Games that trigger the realest emotions.

It says a lot about a piece of art when it actually manages to grab you emotionally. And even though this is probably going to be dominated by big sad endings, this list isn't supposed to be exclusive to feeling like a sack of shit during the end credits, only sometimes. Sadness is only one emotion of many, after all, and I'm doing my best to keep this varied. I will add ones I forgot or new ones every once in a while. Everything in no particular order and not too many titles of a single series, otherwise this be dominated by the likes of Yakuza and Final Fantasy. I also included some kind of example for each. Feel free to share and suggest games to check out, or just moments that you love. Spoilers are absolutely allowed, since I don't really care about the sanctity of spoilers. If something is well-made, it will hit me regardless if I know about it or not, that's my stance on the subject.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
The ending feels so fkn hopeful. Yeah, the world is basically an industrial nightmare right now, but we are going to make it. Pick yourself up and let's get to blowing up Rupture Farms.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Silent Hill
Silent Hill
Lisa Garland. Enough said.
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2
The fucking walk through THAT one hallway and Mary's letter at the end. Fuck, why did you do this to me team silent?!
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077
The Aldecaldos ending. I know many people hated whatever ending they got for Cyberpunk but I didnt. It was almost exacly what I wanted and it made me genuily happy the way it all played out.
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
That scene with Nishiki after that long, dark car ride into the middle of nowhere. If you know, you know.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Ichibans final speech to Masato. If you know, you know.
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Yes, this is a weird one. Witcher 1s Chapter 1 ending. It may have been because I was still very young but finding out just HOW fucked up this world actually is at the climax of Act 1, kinda broke me. One of the rare times I've seen actual morals explored in a game. Nobody is innocent, you're all going to burn in hell, Gerald is just here to decide who goes first.
The Curse of Monkey Island
The Curse of Monkey Island
This stands here as a representative for the entire series. Even Escape. Childhood nostalgia is a damn powerful thing, and just hearing the first few notes of the title theme gets me riled up like nothing else. Yeah, I'm ready to become a mighty pirate!
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
I salute you Boss, we will always remember you as a hero. We the few who know the truth.
.Hack//G.U. Last Recode
.Hack//G.U. Last Recode
I don't think there has been a single character in a JRPG like Sakaki, that had me legit this angry. I was ready to put a shovel to his smug ponytail wearing motherfuckers face.
Death's Door
Death's Door
The entire game feels like one prolonged funeral. Not even a really sad one, just one of those where you bow your head and quietly say your goodbyes in respect. That's unique enough for me that I had to include it.
Is being disgusted an emotion I can include here ? I love Harvester, but the game makes me feel gross. Like I want to soak my hands in soap and rubbing alcohol afterward.
Illusion of Gaia
Illusion of Gaia
There are so many different moments here that all trigger different emotions, I can't really decide. It's legit one of the best Super Nintendo games.
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
The final Pirate meetup. If you ever been at the point, where your friend group had that final time together before everyone went off in different directions in life, you know this one hits different.
Halo: Reach
Halo: Reach
Every single attempt and subsequent sacrifice by Noble Team to hold back the invasion of Reach. Deep shit.
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
No More Heroes 2 isn't the best game by far, but everything involving Alice Twilight was gold. Applause, close the curtain, you just created art.
Penumbra: Overture
Penumbra: Overture
The entire ending, everything involving Red, and the final image before it cuts to credits. Penumbra may have tested my patience many times but legit no other game has managed to create such a dark pit in my stomach like Penumbra Overture did.
Once again: The entire game is one emotional trip. By the end, I felt like I knew this medieval Village like it was my hometown. It's crazy, go play Pentiment or I will burn down your Monasterie.
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
This is another one filled with so many different moments, it's hard to pick one. Fuck it, Barret is my favorite character, his backstory was gold.
Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate 3
What inevitably happens to Karlach at the end, pre patch that fixed her Side quest. Admittedly it was still kind of a perfect moment I knew was coming and ended up more of a sad goodbye then a funeral but it still hurt. KARLACH YOU WERE MY BEST BRO!!


2 months ago

Been a number of years since I played it so it might not be as impactful as I remember, but I remember the ending to Mafia II got me. No spoilers, just wasn't expecting it.

I think a lot of trauma games like He Fucked the Girl Out of Me and Victim Doll would be on this list. I haven't played either of them, but if the majority of Backloggd reviews are either "Wow... where do I even begin to tackle the topics discussed" or "This left me viscerally uncomfortable" then it prob brings out the big real emotions.

2 months ago

@wreith I know what you mean with the ending of Mafia 2. Its been awhile since I played it myself. i do remember it catching me off guard and also if you remember the last scene with Henry, I think thats one of the few times I was shocked by violence in a video game, a really viscerall moment now that i really think about it. Havent played the other games you mentioned but I do see them recommended from time to time so i might aswell put them on my list for future games i might play.

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