Is this combat a joke? Who thought this would be fun? The creatures spit, but there's no defense.

The puzzles are complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, they're all solved. None of it is fun and it's boring. Even if you're a game with an atmospheric horror-thriller element, I would expect this to be done well. The puzzle interactions, no matter how cool they look, are not enjoyable, I was incredibly bored.

The thing I hate the most is that the stupid creatures just spit and we have to kill them with the shitty gun we're handed. No defense, not even an escape mechanic. They kill me stupidly and I start from the beginning of the puzzle, there's not even a checkpoint. The animations are already slow, did you think it would be fun to solve it all over again?

I like atmospheric thrillers but this game just wants to look pretty, it has no other purpose. You don't even understand what it's telling you because it has no purpose.

I'll start with the downsides: Even though the game was good overall, there were some things I found wrong. In some parts the puzzles were really frustrating, that's for sure. In some parts, the action was too short and the feeling of satisfaction faded a bit too quickly.

The animation looked really weird, especially when he took the bow from his back. In terms of feeling, the character feels very light, a bit lacking in animations...

Story wise it's uninspiring, frankly it's a simple story, now when I played Uncharted I felt different, but here it didn't have that strong feeling, it felt simple.

There are too many objects on the map; recordings, maps, monuments, etc. I find them really confusing and uncomplicated, distracting and honestly not interesting, they seem to slow down the action.

The interface is also very bad, the abilities are very weak. The POV is too close, it could be a bit more distant.

On the positive side, the action is really good, the character is good, the atmosphere is great, the variety of weapons is very good. These were the reasons why I continued the game, I'm not saying that most of the other things should be ignored, but it would be even better if they were. I prefer a little less dialog in action games like this.

We can think of it less as a game and more as an experience. The game, that is life itself, and as we face obstacles on the way to this life (game), doubts fill our minds and we struggle with it. If we change our perspective, we can improve and change our life in a positive way. It's a meaningful and powerful message without going too deep.

It's a pity that it doesn't offer much in terms of gameplay, but it's still a good job.

We must keep fighting! Whatever happens, let's keep a positive outlook. Everyone should play it, it's short anyway.

I want to start with the story. Honestly, I didn't expect much from the story, I didn't go in with that expectation, but it's not too bad, it's an average story. What embellishes the story is our character's temperament and his style is funny, the dialogues and references are very good.

The atmosphere is average, to be honest, most of the episode designs gave me a headache. Everything looks complicated and very fast. It's like at some point you lose your purpose and it turns into something where you're just hunting creatures and it repeats itself. To cover this feeling of repetition, they exaggerated the weapon variety, which is glaring.

Hitting, breaking and everything like that is fine, but as I said, it's so fast that you don't understand what you're doing, and the feeling that you're attacking like a monster is very strong.

Real quotes from real people in between add a different flavor. I think the game characters are also appropriate for the environment.

This diversity overwhelmed me a bit, this visual feast blinded me a bit, but I wanted to finish what I started and the story was long and I started to get bored.

In general, it's an average game, they tried to do something different in its genre, and it was different, but they missed the dose, the inconsistencies are all over the game like the character of the game.

There was good storytelling and some unpleasant witticisms. The variety of atmospheres was adequate. I think the only thing that was missing was that there was very little to do in the open world. There are various worlds, but it would have been even better if there were actually various side quests.
The characters are well drawn and constructed and the voice acting is excellent. I also found the music weak, there could have been more varied conflict music.
In short, it's an above average game, I don't think there's anything to exaggerate. It is a good and enjoyable production. It takes its place among the good productions in this genre and will continue to do so for a long time.

For a long time I didn't play this genre because I thought it wasn't for me, but this game changed all that for some reason. I think it's incredibly enjoyable, it's definitely promising. The artwork, the characters and the overall structure is not complicated and most importantly the gameplay is very enjoyable. The soundtrack could also be improved. There are shortcomings, yes, but for a new game, it's quite enough. I will be following the new updates, you guys should definitely try it.

There is one thing I'm stuck on, they could have been a little more creative about the name, it's still good but it evokes the names of the games of its genre. There's not much to do about it, so when I look at it in terms of content, it excited me.

First of all, I've always wanted to try this game and I recently got the chance to try it out and started. The first thing I noticed was that the cutscenes were unnecessarily long. I kept waiting for them to end and let me play the game, but they kept slowing down the pace of the game with constant cutscenes, and they were interfering with my gameplay. I continued without prejudice, thinking that maybe this was a temporary thing, but no. It started to happen at every mission and point in the game, slowing down the pace, like a sign of something bothering you.

I was expecting something more like Shadow Warrior 2 or Bioshock, a game that continues with the story and doesn't break the flow. But it's a bad job independent of both.

The optimization issues are definitely annoying too, my game kept stuttering and it's really frustrating.

Some of the level and mission designs look cool, but overall the game feels boring and pointless. The story doesn't give you enough motivation to move forward.

Graphically it's nice, Tokyo is nice, the skill tree is okay, but the gameplay is very inconsistent.

Like I said, this game should have been faster, hit and run like Shadow Warrior 2 and at least told a story. Or like Bioshock, it should have let me play the game and told the story in a nice little way, except for the cutscenes in important places, but our character is also slow and they keep slowing down the momentum with cutscenes.

To summarize, this is a really boring, complicated, slow paced, mediocre story and a game that tried something different and failed.

I'm familiar with the genre and I don't get bored playing it, but there's too much missing and it's glaring. Chapter designs are not strong, character dynamics are weak, animation could be better. There could be NPCs to interact with. They could have kept the pace a little faster. The music accompanying us in the background is nice, but in general the game can suffocate you at some point.

I want to start with the story first. Honestly, I liked the story, it's strange that we find ourselves in a completely different city after that mysterious accident at the beginning, I wondered why we were here, but as the game progressed, the mystery started to disappear, as if they couldn't keep that mystery going. The voice recording was always boring to me, and it still is. I think we should have had more choices, I don't know how else they could have conveyed the story.

The atmosphere is tremendous, it's chaotic, which merges with the story, the enemies are strange, everything seems mysterious, and most importantly some moments are scary.

Gameplay-wise, the plasmids are really nice and interesting, but some of them feel useless. Ice and Electricity is definitely very strong, the others are weak.

Overall, I think this game is really good, but it just doesn't do enough to keep things going. Honestly, it's a very long game, and it took me a long time because I was enjoying the environment a bit. When I played like this, the game pulled me in. If I rushed to finish it, I wouldn't have enjoyed some things (atmosphere, plasmids, etc).

In short, I liked this game, it's very good and impressive compared to today's games.

I don't know where to start, but this is definitely an below average game. Honestly, there were a lot of things I didn't like about the game and very few things I liked. What I liked about the game: The atmosphere, the weapon designs and variety, the inherent enemy design and variety.

I have to say the following about the things I liked because they are also lacking in their own right. The atmosphere looks good, but it feels hollow. The weapon designs and variety are good, but the combat is incredibly bland and boring. Enemy design and variety is good, but they are incredibly frustrating and the constant hit and run is tiring. There's no soul in the things they do well.

The game is frankly unnecessarily fast but not enjoyable. I hated the stupid glove that talked to me while the character was walking fast. I had to stop to read the dialog and I couldn't even feel the surroundings because he was talking so much. The shooting feel is very weak and unpleasant. The most useless open world game. It would have been better if it went in a linear direction. Not every game has to be open world. I witnessed them killing a potential and I was really patient with this game but no, it makes absolutely no sense and will not leave a trace in my mind.

It's a constant conversation and I wanted them to stop talking and I wanted to play the game a little bit but no, it's just a soulless production that wants to tell a lot but can't tell and in the end it doesn't make you feel anything, if they learn from the mistakes, the next work will be much better.

It's a great work, it won the Best First Indie Game award. The game fully deserves its award. Cleverly constructed puzzles, non-repetitive gameplay and a strong atmosphere that changes.

The game is very good but the gameplay is below average. That's because our character feels like he weighs 100 KG, the animations are slow and the puzzles are cursory. The only thing that changes is the level designs, but the puzzle solving elements that change with the level design start to repeat at some point, something that disrupts the flow of this sweet game. Honestly, at some point the weight of the character started to get annoying, as if it wasn't enough that we were already heavy, the patience-straining puzzles we had to carry around the cute little Mui were the things that made the gameplay pale. It's still a good game, but your patience will be tested and you'll definitely be blown away by the music and art design.

It's a very beautiful game, the atmosphere and the music, the animation and the speed of the character, the acrobatic moves that diversify as you progress... All these things are nice, but they also make the game longer and I think this game takes too long.

I found the story strong, but frankly in this kind of game the story is slow in the pace of the game and it becomes very difficult to follow, but the story is still successful.

It's definitely the gameplay that keeps me going. I liked this game even though it sometimes tried my patience.

By the way, it was also very troublesome in terms of optimization, it was constantly stuttering, but I still continued.

The only Soulslike game I've ever played and finished. The theme is great, the story is beautiful, the map and art design is unique. The combat is varied, it's not a very difficult game to be honest, but some bosses are really hard but you can overcome them after a few tries. No matter what anyone says, it will be the best game for me, don't take seriously the comments written by some people in an effort to be meaningless and funny, it's a beautiful game.

Clever puzzles, non-repetitive gameplay, different game mechanics, depth of atmosphere and harmony with the music, a peculiar story, chilling structure and frightening chase scenes...
