twenty twenty two ranked

featuring real words

the gameplay is boring, the characters are either useless non-characters or cut-and-paste tropes, and the only story/exploration parts that i cared about were the REAL story and the few oooooh scary parts, which made up around 2-3 hours of the 15-16 hour game
i can very easily see how so many people gave this game 10's with the whole "rpg but funny" aesthetic but that just detracted too much from the experience for me
if i didnt play the entire game on the specific ending route i took, this would be a 4/10 or less, the last like 2 hours carry so hard
would definitely rate it higher if it was more concise
Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds
progression based purely on information is a top tier concept
could've been a bit more concise but the mechanics that support all the areas are cool
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
the fact that so many people enjoyed this game is beyond my comprehension
i am at a complete loss to reason with how this game has gotten such high review scores
im not going to explain why i hate it bc this is now my "if you like this then you are helplessly braindead" game
hard not to spoil this one
you will probably enjoy this a lot more than i did if you're into card games like this
the ending is really unfulfilling
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
wish the copy abilities had more of their moves and the treasure road levels were more interesting
everything else is gourmet 5 star yes
It Takes Two
It Takes Two
jolly good old co-op gaming, maim your friend in various ways!
does the "now you have to collect the three items to progress!" thing too much and the story feels a little stunted at the end
the highest nine i can give, only because of my personal preferences
the only things holding this game back are the mediocre combat and the more complicated puzzles that i couldn't do, but can still appreciate the methodology of
if you can, try to complete everything without a guide, but there isn't any shame in using one the puzzles can get really difficult
also don't try to translate any of the text manually
Neon White
Neon White
i wish i didnt like this so i didnt have to associate myself with the shit writing
hate that it has to market itself as "a speedrunning game for everyone!" definitely could have made more of the whole system if the game had more base movement mechanics
aside from that stuff the game is great, i still enjoy throwing myself at shit until i do it faster
perfect length and weapon variety imo, its just the vn sections that make shitty pacing moments
also the voice actor for the main character sounds like yandere dev to me youre welcome
ACT II UPDATE: yeah see i was right now im too op and everything is too easy i did everything new in like 2 hours
new content is cool, rl feels kinda meh like i would only use it for cool airshots, but its cool anyways
now for the 4 month wait for new content that ill beat in 2 hours again!

this is why i don't like early access games
in a year or two the game will have harder difficulties, improved balancing, more enemies, more levels, and more weapons, but i'm stuck with something that could be a lot more than it is now
movement is fine, but it always feels a little slow if you don't use the grapple or waste 2 stamina every time you want to dash jump
good things are bosses, level design, and shooting things yay
after beating the game i p ranked every level on violent on my first try and p ranked minos prime on violent in 3 tries and did damageless minos in like an hour be quiet i am competent
the difficulty is fine at first, but the more i played the more i found ways that just felt like exploiting enemy ai and abusing dodges, but its still fun
bosses arent the best
Guilty Gear: Strive
Guilty Gear: Strive
removed the "challenge" of making the buttons hard to press so now it can actually be fun
it's also extremely volatile so even if i don't learn stupid combos i can still win
mediocre matchmaking system, gets worse towards the higher floors
i still don't like fighting games a ton, but if i had to pick one to play it would probably be this one
Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise
less atmospheric in comparison to world/iceborne and i think silkbind attacks are overtuned for what i think they should be on some weapons
its still monster hunter so it fucks
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
will my friends understand that a game named Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk is not actually a 10/10 challenge
the quirky psychological mental health letsplayer indie game
way too short and felt way too easy
has probably an okay story and lesson or whatever but i dont really care
i beat it faster than you dickhead yeah you thats all i care about
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
will my friends understand that a game named Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk is not actually a 10/10 challenge
Baba is You
Baba is You
honestly just too complicated for its own good, or just for me i guess
good if you like games that feel like work
Needy Streamer Overload
Needy Streamer Overload
could have been slightly decent but dont worry its still shit
covers some topics that aren't usually seen in games, which is pretty fresh, but that's basically the only good thing
general gameplay is boring, even more so after your first playthrough, where you then just want to get all of the endings, some of which require things so random and specific that you are basically required to look up a guide for them just to see that 80% of them are boring as shit
the non-shit endings can actually be cool but to get to them you just have to go through the monotony of driving your psychopathic girlfriend insane over and over again for each one, which turn out to be a lot less worth it for what you get
again this is a very cool-ish concept but is garbage because of the shit gameplay, disgusting basic interactions, and extremely excessive bloat that the game forces on you for wanting to see more
even if you are still somehow interested in this, just watch part of a playthrough and then just watch all of the endings, you'll get the same value out of it as playing
funny that this is still above some games on this list just because it didn't overstay its welcome
also i forgot some of the ost kinda fucks look it up
World of Horror
World of Horror
the best non-action oriented rouguelike by far (aka not another deckbuilder)
even though the game can be slow and the combat isn't too crazy, you're constantly engaged with the system due to how you have to manage your resources, plan your route, and make adjustments because something went wrong
it's definitely heavy on rng, which can just fuck you sometimes, but it doesn't happen often enough for me to hate it, especially on lower difficulties
the biggest issue aside from rng is just the amount of content
there are challenges and achievements to do, but you'll probably see all of the mysteries and find the best combinations in the barebones equipment system pretty quickly
im not like other girls i love junji ito
funny platforming yippee!
really cool way to separate levels and collectibles, don't say metroidvania that word means nothing
good music
lots of opportunity for replayability with achievements and challenges and stuff, but i don't really like the whole "do it in less deaths" or "do it faster" kind of thing, i appreciate the challenges on their own more
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
just more of the same, i'm not really counting this
Solar Ash
Solar Ash
nvm game is ok i guess
its really basic but the environments and movement are still fun
Try It! You Will Like It!
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
half abandoned this a while ago but i wanted to put all of my shit about fighting games somewhere
idc about this game the character variety and aesthetics are cool i guess

you know how people play games and are just like "ooooh this FEELS so bad to play omg!" right? that's every single fighting game for me
i think it's because i care more about mechanical precision, which makes a game FEEL better to me, while other people FEEL more from the flashier stuff that can come from practice (basically, i dont care about combos and characters are all boring to me, mastering tight controls in a controlled environment FEELS better)
when things like move startup, landing lag, tight combo timings, and general lag in movement have to be implemented for balance, it just ruins the experience of controlling the character for me

sure, people who have played fighting games extensively will consider them to be normal, but to a person who hasn't interacted with the genre often, these mechanics are very foreign since fighting games are in such a different world than most games
that's why i hate the "just practice!" argument because 1. i would be practicing and playing games in a single genre for dozens of hours just to have more fun and 2. i do not want to. that is boring.
i really don't care about winning or "outsmarting my opponent!" when the entire game is just about having dick measuring contests with complete strangers
again, since the controls annoy me and i haven't ever cared about the flashiness or satisfaction of combos and stuff, just playing the game at my level is a chore

this isn't even beginning to mention the horrible beginner experiences that fg's bring, here we go!
-extremely lackluster singleplayer/story
in every game it is just playing against a bot and then seeing a cutscene, rinse/repeat until done
really misses out on making these modes into learning experiences
-the game better be popular or else you will not have fun
some fg's have such small communities, like skullgirls, that unless you have friends that are at your skill level and are equally as dedicated to improving or you like getting your shit kicked in for hours online, you'll need venture to the barren lands of the community discords and orgs to be able to find an opponent at your skill level to have fun playing the game with
this is because...
-trying to learn sucks
at any moment in most fighting games, you have so many options and decisions to make that it can be nigh impossible for a newer player to determine if what they have done is bad, what they did is good, what they did was lucky, what they did only worked because of their opponent's character, etc.
trying to analyze and select correct decisions is only made more annoying by the fact that there is another guy playing against you who could have anywhere from 2 hours to 2000 hours in the game trying to make sure that you can't play the game (see bad matchmaking section above)
if you want to learn things like what moves you should do or what safe options you have after something, you will either have to trial/error all of it out in training or look up character guides explained by people that have played the game for thousands of hours

i'm only writing this whole thing now because i think i've tried enough fighting games to say that yes, all fighting games feel the same (the only thing LTG gets wrong :( )
to a more involved fg player, yes, all fighting games will have different FEELS, but to someone like me, every single one of them is just you and another guy in the same 2d plane hitting each other until one of you falls down
to waste dozens of hours learning only these games playing with stunted controls, typically bad matchmaking, and often lifeless environments just to be slightly better in the dick measuring contest is a waste of my time

bad controls, bad matchmaking, bad content, bad singleplayer, bad for beginners, bad at being unique
maybe if people make so much effort and content just to get people to play more games in this genre, the genre is just bad
Post Void
Post Void
i'll use this to say that i hate the stupid fucking american artstyle of "make it look disgusting and unappealing" maybe that's why so many media fools like anime
the song is cool and i like moving very fast and shooting my device quickly and with great precision
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
nothing game ultimate
too abstract i don't care
play as girl but SCARY thing be afraid........ guys it IS SCARY look at strange event happen...
bonus points for funny rpgmaker
there is no way this game can become bad ooooooooh yes masterpiece in the making calling it now oh yeah yes i love david szymanski wooooo oooh allaalglagalgaa
Super Hexagon
Super Hexagon
reading game
how good you are is just based on how well you can see the annoying spinning shit
it wouldn't be impossible to get good at, but with the lack of content in the game i really have no reason to
I Wanna Be the Guy
I Wanna Be the Guy
unable to see how people can rage at this video game
probably my gateway into precision platformers
pretty fun concept, but seriously lacks depth and difficulty outside of the enemy ai
i beat the main game in like less than 2 hours and knew what basically everything was
A Dance of Fire and Ice
A Dance of Fire and Ice
cool stuff but i just dont like the format of miss one note and restart the whole four minute song
too much 4 key has also conditioned my hands to not cooperate with each other so rhythm games where i have to alternate between two hands dont go so well
Cats are Liquid: A Better Place
Cats are Liquid: A Better Place
shitfuck ultimate
story and metaphors were a bit vague because of the story hopping between three characters, but the puzzle platforming and actual story (once you figure it out) are great
Boomerang X
Boomerang X
prime mediocrity
fun for the first playthrough but i don't really care to improve or anything
the skills feel fun but handling the boomerang always felt awkward
doesn't overstay its welcome, just finish and refund if you don't want to play more
food game does NOT contain milk automatic 0
too annoying near the end i dont care
no spoilers here
its just the omori problem again where i don't care about the characters except for funny carl moments
they're well written and all, but i just personally do not care for the little interactions that the characters have that other people will probably appreciate more
i never really felt scared or very tense, reading words doesn't really get me like that and i wasn't really affected by the emotionally heavy scenes
like the omori situation, i enjoyed seeing and understanding all of the endings and looking back on how the stories play out, but i just didn't care for how the game got to that point
but, also like the omori situation, i'm predicting that most of the people who liked that game will probably find a lot more to enjoy in this game than i did
I Wanna Run the Marathon
I Wanna Run the Marathon
i think i should start putting these games somewhere else but eh
comparably harder than the original game, but nowhere near as hard as boshy was for me
honestly, this game is probably objectively just better for its more creative areas and more tolerable bosses, but i appreciate the challenges and general platforming in boshy more
good times ya im afraid that i may have played like the best of these games first
Aim Climb
Aim Climb
getting over it but different and you also dont fall as far i think
you can beat it on the medium mode and refund it ig?
I Wanna Be the Boshy
I Wanna Be the Boshy
by far the hardest game i have played to date
do not play this if you are averse to difficulty even in the slightest, please, please, please trust me
also don't play it if you can't spam keys
the platforming challenges and worlds were always fun and never felt like i was stuck or tired of an area even if i was stuck on a screen for like half an hour
the game's biggest weakness imo is the bosses, which range from fine to rng shitfests, but even with this, it still never completely prevented me from doing anything, and learning the bosses and getting over them was extremely satisfying
(the last boss could've taken me like half as many deaths i swear)
funny early 2000's memes! yippee!
please don't play this, it's a great game
Grapple Force Rena
Grapple Force Rena
getting momentum is fun sometimes but the rest of the movement and combat is just boring
a real nothing game
My Big Sister
My Big Sister
most uninteresting take on le rpgmaker style horror/mystery ive ever seen
Blue Fire
Blue Fire
maybe platforming games are my genre
bad story horrible combat yeah you get it
its not even the best platforming and everything feels like cheese if you get the right spirits
still fun if you like simple platforming, i definitely enjoy this type of stuff even when it's not great
Wings of Vi
Wings of Vi
good fucking god this game is exhausting
why did you base this game around combat why do you have to aim your melee with your movement keys why doesn't the melee come out if you hold the button bc you have an actually useful projectile attack but it's mapped to the same key as the melee why are the slide and flutter mapped to the same key fuck you
the platforming and movement is still fine but everything always feels too big, imo would have felt better as a boshy thing
i still like it when it isn't shitty
Marble Blast Gold
Marble Blast Gold
free funny marble gaming
I Wanna How Many Bottles of Coke Zero Can Badlands Chug in 3 Minutes? Watch & See!
I Wanna How Many Bottles of Coke Zero Can Badlands Chug in 3 Minutes? Watch & See!
don't touch that mouse...


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