Artful / Thoughtful / Experimental / Unique Games

Artsy stuff I've played. I'll start adding a short description note to each game explaining why I included them.

Disclaimer: Not all of these are successful at what they're aiming, but they at least tried to stand out or be somewhat meaningful or compelling.

An interesting way of storytelling. Mechanically unique with a beautiful art style.
On bureaucracy, authoritarianism, morality. Gamifies work routine.
Cinematic with distinct art style. Experimental game design philosophy.
Somewhat-emotional and visually interesting walking (swimming) simulator.
Cinematic presentation. On freewill and authority.
Works as a metaphor for grief. Interesting art style.
Meta-game with commentary on completionism and the relationship between game creators and players.
On the relationship between art and the artist.
Text-heavy with experimental game design and mechanics. Challenges your beliefs and moral compass. Features various themes from addiction, hope, loneliness, acceptance of loss, morality, etc.
Portrays the effects of psychosis, while building gameplay design around it.
A warm meditation on hope. Death mechanic also reflects on the theme.
An experimental FMV game with a non-linear story.
Arthouse surreal game on various themes: Poverty, solitude, addiction, relationships, etc. Dream logic with no real plot.
Same as Silent Hill 1; cinematic and symbolic. A self-reflection on the main character featuring various themes: Grief, trauma, lust, masculinity, mental illness, etc.
Cinematic retro game with great imagery and framing.
Arthouse FMV game with experimental non-linear storytelling. On art, sexism, and exploitation.
Short visual novel portraying OCD/Anxiety disorder.
Meta-game on friendships and loneliness.
Cinematic presentation.
Philosophical story on humanity; what it means to be human.
Cinematic game with interesting traversal and cryptic story.
Interesting art style and sound interactions. FREEDOM.
A metaphor for capitalism. Distinct art style.
Same as Dark Souls, but highlighting Maiden Astraea, and the Tower of Latria lore.
Experimental storytelling, with a game mechanic that also works on a meta-level.
An experimental FMV game with a non-linear story. Even more unconventional than Her Story.
Arthouse cinematic game with a cryptic Lynchian story.
An interactive movie, a game that tries to be a movie or vice versa.
Experimental game where you talk to a couple in a dysfunctional relationship.
Symbolic game with an artstyle inspired by H. R. Giger and Beksiński.
I know, I know... but it's the one that popularized the "interactive movie" genre so might as well add it. Same with Bandersnatch.
Obscure cathartic game on depression, loneliness, and trauma.
Experimental gameplay mechanic where you contour your character expression. Lynchian cryptic story featuring various philosophical themes.
Autobiographical story on sex work, trauma and being transgender.
An impactful story about memories, family, tragedy, life. Experimental game mechanic that uses your eyes to play.
One that popularized the walking-sim genre. On love, queerness, and growing up.
Cinematic presentation.
A shooter game that baits its audience into an anti-war narrative
About memories, resembling slow-cinema.
Experimental game mechanic.
Metagame storyline.
A nihilistic narrative on existentialism.
Gameplay works as a metaphor for chemotherapy. Anti-smoking sentiments.
Weird game with interesting art style and traversal mechanics.
Same as Stanley Parable, but also with additional commentary on the game industry.
Visual mindfuckery.
A warm meditation on life's common anxieties. Great traversal and art style.
Metanarrative that links the protagonist and the player experience. Emotional story on tragedy and escapism.
Meditation on the negative effects of isolation and the importance of social links.
Unique art style with hand-drawn textures. Cinematic story portrayal.
Unique gameplay loop. A range of detailed environments.
Experimental gameplay loop, and narrative on human connection.
A digital museum.
Metanarrative that works as a critique of players that enjoy violent games.
Reflection on the cycle of violence, nationalism, propaganda, and the film industry.
Cinematic presentation, interesting art.
Commentary on capitalism, objectivism, and the player experience.
On social regression, and drug abuse. Cinematic and symbolic.
Experimental game with really cryptic messages.
Reflection on toxic online interactions.
Weird symbolic(?) ambient game.


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