30 vgm challenge

stole from dalaamclouds before everyone else jumped on, i just forgot to finish it. oopsie! template here. tried to value variety over listing my overall absolute faves ever. hopefully i didnt miss up any links cause im about to go to bed
please listen to the M1+2 track

Game Released the Year You Were Born
Astral Observatory
Town/Village Music
Boss Battle Music
Music that makes you sad
Final Boss Music
Sacred Defender
Underrated Music
Infinite Amethyst
i think "underrated" and "overrated" are pretty silly labels - i only get to put this here because of how much pushback i saw against lena's tracks just because she's not c418
Music You Constantly Have Stuck In Your Head
Roll Me In
stuff gets stuck in my head for like a week straight and then disappears forever so I'm basically treating this as a wildcard, at which point there's no way I could make a list without putting this on it
Music That Gets You Pumped
Zanza the Divine
Puzzle Game Music
Affection Air
Cover of Music By a Different Artist
i can't think of any covers so have an arrangement instead
Indie Game Music
Make This Right
Music From a Handheld Game
Belch's Factory
Music That Makes You Nostalgic
Stormwind City
Licensed Game Music
Music Associated With Frustration
Chanson d'Automne
(it's because i got hive cluster)
8-Bit Music
Music You Never Get Tired Of
Shape Memory Alloys
Racing Game Music
Main Menu


2 months ago

love to see zeroranger
soooo many times i almost put furi in mine and if i did...... it'd be this one

2 months ago

fantastic taste ^_^

2 months ago

@moschidae thank you c:

@beautifulbrute I love zeroranger's music and still listen to some of it pretty regularly, but sacred defender is just unreal. Listening back to it for the list made me feel like I was back in that part of the game again
I really like the whole of furi's ost and there's a lot fighting for my top place (you're mine and something to remember are up there) but make this right just does all the right things to my brain lol

2 months ago

I don't get what this is? Beat 30 video games?

2 months ago

@redbackloggd just listing off videogame music as per this template, nothing too spectacular lol

2 months ago

Oh lol ty

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