Pretty awesome game. Large scale battles are hard to get right in video games, but it's done well here. I definitely prefer Deep Rock Galactic, but I guess the two games are going for different things.

Still no doubt one of the best games ever made. Each playthrough feels so different due to the open ended world design. I usually hate games with a giant open world, but I'm really hoping that Silksong has double the amount of areas compared to Hollow Knight. I just want more of this type of game.


Pretty engaging story that didn't quite stick the landing in my opinion. The world and characters are interesting, the music is very good, the writing is funny but it knows when to take itself seriously. Unfortunately the gameplay is quite weak, even for a point and click. I would've liked to see more in depth combat (or no combat at all), and the puzzles could've done with some finetuning.

Overall it's still absolutely worth a shot if you can get behind point and click adventure games.


I hate rougelites, and yet this is way better than the first game. The music is fun, the combat isn't braindead like it's predecessor, and it's very clear that the developers are getting much more experienced at this.

The progression is well paced, and there is a solid enemy variety + weapon variety. The bosses are good fun as well. Side quests were decent, but I'd like a better reward than just a hat.

The writing still isn't quite as good as it could be, although it still managed to get a couple of laughs out of me. Also, the pacing kinda falls apart at the end, as you get so much money from very specific items (and not much else).

Overall, I'm actually somewhat excited about what the Turnip Boy devs do next. I couldn't say that about the first game.


It's genuinely hard to think of an improvement to this game. It's just so damn good. I guess the artstyle could be a tiny bit better, but I'm grasping at straws. I used to think that there were better 2D platformers than this, but I just don't know if that's the case anymore.

I'm super hyped for their next game, but I'm very worried for it's early impressions. As it's a metroidvania, people are going to instantly compare it to silksong, which is a battle that may not end well. I really hope people understand that it's okay to enjoy two masterpieces.


Speedrunning this game is actually awesome. It's a shame that games like this can't really be made anymore, as the internet would just spoil all the secret exits.

Didn't grab me as much as 3 did. It's more of the same thing really.

The difference between 2 and 3 was incredible, so obviously I wasn't going to be that impressed with 4 graphically. I just think that the series should have slower releases, so that there is a distinct enough difference between all of the games. 5 has the same problem as 4.

At least Horizon 6 will be a series exclusive and it'll look stunning (and hopefully have good gameplay too).

Man I wish this game was finished. This was an unforgiveable broken piece of shit at launch, and it still managed to get insanely good review scores.

Everything here is an improvement over the first game. The story is fantastic, and it doesn't rely on nostalgia as much as I thought it would. Gameplay has marginally improved, and the visuals are stunning (as starwars always is).

If you just want to bang out the main story, there is more than enough content to justify the price. However, the game has so much quality side content. They better adapt that fighting minigame from A New Hope into a free-to-play steam game.

10 months after launch, this game is still broken on PS5. I can't even imagine playing it on PC. It's usually not game breaking (exept for 1 crash and 1 freeze I had), however the constant T-posing and glitches really bring down the experience.

It's hard to give this game a score. On one hand, I shouldn't condemn companies releasing rushed games. On the other hand, this is a masterpiece and a must play for any starwars fan.


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Would've been my favourite puzzle game if not for the weaker ending. The final puzzle is a little cryptic, and it took me like 15 minutes to figure it out. There is no final boss despite the game containing many bosses. The game also just ends a bit abruptly. The ending cutscene is as cryptic as the story itself, so I don't really have anything to say about that.

Aside from that, I absolutely loved the concept of this. No puzzle properly stopped me dead in my tracks, but none of them felt braindead easy either. It's incredibly hard for a puzzle game to get that balance. The game is the perfect length too, as juggling a brand new world would've just been cumbersome and confusing.


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This really felt like it could've been made 15 years ago. And I mean that with no disrespect at all. This is a perfect sequel to the original in every way.

The art direction is out of this world. So many unique ideas thrown left right and centre. One thing that stands out is that every platform, enemy, and collectable feels coherent with the setting your in. It sounds obvious, but not many platformers actually do this.

The story is fantastic. It's full of mystery, and the twists actually pay off. I really like how they deal with heavy topics such as coping with loss and dealing with old age. They deal with it in a light hearted tone, but it's never played for comedic effect.

Some of the new side characters aren't really fleshed out enough, so you don't really care for them towards the end of the game. I went through almost all of their dialogue, but they still didn't grow on me (except for Dogen's sister). I wish the psychic six actually did something in the final fight instead of some random yoyo guy.

The movement is more finetuned than the original, but I wish they went a step further. This game is probably most comparable to A Hat in Time, which has much more fluid movement in my opinion. However this is easily made up by the stellar level design.

The combat isn't amazing, but it's definitely better than the original. The new enemies are great for the most part, and the bosses were all a lot of fun.

Music could've been improved, however all the tracks did a great job at accompanying the levels. I just wish there were some more catchy songs.

Overall, this is one of the best platformers/collectathons around. It's kind of a dying genre, but games like this give me hope for the future. This game also made me realise that a Psychonauts 1 remake would be awesome.


Holy linguine this is the gamest game I have ever gamed. There is just infinite new ideas in this game wtf. I had high expectations and those were blown out of the stratosphere. You'd genuinely get creative whiplash from playing the New Sup games after playing this.

Wonder is just pure fun. No idea is run dry. This isn't only about the Wonder flowers, I'm talking enemies, level gimmicks, backgrounds, and everything in between. I've never smiled more than when playing this game.

Also how is nobody talking about the fact that joycons make a noise?!?! I've had my switch for over 6 years and I didn't know it could do that! In fact, this whole game is a sensory overload. The visuals and audio are fantastic, but the HD rumble really brings everything together.

The final boss was phenomenal, it wasn't difficult, but it's probably the best 2D Mario boss ever. Annoyingly, the same can't be said for the mini bosses. The airship 'boss' is laughably pathetic and I'm not even gunna consider them a boss. The other bosses have fantastic ideas behind them, but they are too easy and predicable considering it's just Bowser Jr each time.

Unfortunately the difficulty didn't quite reach the heights I wanted it to reach. The final level was hyped up so much online, and it took me like 5 attempts. I understand the base game being easy, but the post game of Mario is usually harder than this.

The game also tries to nostalgia bait us by doing the same post castle text scroll from Mario World. This falls flat, as Mario isn't committing any war crimes like he does in World. In fact, almost all of the dialogue in this game sucks. I wish cutscenes were skippable for replays.

Despite a few nitpicks, this game just barely deserves a 5 star in my book. I'm not quite sure if it's better than tropical freeze, but it's damn close. This really feels like Mario World 3 and I could not be more happy.



Genuinely one of the prettiest games to exist. The music is top notch, and gameplay is actually pretty good as well. Not sure why the overall rating isn't higher.

I'm hoping the developer's next game focuses on improving the moment to moment gameplay. The water level was the most fun, as it introduced a dash ability which speeds up the movement. If their next game is as beautiful as this, with gameplay on par with other platformers, then it could easily be amongst the all time greatest sidescrollers.


Pretty solid game. The perspective mechanic was a little finicky, and a couple of puzzles weren't amazing, however it's definitely one of the coolest concepts for a puzzle game I've seen.


Probably the best superhero game to date. I actually can't imagine a game surpassing this any time soon.

Other reviews demonstrate why this game is so good so I won't get into that stuff. One thing I'd like to highlight is the difficulty of the game. It's incredibly challenging to fine tune a game's difficulty, yet this game nails it. Most bosses in a game will either take 1 try, or 15. Spiderman 2's bosses take between 2 and 10 attempts which is the sweet spot for difficulty in my opinion. The moment to moment combat is also difficult, but not frustrating.

My main gripe is the structure of the game. The open world is fairly bland and unnecessarily big. There's also too many copy and paste side quests along the way. The story is urgent, so I personally find it best to just plough through the game without getting distracted by the side stuff.

Annoyingly, a lot of the main missions are filled with fluff to help pad out the game's length. There's so many instances where it could've just been a cutscene, but instead I'm forced to press a button or complete some random out of place 'puzzle'. The game is at it's best when you're spiderman, and it's a shame that you spend so much time doing other crap.