Joy, Super Mario Odyssey is the definition of Joy. This game will not stop untill it puts a smile into your face, to me i was happy all the time when i was playing this and came back to play even more when i needed a happy place.

The story is small, but again happy, every world has it's own mechanic and own capture , ones are better than the others, but all of the worlds are amazing. The music on this is so damn god, i can always go back to the Steam Gardens, or even more, to Jump up super star, like this song is the best, it defines the joy this game brings.

Of course, Super Mario Odyssey shines on it's platforms, once you got a hold of Cappy, you can fly thorugh any word in any way you want to, i could play the game the way i wanted to and use cappy to do things i wasn't supossed to but the level designers accounted for.

A masterpiece and a must play for platform fans, i can't express how much this game means to me, just play it and have fun!

In puzzle games there's a distinction between games that give you all the tools needed and let you figure it out the answer, and games that hide things from you and make your brain go nuts for hours and hours, i like to compare that to "jigsaw puzzles", the first one, and "brainteasers" the second one. I myself am much more a fan of the first one, and Cocoon is for sure one of the best of this kind out there.

Cocoon is never too much, it's never too little, it always tell the players all the clues it needs while never letting too many things overload your brain by closing the finished paths behind you.

It teach's its verbs one by one, and use each one of the them to the maximum, and that goes to your basic puzzle piece to this game amazing world structure (not getting into it because spoilers). Every puzzle ahead is a matter of "what verbs do i have and what possibilities there are". To summarize this, the very last puzzle it's a lecture on this mentality, i had only one verb and from that i was able to logically codify the other ones in one go.

It's safe to say that Cocoon it's a must for puzzle fans, and i couldn't have had a better time with it

I started this game thinking, "there is no way this is going to be better than the first one" and i was surprised, Will of the Wisps not only is as good as the previous one but improves and implements upon it, it's truly a masterpiece and the best metroidvania i've ever played.

In a few words this game take what was "okay" on the last one and make it good, like the combat , the saves and teleports, brings new things to the table with amazing NPCs, and some fun side quests.

But in the end It shines yet again on his platform, playing Ori on this game fells so damn good, you fly through the map in a way i was not expecting, going to point a to b is just amazing, and the upgrades all make it even better, the platform is truly what makes Ori an amazing franchise and is at his best in here, unmissable.

The story is also excelent, simple but very touching, and of course the game itself is marvelous. the art and sound design are a straight ace on this one, just looking at it will make you smile.

It's hard to judge Galaxy 2 without comparing it to Galaxy 1, however i think in this case Galaxy 2 makes the most impressive thing for a sequence of a game this good, that is to improve upon all the original mistakes.

Galaxy 2 level design fells flawless, even more than in 1, the movement is way tighter and way more interesting to execute, that's partially because the camera, while still bad, it's not a problem anymore, because the level designers put the default one in a way to always make your jumps works, and that makes a world of difference.

The power ups that were really bad on the original are actually good here, they are fun! Add a new complexity and layer to things, and now we have Yoshi! Somehow the Yoshi motion is not that bad. Hell, even the extra levels are better, because the platforming fells smother in the clone mario or speedrun levels, they fell like actual levels now, it's a long jump simulator but superb nevertheless.

I think my only complaints about this game are still the extra 100 purple coins that are a pain, the post game that this time has an incredible extra world but the prize is more repetition, the motion controls that are less but still a pain (the only five stars i left behind) and of course the lost of the heart of the Galaxy in Rosalina.

Still, as a platformer genre fan , the movement, the level design makes for a greater game, one of the best ones ever made.

To quote a friend, in a gaming world where everything is about being bigger, larger , longer and more realistic it's so refreshing to see a game that dares to be what it wants to be, a game that just want's to be fun! And boy how fun it is.

Hi-fi rush overflows with personality, joyfull moments and love sprinkled all over it's playtrough that is just the right size and the right way of doing it. It is hard to describe how fun it is to play this game, all the moments you get to live with the amazing cast of characters, how no matter how bad you're at rythim or timing the game will make you fell like a rockstar in its battles and at the end you'll be just chaining stuff trying to give the audience the best show they've ever had.

If i had to choose the thing i liked the most it would definitely be the cast of characters, how they grow , not only in their own perspective but together, as a team, as a family, each has it's own moments and merits and adding all of them together really brings together what makes hi-fi rush the greatness that it is.

Chicory was the best surprise i had in a game in a while, while in the surface it looked like a game about painting, it is so much more than that, and as Chicory herself would say "there's no only one way to do things" and there's no one way to play chicory.
For starters yes chicory is a game about painting, however, you don't need to interact with it at all if it's not your thing, the act of painting is used for a lot of things and the black and white scenarios are still great.
It is actually a great puzzle game! You use your brush in the most diverse of ways to interact and solve puzzles throughout the experience , and as with the painting if you aren't good with puzzles, that's fine, you have phone calls to call your mom and dad and they will tell you how to proceed in the most adorable way.
And my lord the soundtrack, it makes all of that work, Lana Raine yet again achieved greatness, from the menu, to the citys, to the amazing boss fights and incredible duets tones, it's incredible to see a soundtrack just as good as Celeste's.

In the end, more than all of that, chicory is a game about it's character's, about you (in my case Pizza!) and chicory, about how you don't need to do everything by yourself and you shouldn't push yourself just because someone says so, it's narrative accomplishes brilliantly what it goes for, and that alone is a reason to play this game, even if you don't like all of the rest, chicory is just THAT accessible, don't miss out like i almost did.

This game seems like your typical action slasher, but it has a twist! Your attacks are actually through solving a puzzle, the basic form is that you have an field of movement and enemy's, your goal is to kill your enemies and get to the exit, simple enough? right.

It's a well executed little puzzle game that you can have fun with the mechanic, that evolves along the game , and doesn't overstays it's welcome, it has a neat art style to it, and i would recommend to fans of the genre.

Talking about FW it's better suited in a pros and cons lists, so i'll just start with that.

Good: This game is gorgeous, the art direction of every set piece, cut scene, location, character design etc is baffling, seriously the prettiest game i played on the console. The Character's surrounding Alloy and herself are amazing, talking with them, their side quests, it's honestly the best part of the game. in general character design is great all around, there'l be a lot of side quests that will have a "story line" following a tale with a random guy you met and it'll have payoff in the end, they are great side content. The move set with the Grappling and Glider are way better, you fell like you can go everywhere. The cauldrons, Ruins, City's, Tribes, as well as an late game upgrade also make the list. The narrative is good even if it falloffs in the very end.

Bad : Horizon is another Sony series that thinks that better means bigger, and that is it's biggest problem, sure they have great side quests and characters, but there are SO MANY that most people will miss this content, purely because they did something else. The "other side quests" , most of them just felt like unnecessary at least. Hacking and Stealth that were great in the first kinda falloff in this one, it was sad to see. There are too many machines and animals so you'll never have the thing you need for upgrades, there'll be too many weapons that you'll probably never get to use and so on.
The end, small spoiler ahead, their need for a trilogy on what could have been a good endpoint for Alloy's narrative had to be brought to a final that doesn't add up to the game's state and also set ups for a third game that i'll be surprised if it get's close to the first two.

In resume, Forbidden West it's a roller coaster of ups and downs, that delivers on Horizon's Biggest strengths while also falling onto it's biggest's problems, it sure is worth to see the tale of Alloy and her crew, even if you just ignore most of the rest.


Tchia overflows with personality and its own ideas, in a unique game world based on the small island of New Caledonia Tchia knows it's strengths and make them count, the charismatic set of characters, the beautiful views of natural places, everything makes it's setting different from everything you've seen before.

The movement deserves it's own text because soul jumping is so much fun, sure you can just do basic stuff like capture a bird and fly away and that's nice, however you can also chain captures your way trough a lot of space, like using a rock to go from the beginning of one island to another and even chaining some captures along the way, is such fun times.

And yes Tchia has it's flaws, primary the combat (even tough the devs know that and you don't need to fight in anywhere after the tutorial, yes even on that place, you just need to do objectives) and both the city and the character models could be better, however it does fits the game the city being the least interesting thing, the game isn't about that.

In the end Tchia don't have the money or time of bigger games to have "perfect" systems and all models and such, but they know what the core of the game is, and that core, is such unique and well executed that leaves you wanting more.

I can only hope for more great games representing different places and cultures in the same way that Tchia does.

Foi uma grata surpresa o quão bom esse jogo é, claro que eu sabia pela conversa que era bom, mas somente jogando e colocando a mão na massa que você tem ideia da dimensão que ele se torna.

It takes two joga ideia incrivel atras de ideia incrivel de gameplay na sua cara, fases memoraveis de plataforma dos mais diferentes tipos, você pode acabar passando por fases de varios Mario's durante ele e com uma execução bem a par, em destaco deixo a parte de galaxia que é surreal.

Junte isso a minigames bem bolados, e obviamente jogar com um amigo que tornou a experiencia unica e divertida mesmo nas partes ruins, que são obviamente a historia, contando com um dos piores personagens da historia dos videogames, Joseff Fares fique nos level design por favor.

It takes two é uma excelente experiencia para se ter, muitas horas de diversão garantida com amigos e muitas risadas a se dar do quão cliche a historia é.

It's a rare thing to see a 2d collectaton, let alone a fully realised one like this, your set of skills that is build up troughout the game makes for great movement arround those collectables, even though there are some ups and downs, and not all collectables are equally fun to collect, it's a pleasant experience untill the end.

Lost Words is a unique game, it is rare to see such a bittersweet game with such a well written little tale. Yes it can be sad and yes the gameplay can be clunky at times, but the narrative nails it's objective, you see it coming from miles away, and yet, it is still touching, it speaks about grief in a great way, i wish more games would do that kinda of thing.

Recore has some cool ideas, a metroid prime like where you have companions that allow you to transverse in interesting ways in the world and in its dungeuns, a fair combat system and a interesting start to it's narrative as well.

And then it comes, the executive, the "ceo" that goes into the dev room and says "this game HAS to be a open world, it's the current industry tendency, no matter what" and congrats, you ruined a potential good game, not only it's open world is boring, it also blocks your progress throughout the main path that was good and the consequence of this is making the game launch a total disaster.

In the end a good ideia, a good beginning destroyed by someone who clearly had no idea what the game was, a shame really.

Psychonauts 2 is something that you are never quite sure how it exists, you know those amazing indie games that have great ideas but fall short because of budget or development time? Psychonauts 2 is that game, is a indie game with great ideas that was given time and money to fully fulfill it's ideas.

3d platformers have always been one of my favorite genre, but i also enjoy games around narratives and well written characters , and those two things are rarely seeing together, and yet, here they are. The platforming controls amazingly, you incorporate the powers into your move set, making getting around very smooth.

The game really shines on it's sense of humor, narrative and character build, everyone here is used well and it's there until the end, even random npcs have a net little interaction and sense of humor. And i haven't even said anything about the mental worlds, i got tired of being amazed by a new one again and again, it's a thing you must see for yourself and you'll never find in another game.

This game is really something, i could not recommend more, go see for yourself what the minds of Double Fine did because the wait was worth it.

Transistor is a interesting one, in one hand you have the combat that becomes repetitive and has it's problems, the confusing world building story and the lack of a more cohesive game overall.

However, it shines on the pillars of what would eventually become supergiant games blueprint, a gorgeous looking world, amazing musical set pieces and two very odd but interesting protagonists. Even though it's not all made of rights, transistors stands tall as a important mark on supergiant trajectory.