My Top 25 Games

An ever changing list of my favourite games. Most of top 10 change places slightly on the weekly but I tried to make it as close to my true feelings as possible.

Most consistent BR to play. No longer in active player but had great times with it
Might have the coolest lore on this list, amazing combat, bosses, weapons, and a beautiful world. You have to dig for the lore a bit but once you gain the insight to what's going on it's absolutely wonderful. (Remaster and PC port PLEASE)
Stand in for my top 3 CoDs. Black Ops 1 best campaign (and overall CoD), Black Ops III best zombies and a great multiplayer (minus the microtransactions), and the Black ops 4 best CoD multiplayer (rewarded skill/aim by increasing TTK combined with fast gameplay)
Best Dark Souls game overall and second best "Souls" game. Only reason it's above Elden Ring is because it's more fun to replay from scratch and has better boss design.
Unforgettable experience playing for the first time. Was determined to explore everything and 100% the game and I did. Only reason it's not near the top of the other FromSoft games on this list is because the game loses a lot of it's magic in replay value for me.
Have 4 full vanilla playthroughs of this game, and countless modded ones. I don't want to repeat my review but amazing world, lore, music, and ways to play.
My favourire Fallout game. It's absolutely dated, more so than New Vegas but I felt so much more rewarded for exploring out of the way areas and the details within them. Plus I personally like the setting of destroyed Washington DC as a whole over Nevada. The Strip is the best between both but the areas in Fallout 3 are overall better for me.
Original GoW trilogy is a series I thought was dumb because it was so ridiculously over the top and "edgy" to actually be cool. Picked up GoW 2018 because of critical acclaim and it made me care about Kratos, a character I originally didn't like, and told a great story. Made the OG trilogy better as a result (even though it's still way over the top lmao).
A improvement over GoW 2018 in everyway and a wonderful/emotional story for both Atreus and Kratos that you just love to see.
TLOU2 is the most emotional experience I've had playing a video game. The story is excellent, arguably the best on my list but its hurt by its pacing. I feel TLOU2 is 3 games out into one, flashbacks, story A, and story B. Each could've been the length of the TLOU1 or a bit shorter, it wouldn't have had the pacing issues and it would have fleshed out the new characters we meet more to make interactions more impactful.
The Last Of Us revitalized my love for gaming and changed how I viewed gaming as a whole, before what I mainly played were shooters, Pokémon, and arcade games (which I still play and love) but it was all just entertainment to me. TLOU just happened the game that made me realize that games can be a art just like Film/TV can be and in turn changed my life as from the moment I played it I actively searched out games that had, or focused on narrative. Many of the games on this list I wouldn't have played if I never played TLOU.
Felt like a modern take on the 1990s animated cartoon which I absolutely loved. All things that were added or changed still feel like Spider-Man. Can not wait for the sequel.
Do I really need to say anything? Loved for the same reasons universally. Always looking forward to the next update that makes me want to put another 100hrs in again.
Still currently playing, around 75-80% through but unless they completely botch the end (and from what I've heard they don't) I'm confident it'll stay in this list if not move up.
The real Persona 4 is the friends we made along the way (in the best way possible). I had high expectations because of P5 and it surpassed them. Can't believe I'm saying this but the game changed my life in a way. Took me almost a year to finish the game because I knew once I finished it I would be depressed (it did). Never wanted it to end.
Have not played Royal yet, will most likely replace original and move up in rank
Stand in for my top 3 Pokemon games, Emerald is my personal favourite but best 3 to me are HGSS, Platinum, Emerald.
Out of all of FromSofts games this one is the one with the largest learning curve but feels the best once it clicks. Once you accept this is a rhythm game and not an action game everything becomes better.
Best farm sim game there is. Have 100s of hours and will gladly put 100s more in. Extremely cozy and would love to play this game co-op with a partner.
To me, best story in Star Wars. Takes place in the coolest era and features some of the coolest characters in Star Wars. I hope the remake stays true to the story and characters while modernizing the gameplay. If they somehow nail it I'm positive It'll pop back up in my Top 5. Also, someone at LucasFilm/Disney PLEASE make this story and lore into a HBO quality TV show I am BEGGING.
It's a Star Wars MMO that I can play solo that takes place in my favourite era of Star Wars that has various stories on both light side and dark side.

1 Comment

11 months ago

Great list! Love the sentiments attached to the games too. I’m gearing up to play Sekiro for the first time. I’ve never played any of fromsoftware’s other games so… wish me luck 😅

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