Great Games as Recommendations

Notes are what I would say if I was actually recommending these games to people

Any recommendation of this game would come with the advice of "they're never releasing it in English dude I'll just give you a dl and the link to the mGBA website"
Any recommendation of this game would come with the fun fact of "did you know 99% of trials in Japan end in Guilty verdicts"
Any recommendation of this game would come with the advice of "you should use SPECIFICALLY THIS hand drawn guide for it. also if you want to use Rewind that's okay too"
Any recommendation of this game would come with the advice of "the optimum playing experience is to lock yourself i your room for a weekend with no guides and nothing else to do and play it in bed, and on Sunday, you can open this sealed letter I'm giving you telling you how you can get the ending if you want it"
Any recommendation of this game would come with the advice of "dude okay just give me your computer a sec and I'll install flashpoint alright. It'll just take a sec trust me it's good"
Any recommendation of this game would come with the advice of "it is more than okay to use Turbo controls after or maybe before you get carpal tunnel"
Any recommendation of this game would come with the advice of "ever heard of twilight menu"

1 Comment

1 year ago

Bravely Default is a game that, I feel, is easy to recommend but difficult to keep them playing till the end. I almost wouldn't have it any other way.

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