Psychonauts 2 is without a doubt the best 2021 game I've played yet, it's a wonderful combination of amazing characters, dialogue, and great gameplay. The game is incredibly beautiful, the animations are very fluid and controlling Raz is very fun, I'm happy that Double Fine took all the time they needed to achieve this. I loved the creative worlds inside people's minds, at the same time I felt the craziness of the first game is somewhat missing in this one. Don't get me wrong, the levels in 2 are awesome but I missed the variety and gimmicky levels 1 had, but 2 for sure has better platforming. The combat in 2 is much better than 1, I liked how the battles are paced, bosses are awesome. But in 2 you have so many abilities and it's not exactly good to be constantly switching them during battle. I also have to praise the music and all the voice actors in the game, they did and incredible work. I'm a big fan of 3D platformers and it's great to see developers other than Nintendo doing it, I want to see more of this.

The idea of depicting the events 100 years before Breath of the Wild within a musou game is fantastic in my opinion. I really like how the characters are presented in this game, the animations and the moveset for each character impressed me very much. And I like the musou gameplay cycle of capturing bases, defeating generals and giving orders to your characters, plus, I think it's fun to complete sidequests, level up your characters and unlock new combos. I have conflicted feelings about the story, but I kinda don't care for it? Seeing these characters interact in voiced cutscenes tho, it's nice. And you get to play as Urbosa, who doesn't want to play as Urbosa?

After waiting a long time for a new mainline Sonic game, I was quite excited to play Sonic Frontiers. And even though there's still a lot of rough parts, I enjoyed Sonic Frontiers. I think the physics system and lack of momentum is bad, they need to change how speed works for the next game, this was fine for Sonic Unleashed, Colors and Generations but it's simply weird for an open zone game like this. Sonic stopping out of nowhere is really weird and it bugs me. Exploring the islands and collecting tokens while running fast feels really good and it's the best part of the game, the cyberspace stages pleased me a lot too despite being too short. Getting the Red Rings is no longer something very difficult to do. The redesigned combat system is good and I had fun with it, but the parry not being based on timing is just stupid. The minigames are definetely the worst part for me and they're required for progress in the main story, the different types of gameplay these minigames bring just aren't refined enough and bring more frustration than normal. I liked how the story is made for fans and full of references, and also fishing with Big the Cat and having a fishpedia is awesome. The bosses having Super Sonic back is one of the coolest parts for me, please do Super Sonic justice from now on after ignoring him for many games. The music is AMAZING, this part never lets down in a Sonic game. Overall, Sonic Frontiers is an improvement after Forces being a massive disappointment, there's is still a lot to improve but it is a step in the right direction. I'm looking forward to what comes next.

Bayonetta Origins is an incredibly unique game and this alone is a reason for this title to be celebrated. Its ideas aren't often seen in other games, and it explores gameplay ideas that are very satisfying to pull off. The visuals are amazing, the storybook aesthetic is charming and cute, I love the fact that we have a narrator. The relationship between Cereza and Cheshire has an interesting development, and the story pleased me as a whole. I love how I can't exactly fit the game into one specfic genre, metroidvania? Maybe, but it is also divided into chapters. Controlling both characters can feel weird at first but I tought I got better after some hours playing. The combat is fun and refreshing, exploration is rewarding as new skills are tied to it. Most of the Tír na nÓg, think of it as like Breath of the Wild's shrines but in this game, have really fun mechanics but I wish there were more of them that wasn't just another combat encounter. I also wish Cereza had some sort of attack other than binding enemies, but I guess this will be in Bayonetta Origins 2. And I must complain about the map, its very confusing and it's not helpful at all, the areas are too vertical and very confusing to navigate, I wish the map showed magic upgrades too. But all in all, as a huge Bayonetta fan I loved Origins, and I want more games like this!

Awesome game with a fantastic soundtrack! Can't wait to go back into it to unlock all the cars!

I love the idea of taking assets from a game and doing something more with it, and Bowser's Fury is a wonderful little experience. I wouldn't call it open world as not everything is available from the start, but the island exploration is very interesting and there's some well hidden collectables. Playing while dodging Fury Bowser's attacks is crazy and I like how it even opens new paths and possibilities, the gameplay cycle is much appealing to me, the possibility of storing your power ups and exchanging freely between them feels very good and enhances the experience. I was amazed at how much personality everything has, the animations, the music, it just feels good. Having said that, I never had problems with the camera in Mario games, even Sunshine didn't bother me, but this game having a run button and also having to adjust the camera with the right stick is just... weird. Lastly, it is a very short game and I don't think the price is worth just for Bowser's Fury, specially if you already played 3D World.

The beginning of any written thing, to think about and start writing those first few words, this part is always the hardest to me. And how to start writing about Super Mario Bros. Wonder? I think it is even better than I tought, I didn't know what to expect but I was suprised anyway. Platformers, action 'hack n' slash' games, and RPGs are my favorite video game genres and I was super excited for Wonder even to the point of avoiding watching the latest trailers not to be too spoiled about stage mechanics and other things. You have probably read, listened and/or watched millions of people say this already but I gotta say how impressive the game looks. Everything exhales personality and uniqueness, those animations are super incredible and definetely AAA, the artstyle and the colors are amazing. Have you seen Mario running, crouching, entering/exiting a pipe, jumping, getting a power up? Everything feels so good and well done. The level design never felt samey or overwhelming, everything is carelfully tought and placed, I felt that the stages are smaller in general, and that's not a bad thing at all, I like the Break Time and Badge stages. The new power ups, Elephant Fruit, Bubble Flower and Drill Mushroom are all great and they all control well, you can attack in front of you with the Elephant Fruit, jump in your own bubbles with the Bubble Flower, and go underground and in ceilings with the Drill Mushroom. The stage mechanics never go on for long or feel repetitive. I didn't feel that finding all of the 10-flower Coins was bullshit like some of the Star Coins in past games. Each stage has a Wonder Flower that changes the game mechanics in various ways, and I tought they are also well paced so they don't feel overwhelming, the wonder effects are very interesting in the majority of the times, and you can skip them too if you're coming back later for collectibles. The sountrack is very good and it goes well with the new worlds' themes, I liked how we don't visit the same locations as the Mushroom Kingdom, and the new sceneries are a nice and fresh. I think the badge system is nice even tough I didn't change my badge all that often. The weakest aspect of the game to me are the bosses, I expected them to go crazy with Wonder mechanics and they didn't do that for the most part, the bosses are better than the "New" series though. The online mode is cool too, but I just used it on the Special World, playing with others was nice! In conclusion, Super Mario Wonder is one of the best games I've played this year and a strong GOTY contender in my list. I just hope Nintendo doesn't overuse Wonder in future games as they overused the "New" series. Wonder is one of the best 2D Mario games, and I want replay it in co-op soon!

The wildest expericence I've had with a videogame. Glory to manking!

This game is so me. After a long wait, I'm very happy with Bayonetta 3! The game is extremely fun, and I think it's the best package between the three games on the series. The exploration is the best without a doubt, you can actually find and complete the extra verses without backtracking that much like the other games, and I loved finding the collectibles. The combat is amazing overall but summoning the demons is a bit slow and this takes away some of the heat of the action. Some boss battles are a drag to complete because the game doesn't control that well when they try to do a lot of different types of gameplay. The story and the ending aren't good but I don't care that much about it, some of parts of the game are wonderfully weird to me, the variety of weapons and demons you can use is amazing. The game has its problems and it's not perfect at all, but up to this point it's the game I enjoyed the most this year, I'm definitely coming back to 100% it. A fantastic experience overall. I want Bayonetta 4 fast! Battleship grade: B10.

I really like what they're aiming for here, I've never played a game with these themes before and found it very interesting. I just have some problems with how it is sometimes confusing to navigate in the games environments, and know what you're doing with the puzzles, and some parts of the combat make the gameplay a bit wonky. I also thought the story has some confusing parts that makes me wanna go see explanations on the internet, but maybe that's just me being dumb.

Even tough Psychonauts doesn't have super precise controls or amazing level design, what makes it special is the uniqueness of its world, characters and writing. I'm impressed how the ideas for each level evolve and continue to suprise you in different ways. I love Raz, he's one of the best protagonists I've ever seen, his dialogue is very funny and entertaining. The game has some frustrating moments where it's not exactly obvious what you have to do to progress, and at times even the in game hint system didn't help me, but in the end, playing with the mindset that this is a 16 year old game, Psychonauts is a great experience that deserves the attention it gets. I'm excited for Psychonauts 2!

The dark souls of auto runners... Just kidding! A fun and mechanically great game I recommend to everyone

The first part of my journey to Metroid Dread is completed! Metroid Zero Mission is great, and I've seen some people complain the game holds your hand too much but I didn't even feel this while playing and still got stuck in various parts, maybe I'm just dumb. The extra content is very nice, and does something different that we'll see more on Metroid Dread. For some reason, getting 100% in this game is very hard as it requires ridiculously precise jumps and shinespark charges, I think this is weird since in the other games I played going back for collectibles was very straightforward. Overall Metroid Zero Mission is amazing and I'm excited to continue my playthrough of the rest of the series, see you on Metroid Samus Returns!

I can see why the game is a success, it is fun especially with friends. I'm terrible at theses lying mind games tho and probable won't play it again.

I really love the first Ori, and Will of the Wisps improves upon it in every way. The visuals are among the best I've seen, it's really beautiful, Ori controls very well and it's a blast to traverse the world, the escape sequences are still amazing, the music is fantastic. I can see many similarities to Hollow Knight, wich is not exactly a bad thing, the only really negative thing is that it maybe feel too similar to the previous game, but in the end this didn't affect my enjoyment and I still liked it very much.