Truly insane the drop dash hasn't existed before now.

Mediocre arena fighter based on my favorite manga. Character models are nice though and the interactions at the start of battles are too. Would be nice if the story covered anything other than marineford.

The combat gets a little repetitive and the open world is bare, I'm aware of this but it's not really that big of a drag on the game overall. Boss fights are good and charm factor is through the roof. It stays with you, I think about it all the time.

This is the best open-world game ever made because it actually encourages exploration. I climb the ubisoft towers and I get a map, sure, but it doesn't auto-populate my map with a bunch of shit to collect or whatever. The towers are vantage point, and I'm free to use them to fill out my map myself and chart a course to whatever looks interesting. The result is that I feel like I'm actually exploring he world and uncovering things, rather than just running errands.

I understand that the weapon-wear system is integral to the game, but if I could change one thing, I'd give the option to save a couple of weapons and use items you find to repair them. More enemy types would be nice. Otherwise, it's as good as they say.

Brazenly Donkey Kong Country. Luckily I like Donkey Kong Country a lot.

This has been my favorite one so far. Still has some of the classic Metroid frustrations IMO but overall a fantastic games.

This one's showing its age a little bit but still an all-time classic and as a bonus the plot here is actually comprehensible.

Really surprised to feel the way I do about this one because I remember liking it better than the original on release. I really thought this was going to be a case of the backloggd community being contrarian but I have to admit you guys were right on the money.

To the game's credit, the combat is much improved, it's slicker and gives the player more options immediately, the level design of the combat missions is also a LOT more interesting and varied, but without the over-world (barren as it was) to break up the combat missions they still wear thin too quickly. If I don't care about buying cosmetics I can go from fight to fight to fight with no breaks which, when I was 15, must have seemed like an improvement.

There are a lot of clothes to buy but because I didn't need money to enter the ranking fights I didn't bother earning much after I bought the two weapons that were available for purchase. I think I understand the function of pay-walling the ranking fights in previous game better having played this one immediately after it. As for earning money, the side-job minigames are cute, some of them are even fun (Lay the Pipe, Bug Out) but they have about 4 levels each that do not change on subsequent plays, I could see myself coming back to some of these just for fun if there was more to them, but there isn't, and bafflingly despite the neat retro-pixel aesthetic of all the others, the last side-job is almost a straight lifting of one from the first game but somehow less functional. Very confusing. I'm not sure why they put this in here, it's out of place and makes the whole side-jobs package seem sloppy somehow.

The assassins you fight are not as memorable and a handful of the fights are more annoying than challenging, particularly the motorcycle-sumo match thing which I won by chance when my off camera opponent actually drove himself off the cliff while I was on the other side of the arena trying to turn around and ram him.

And I must of course mention Shinobu, love the idea of getting to play as her but because she can jump, the devs designed her levels with much more verticality, unfortunately, her jump is trash, leading to some of most frustrating platforming sections I've ever encountered in a game, you cannot die from them but getting her where you want her to be is a way bigger pain in the ass than it should be. In combat tho, she is pretty fun to use.

Anyway, revisiting the first NMH gave me much more appreciation for a game I always liked but this was disappointing to come back to. Hoping I like TSA and NMH3 better.

I've bounced off of FF7 every time I've attempted to play it over the years and I'm very proud to say that I have now bounced off of the remake as well.

The central mechanic is extremely exhilarating, unfortunately to the point that I've played every mission is sort of dull and the combat it insists you engage in is clunky and boring. Love the presentation and again that central mechanic is just a ton of fun.

I don't expect Kirby games to be difficult but this thing plays itself, also every stage is built for four guys to run around and the result is that I feel like I'm constantly exploring an empty ikea.

I'm still working on wrapping up 100% but this game is just a ton of fun, in terms of structure, it's a modern kirby game in 3D, if you know you know, but the extra stuff, (Waddle Dee Town, Copy Ability Upgrades, Mouthful Mode etc.) and that Triple A console polish make it stand out for more than just the extra dimension.

makes you feel like spider-man

This game takes the battle system of MMBN which was always really interesting, and makes a rogue-like out of it, but there are two problems:

1) There are no dungeons to crawl through, which means it's non-stop battles which gets dull quickly.
2) There are no limits on how many spells you can have in your deck, that probably sounds like a weird thing to complain about, but the result is that I'm not making strategic choices about what cards I'm going to have access to during a battle, I'm just throwing every single thing I get into my deck and spamming. I don't feel like I have to think strategically, I don't feel like I have to weigh the costs and benefits of a given card, I don't really have to be judicious about when I use a given card or anything.


I think as a Rouguelike this game suffers somewhat from a lack of actual content with only four stages in each run and a relatively small variety of weapons and upgrades compared to other rogues I've played and of course Zagreus is the only character. After a few wins I found I was able to find a couple of winning builds and use keepsakes to deliberately achieve them pretty consistently, to the point where getting wins began to feel somewhat trivial and runs began to feel samey. Again nothing wrong with what's on offer here but in terms of actual content it's light compared to some others.

What I will say is that the game wraps the conventions of its genre in a story that demands them in a way I haven't ever really seen before. Characters are charming and well-voiced, finding out about them is fun, the amount of dialogue is staggering and the way everyone in the underworld responds to the specifics of your successes and failures is very cool. I can see why this has developed a following of people who generally don't really like rogues because beyond what I would consider Good but not Great rogue mechanics, there's really a lot to enjoy here.