Series That I Wanna Give A Proper Chance At Some Point: Vol. 2

The uncultured sewer rat has returned once again, ready to show off once again how much of a non-gamer I really am by showing off the series I HAVEN'T played, and will probably get around to playing at least one of them every five years.

The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island
If you have read my reviews that I have made for several of the King's Quest and Leisure Suit Larry games, then you would know that I have a fondness for point 'n click adventure games, but out of all of them out there, I have never experienced THIS era of point 'n click adventure games. You know, the Lucasarts-type, tongue-in-cheek, beautifully animated kind of games, which is a shame, considering that there are so many of these out there, and based on what I have seen, they look REALLY good. Monkey Island is probably gonna be the first one of these I give a proper shot, but I do wanna check out a lot of the other ones at some point later down the line as well.
Axiom Verge
Axiom Verge
I am not the biggest Metroidvania guy, which is to say I won't go out of my way to play every single one I can find back to back for the sake of it, but I can say that I am a huge fan of the genre regardless, to the point where whenever Axiom Verge was still in development, I was interested in it based on the footage I had seen in certain videos. I thought the pixel art looked really great, and the atmosphere of the game was really appealing to me, so I am definitely gonna have to revisit this game, along with its sequel, to see if it was as great as I was hoping it would be all those years ago.
River City Ransom
River City Ransom
I know I have already played and reviewed this game before, along with two other games in this series before hand, but trust me, folks, those are only just scratching the SURFACE of the River City franchise as a whole. There are so many goddamn games at this point that are somehow still being made, that I can't even properly keep track of them, so I am gonna have to dive back into this series properly at some point, just to see if there is any more gold hiding in there somewhere.
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
This is somewhat of a cheat entry, both because I have "technically" played these games before, and I did already mention The Wolf Among Us last time, but this is going to go for ALL of Telltale's games in general. I do remember playing a good bit of the original Walking Dead game from them, while settling on just watching my sister play through the rest of games instead of me playing them, but I feel like that isn't good enough for me to form a full opinion on them. So yeah, I will need to go back to playing these at one point, along with most of the other stuff that Telltale has made in the past.
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Heaven
On a bit of a sidenote here, I am a MASSIVE fan of the WarioWare games, so seeing as how these games are extremely similar to them in terms of presentation and humor, I'm not sure why I haven't given them a shot. Maybe it's because I am not too big into rhythm games, but they look cute and charming enough, so yeah, I'll definitely need to give them a go at some point.
Payday: The Heist
Payday: The Heist
Like with X-COM, this is a series that I have seen everywhere for the past decade or so............ and by that, I mean it always manages to show up on digital stores whenever I go into them, and I just can't escape it. I mean, it has to be a good game, right? The second game had recieved consistent support for the longest time, and it seems like they are popular enough, so.... I dunno. Maybe I will give into the pressure one day, just so I can finally get this monkey wearing a clown mask off my back.
Rogue Legacy
Rogue Legacy
I did play a handful of the original Rouge Legacy at some point in the past year or two, and from what I played, I remember having a really good time with it, and I wish I didn't stop playing it at one point. I love the idea of each run being set around a different ancestor, and the platforming and combat was simple, yet very effective, so I will need to go back and try it again at some point so that I can see everything these games have to offer.
Final Fantasy Adventure
Final Fantasy Adventure
Ever since I heard The CharityFraudist talk about Secret of Mana a long time ago, I have been very curious about the series as a whole, but I have never been able to properly get into it. I have tried out Secret of Mana on multiple occasions, but I have always stopped playing it for some reason when I am a good chunk into it, so who knows? Maybe I need to check out some of the other games in the Mana series to see if it will manage to hook me another way.
Touhou Rei'iden: The Highly Responsive to Prayers
Touhou Rei'iden: The Highly Responsive to Prayers
So, I'm gonna need all you Touhou enthusiasts to bear with me for a moment, because I have no clue what this series is about, but from what I have seen, it is intriguing. I am a huge fan of shmups now, and this series just seems like a bunch of insanely over the top shmups, but there's gotta be more to it then that, right? Because otherwise, how has it grown THIS massive with so many different official and fan-made games being released? I dunno, but I do know that I am gonna have to figure it out at some point or another.
This one is here solely because of how controversial it apparently was back when it came out. It's not that surprising, considering how Rockstar and controversy go together like peanut butter and jelly, but even still, I wanna see just how violent or demented it truly is, and not only that, but also how much more demented and violent games have become ever since this. It's gotta be like a 10x increase at this point, right?
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe
That is the dumbest fucking name I have ever heard for any video game............ and I love it because of that. I do own this one and the second game, and I believe I tried it out at one point, but I never really got far in it, which is a shame, because considering how stupid it looks, and how it doesn't take itself seriously (at least from what I know), I feel like it is the kind of game that I would fall in love with if I were to play it again.
I'm not too sure about this one, because like with Hyper Light Drifter, this one is also solely based on the art style, but I'm not sure if I would like the game itself. I do remember trying it out at one point a long time ago and thinking to myself "Ew, no, this is all kinds of wrong", but I may have just been in the wrong headspace at the time, so I will definitely need to give it another chance to see if it could win me over again.
Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis
It's like Resident Evil, except with dinosaurs!............ or at least, that's the impression it always gave off to me whenever I would look into it. It looks decent enough from what I have seen, and I do love me some dinos, so I will definitely have to find the time to give the series a look at one of these days.
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
These don't seem like the kinda games I would seek out too often, but I dunno, something about them has been knawing at the back of my mind for ages now. I remember seeing the youtuber NintendoCaprisun playing it at one point, and based on later footage I had seen, it looked fun and charming enough, so I will need to see what it is all about in due time.
PaRappa the Rapper
PaRappa the Rapper
The music............... that's all I gotta say, just the music alone has had me wanting to play these games as soon as possible. The lyrics are so weird and stupid, yet the way that these characters give all their energy when singing it, as well as the weird-ass art style and cutscenes that are paired alongside it, make it so alluring, to the point where I am ashamed that I haven't given it a shot yet.
Ape Escape
Ape Escape
Just from taking one look at one of these dumbass monkeys, I had the biggest fucking grin on my face, and the rest of Ape Escape, for that matter, also looks just as appealing as the games themselves. If I had to take a guess as to why I haven't given these games a shot yet, it could be due to how, with the way people described how the controls work, it sounds like a nightmare to play, but that may be just a result of younger me being stupid. I definitely do wanna give the series a shot though, cause it looks like a blast.
Shenmue, on the surface level, has always... fascinated me. Just from looking at footage of the original game, there is something about how dated it looks, how terrible the voice acting is, and how the game looks boring as hell that just... draws me to it. I have yet to play a single one of these games, and you know what, they probably do suck, but I do wanna try them out regardless, just so I can put that little demon to rest.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Now these games right here, from what I have been told, are THE skateboarding video games, the ones that everyone loves and plays to this day, but, uh, if you didn't catch what I said earlier back when I covered Skate, again, I kiiiiiiiiinda don't like skateboarding. I do wanna try the games out though, because who knows? Maybe when I actually get good at them, I might actually start to like skateboarding, or at least tolerate it to a degree.
These just seem like the type of games that were made to play with your friends, so that you can have a great time violently screaming at each other and wanting to murder them once you stop playing.......... and I long for the days when I was able to play those kinds of games. Not to mention, the characters look just weird enough to where I feel like I would love the series immediately, so I will give it a shot, again, when I find a group of people who will put up with my bullshit.
X-COM: UFO Defense
X-COM: UFO Defense
Don't know too much about this one either, but I have seen these games everywhere for the past decade or so, and apparently they are supposed to be really good, so it does make me curious about if I should try them out or not. Not to mention, the cover art for XCOM 2 goes way too fucking hard, which makes me wanna play it that much more, even though I would probably hate it because I have horrible taste.
Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame
Once again, I don't know too much about this franchise, but I have heard some moderately ok things about it, and a horror game all revolving around a camera sounds funny to me. Not to mention, that cover art right there is so fucking bad, which makes me wonder why HAVEN'T I played any of these games yet?
As I mentioned before, I am a massive Halo fan, so seeing Bungie come out with this new IP was exciting for me, and I really wanted to try it out.... but then I heard about what people had to say about these games and, sharp inhale............ yikes. That is just what people have said though, and apparently the games have allegedly gotten better with all the updates and content that was added, so I will have to see if it was really a piece of shit for myself one of these days.
So, I remember seeing videos on Skate 3 on YouTube a good while ago, and I remember laughing my ass off at just how glitchy the game was, along with the ragdoll physics just being oh so beautiful. It made me try the game out myself, but as soon as I started it out, I then realized something......... skateboarding fucking SUCKS. But hey, these games got a good enough track record, so I'll probably get back to it at some point.
Club Penguin
Club Penguin
You ever have that thing back in the day that EVERYONE seems to be a part of, and yet you have never gotten the chance to become a part of it yourself, further distancing yourself from everyone else around you even more? That was basically me with Club Penguin back when I was a kid. Yeah, I know this game is technically dead, but it does always seem to make a comeback with some fan-made servers or some other shit, so I should probably look into that just to see what all the hype was really about back then.
I have never given a single flying FUCK about Warcraft, but Diablo on the other hand... I dunno, something about this series has always intrigued me. I have played through the original Diablo in the past, and despite how much I struggled with it, I ended up having a good time, so maybe I need to revisit this series at one point to give it a proper chance........ or at least, as proper of a chance that I am willing to give to anything made by Blizzard, which is not much at all.
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero
I have tried to play Guitar Hero in the past........ key word being TRIED. You know how it is, as a dumbass, uncoordinated little kid, you don't know the first thing about guitars, and what all these pretty buttons do, and you can't hit them fast enough, and you feel bad about yourself. But now, I am a slightly smarter adult, so I should be able to come back to these games and be moderately better at them, when I get around to doing that...... in five years.
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Much like Jak and Daxter, I have no experience with Sly Cooper whatsoever, but then again, that can just be said about 75% of Sucker Punch's games at this points. I have played all of the Infamous games, and I loved them, but I haven't played anything else from them, which does make me feel bad, especially in regards to Sly Cooper. I'll definitely get around to it at some point, but for now, I will continue to live in shame for my lack of experience.
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Soooo.... here's the thing, right? I am a massive fan of Rayman, and I have played and loved a lot of his games, but I haven't played a single game that involves the Rabbids to some capacity, not even the Mario games that have them. I mean, there's gotta be a reason why Ubisoft has completely forgotten him and focused solely on them for the best part of a decade, right?........... you know, aside from just being the pieces of shit that they are. I dunno, maybe I should check out some of these games just to see what makes these rabbids rave all the goddamn time...
Aw, look at that adorable, stitched up fucker that they call Sackboy. Doesn't his smile just make you all warm and fuzzy inside? Well, it doesn't for me, since I have never played any of his games or cared for his series whatsoever. They do look fun though, and seeing all of the different things people have made in these games does make me wanna try a crack at it, so maybe I will give you the time of day in the future, Sackboy, but for now, just keep on smiling and living your best life.
Crazy Taxi
Crazy Taxi
If you have stuck around for my reviews for long enough, you may realize that I maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay have a fondness towards arcade games, and Crazy Taxi seems like the embodiment of chaotic arcade energy, and I REALLY want to give it the review treatment at some point. I have played a bit of it a long time ago, and I remember having a blast with it, so I guarantee that, if I were to come back to it and the other games today, I would have just as much fun with it, if not more.
Golden Sun
Golden Sun
They may not be as widely beloved as the Mother games, but I have heard plenty of good things about Golden Sun over the years, being yet another really great set of RPGs from Nintendo that hasn't seen the light of day in some time. From the brief snippets I have seen here and there, they look promising, so I will add that to the list of the million RPGs that I have yet to play so far.
Gears of War
Gears of War
So, I am a pretty big Halo fan, where I have played through all of the mainline games in that series, most of the side games, and I have even watched the entirety of Red vs. Blue TWICE. However, for being the other flagship shooter series that Microsoft has, I haven't played Gears of War at all, which is surprising to say the least, considering how it looks like the type of game I would really get into. I'll probably get around to it soon enough, I'm sure.
Sin and Punishment
Sin and Punishment
Back when I was a kid, I remember going to a GameStop and playing the second Sin and Punishment game on a Wii kiosk they had there, and I ADORED it, to the point where we got it that day, I played the fuck out of it for a day or two..... and then never touched it again. Needless to say, I gotta get back on this series at some point, because if it is just as great as I remember it being, then I am gonna be one happy camper.
Gravity Rush
Gravity Rush
Much like with F.E.A.R., I know practically nothing about Gravity Rush or its sequel, aside from the fact that they were pretty much the only games that were ever made for the PS Vita. They do look very appealing though, and I am a fan of anti-gravity gimmicks, so it deserves a proper playthrough from me at some point.
Dead Island
Dead Island
There sure was a big rise in popularity for zombies back in the early 2010s, and Dead Island seems like a series of games that tried to get caught up in it, only to then end up falling behind everyone else. They do look like fun though, and I did have a decent time with Riptide when I tried it out, so that's yet another case of a game that I need to give a second chance.
Dead Rising
Dead Rising
Alright, so, I'm gonna need you to promise not to kill me when I say this, ok? So, I have tried to play through Dead Rising multiple times in the past, but I could never get into it, but I do remember playing Dead Rising 4 and having a lot of fun with it, all for one simple reason: there is no time limit. I know that goes against everything this series is about though, so I will definitely have to go back to the original games and give them the proper time of day, so that I may properly get good and kill oh so many more zombies.
Just Cause
Just Cause
I don't know too much about Just Cause or any of the games in the series, but what I do know is that I have seen videos on it from several YouTubers in the past, and just from those videos alone, these games look like some of the dumbest fun you can have in an overworld setting like this. Obviously though, those are just first impressions, so I will need to play it myself just to see how truly great or awful it actually is.
Sid Meier's Civilization
Sid Meier's Civilization
This one is a bit of an odd entry, because here's the thing: I know I wanna try out one of these games at some point, but I have a strong feeling that I most likely will fucking hate it. I dunno, it just seems like these kinds of PC games are so alien to me that I can't go back and play them, but hey, that hasn't stopped me before with some other games, so why should it stop me here now?
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Injustice: Gods Among Us
It's like Mortal Kombat, except with DC characters! How can that not be awesome?.................. just, you know, ignore the fact that MK vs. DC already exists. Either way, these look like they'd be on the same level as the modern MK games, which I really enjoy playing when I get the chance to do so, so I need to get to these and beat the fuck out of The Flash already.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
I have played a lot of Crash Bandicoot, Uncharted, and The Last of Us, but I haven't played a SECOND of any of the Jak and Daxter games. It is a shame, seeing as this era of 3D platformers from Sony has always been appealing to me, especially since I am such a huge fan of Ratchet & Clank, so yeah, definitely need to knock these games out at some point.
Much like Wolfenstein, it is weird how I have never given the Quake series any proper attention, considering it is essentially just Doom but with 3D graphics......... you know, before Doom with get 3D graphics. It looks fun enough, and there are plenty of these games to go around, so yeah, I will definitely need to knock them out at some point.
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
As I mentioned in my Gimmick review, I am a sucker for adorable video game protagonists, and Klonoa himself is fucking ADORABLE, look at him! Not to mention, from what little I have played of Door to Phantomile back in the day, it was pretty fun, so I will definitely be adding this to my non-existant backlog.......... which I would try to actually map out, but I am kinda scared about what it would look like when I am done with it.
Not that much to say here other than I am a big fan of FPS games and horror games, so this seems like it would be a perfect fit for me. I haven't really heard too many good things about the later games in the series, but it still looks like a good amount of fun, so yeah, I'll definitely play it at some point in time.
Cave Story
Cave Story
This one is kinda stretching it when it comes to labeling it as a "series", but it did get a remake and a little spin-off title, so I guess it counts. The only thing I really know about Cave Story is that it was one of the first indie games to really blow up back in the day, leading to where indie games would be now, so I definitely gotta give it a chance at some point to see what it is truly all about.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Whenever I think about the Amnesia games, I usually lump them together with all of the other "YouTube Games" out there, as in games that are typically played by fat white virgins who put a camera in their face and make funny monkey noises towards jumpscares for internet clout. That, however, seems unfair to this series as a whole, as I have heard a lot of great things about it, so I definitely gotta give these titles a shot at some point.
As a whole, I would say I have a somewhat moderate experience when it comes to Suda51 and his games, with the only ones I have played being the No More Heroes games and, randomly enough, Lollipop Chainsaw. I have been interested in Killer7 though for the longest time, cause it's apparently one of his best works, so I will have to check out these games at some point. And yes, when I say "these games", I am also including Killer Is Dead, which apparently isn't a sequel to this, but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I don't care.
Hyper Light Drifter
Hyper Light Drifter
I am only adding this series solely based on the art style, because holy shit, look at that cover! The colors make it look so cool, I absolutely love it, and hey, the gameplay also looks pretty solid as well, so I feel like these games would be perfect titles for me.
Metro 2033
Metro 2033
I am a sucker for these kinds of stories, this post-apocalyptic world filled with terrifying monsters, so Metro sounds like it would be right up my alley. So, I look forward to playing this at some point later down the road, and I hope you all look forward to the predictable 2033 joke I am gonna make when I review that game in the year 2033.
Saints Row
Saints Row
Once again, another cheat entry, as I did fully complete Saints Row: The Third back in the day, but it has been SO LONG since that point, so I feel I need to return to that game, as well as all of the other ones, at some point. And yes, when I say all of the other ones, I'm also including the reboot, which I have heard only horrible things about................... I am gonna have a wonderful time with that game.
Jet Grind Radio
Jet Grind Radio
Recently, I have been playing a lot more Sega games, as I wanna get around to checking out a lot more of their underground hits, including this one. Just the style alone is extremely enticing, and the gameplay looks solid enough, so I'll definitely have to get these games at some point to see what they are really all about.


25 days ago

jet set radioooo!!! i love jet set radio and the first one is pretty good but like oooo man jet set radio future is chefs kiss. lots of cool lil series on here

24 days ago

I'd advise serious caution with the Club Penguin fan servers, a lot of them are dubious to say the least.

24 days ago

Cosign on the ones I've played especially Golden Sun!

24 days ago

This comment was deleted

23 days ago

I'm not mad about the Dead Rising blurb, but boy does it make me feel pain.

23 days ago

Great list! A lot of these are on my "to get to" as well. In my opinion, Just Cause isn't really much of a series. I think you can get most of what the series offers out of playing 5 - 10 hours of any one of them. I could never finish any of the ones that I played because of how repetitive they got, but they are really good fun until you get sick of the main loop.

Saints Row, on the other hand, is a journey from beginning to end.

22 days ago

i def gotta get to gravity rush and sin & punishment, relatable. also even tho i love jet set now, getting good at that game was PAINFUL for me. at some point it clicked so dont expect smooth sailing for it

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