Jonathan Blow is a prick so maybe don't give him your money if you can help it but this is an insanely meticulously crafted puzzle game.

I get that a lot of The End is Nigh is supposed to make you feel hopeless and stressed out but it'd be nice if this game did that without just being unnecessarily tedious.

People with heart diseases can dash if they have good rhythm

Enjoyed my time with it but I basically only ever think about it when I see other people bring it up, and I mostly see people bring it up to talk about their issues with the combat.


The trailer tricked me into thinking this would be a game with mechanics and it instead ended up just being boring.


A lot of bullet hell boomers on twitter tried to tell me this game is bad but i think it's pretty cool

Toby Fox made a better Punch-Out minigame than Hideki Kamiya.

Good but honestly didn't stick with me all that much- definitely not compared to chapter 2 at the very least.


The scene from Toy Story 2 where Andy goes "I don't want to play with you anymore" except Woody is Doom 2016 and Andy has a copy of Doom Eternal in his other hand

The more I let the game sit the more I realize how the big twist just makes so much of the game way more lame than you were led to believe it was.

See my boyfie’s review for a more in-depth analysis:

More games need to shoot me and leave me gasping for air as much as this one does.

One of like, four good games that came out during 7th gen.

11/24/2022 Update: I've played this game four times in the past week, including a successful hardcore mode playthrough. This game kicks ass so hard.

One of like, four good games that came out during 7th gen.