Combat is amazing, God of War Ragnarok stepped it up with the boss fights and the combat mechanics, i really loved this game, i want it on PC too.

Gameplay here is sublime, easily god tier levels and the final boss is kino incarnate, i really loved it, but i just can't stand the emi sections, stealth in a metroid game? gtfo here.

I wanted to see what the fuss is about when it comes to Disco Elysium and i admit i liked the writing, but eventually i found playing it to be a slog, it would've been way more interesting for me if they found a way to implement some investigation system, some puzzles and some interactivity because as it stands this is a great dialogue but not great to play.

Before the magnificent Elden Ring this was my favorite Souls game, but now it just feels obsolete because Elden Ring took everything about it and made it better.
Still i enjoy playing it once in a while because of its amazing bosses, the best bosses in the series.


3 points just because i love cats


I tried it and i really dont get this game, sorry.

Way better than the base game, bosses here grow from generic eldritch abominations to actual bosses with varied mechanics, weapons are more creative and the game actually poses a challenge for the first time, its good but its a shame the story is still poorly designed and the levels are a downgrade, seriously what the hell were they thinking with fishing hamlet and hunter nightmare those are a joke.

Dont understand what is the fuss about this tbh, its a mediocre game with generic boss design, generic story and one of most overrated music ever crafted.
I guess Redditors worship it for the aesthetics which are no doubt great, 2.5 points for the amazing weapons and the art style, everything else is bad, its also pathetically easy which was disappointing after hearing how hard it was.

Great game, it has one of my favorite music and stories in games, i just wish i didnt have to replay a lot of tedious parts for the awesome ones.

Holy Shit this was awesome, sublime gameplay and amazing level design, the characters also throw those catchy sarcastic lines which makes playing it even more fun.
I played RE4 in the past and i didnt like it so much but this is just peak.

Behemoth of a game, one of the most important games of the decade with a god tier open world to boast, but i feel after playing Tears of the Kingdom that its flaws are highlighted more, still a great game though.


Sexy Greek gods and lots of fast paced kino combat, gimme more.