This is such a good zelda game. It’s so enduring and I loved coming back to this world after breath of the wild. The new content and mechanics are so glorious and mind boggling with how they pulled it off. A triumphant game.

I can not believe it took me this long to play this game. I was in denial for so long, I thought before that, “oh fan carts and emulation are cool but I can just never do it, i’m a pure real hardware girly”. But then I grew up. Finally picking this up from a local game store and not stoping since I first turned it on. Such an insane level of creativity that i’ve never felt before. I’ve only played Mother’s contemporaries such as undertale, but now that i've actually played this game, I can see why it’s so special. The gameplay is super engaging and I love the rhythm combo mechanic, it made paying attention to the great music more satisfying. The flow of the chapters and characters getting all the right amount of development at the right times is just beautiful and well paced. All while being funny and super gay as shit. I love the Magyspies so much.

I also have to mention the sprite work on the gba here is just amazing. I love every single use of color and animation. The gba is such a fun piece of hardware to experience these kind of games on.

Nothing beats the feeling of crying in your bed, dimly lit by you gameboy advance at 3 am cuddled up to your loved one experiencing this devastating art. Such a beautiful and heart breaking game.

“Hey other world.
Be good to Jill”

Wasted my childhood on this shit😔


Super beautiful and cute lil game. The platforming and puzzles were simple but enough to keep me engaged. I’m not super into these kind of games usually, I usually like indie games like this to have a little more meat like hollow knight but that’s really not what it’s going for and thats fine.

Of course the best thing about this game was the animation/art direction and music. My favorite sections was the evil goop monster chase sequences. The underwater eel one was particularly thrilling.

I would super recommend this if you want a quick easy game to relax and enjoy. A very pleasant experience for me.

Also I love gris girl’s cube form. It is very chonk and cute

This game is so broken and annoying it infuriates me to this day.

Still holds up and is one of the coolest to ever do it.

My first rpg💖 dear to my heart

Strange journey is everything about shin megami tensei that I love. It’s story is grand and mythical, the boss fights are a good challenge, and the music is so good the poor little ds can’t handle it. The atmosphere reminds me so much of John carpenter’s the thing and like a stanly kubrick film it’s so cool.

So nostalgic that I still hum that soundtrack all the time.

Only the ending is cool. that’s it

Complicated relationship with game, But I can’t help but love it.

Beautiful game that square enix persists to butcher to this day.