Artful / Thoughtful / Experimental / Unique Games

Artsy stuff I've played. I'll start adding a short description note to each game explaining why I included them.

Disclaimer: Not all of these are successful at what they're aiming, but they at least tried to stand out or be somewhat meaningful or compelling.

On intimacy and voyeurism.
An interesting way of storytelling. Mechanically unique with a beautiful art style.
Short surreal flash game
Experimental game mechanic.
Symbolic game with an artstyle inspired by H. R. Giger and Beksiński.
Cinematic with distinct art style. Experimental game design philosophy.
A warm meditation on life's common anxieties. Great traversal and art style.
On social regression, and drug abuse. Cinematic and symbolic.
Same as Silent Hill 1; cinematic and symbolic. A self-reflection on the main character featuring various themes: Grief, trauma, lust, masculinity, mental illness, etc.
Philosophical story on humanity; what it means to be human.
Cinematic presentation.
Arthouse game that reflects on intimacy and vulnerability.
A shooter game that baits its audience into an anti-war narrative
Meta-game with commentary on completionism and the relationship between game creators and players.
Same as Stanley Parable, but also with additional commentary on the game industry.
Metagame storyline.
Cryptic narrative that seemingly works as a commentary on capitalistic work ethics and media's intrusiveness.
An experimental FMV game with a non-linear story. Even more unconventional than Her Story.
A complete re-creation of the Titanic.
Short nihilistic meditation on emptiness and god.
(Really) Weird visual novel on insolvency, sex, and finding meaning in life.
Weird game on devotion.
Reflection on toxic online interactions.
Experimental gameplay mechanic where you contour your character expression. Lynchian cryptic story featuring various philosophical themes.


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