Favorite/Top Video Games of All Time

A quick side note to begin: I’m not including older video games (previous generations), even though there are many I had cherished in my childhood. Instead, I am making this ranked list to reflect what I played after I purchased my PS4 in 2016; and was overall more seriously into video games, rather than casual play sessions. Although, I am of the opinion regardless, that video games are better now than they have ever been due to technological advancements; unlike in film, where movies can stand the test of time and technology doesn’t play as pivotal of a role (Also note indie filmmakers who do not have the luxury of expensive equipment or computer effects).

This list will be constantly updated as I play more games and discover more favorites. As of now, this reflects the 160+ titles I have played on the current generation (PS4), and any game rated 8 or higher on a 10 scale.
