the utmost degree, unfun dungeons, and unbalanced design.
this is everything I hate about sonic but its cute visually
How the hell can I hate this game it has BoCo :)
Rawest game of all time
this shit did not work on my computer oopsie
joined the "somehow didnt function on my laptop" collection

(amazing music tho)


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