My M.P.G.O.B.T.I.H.P.F.E.Y.I.B.A

Why not? I'm not one to pass by trends on this site if it means sharing a new and interesting perspective that I've never considered.
List that I saw first from this trend:

Kind of the same deal as COD, but I watched so much more Minecraft vids and gameplay you'd think I actually like playing it. Nah I didn't. At the time I was really bad at playing with mouse and keyboard in a first-person game. I could not wrap my head around the controls. I was especially bad with using the keyboard, every key placement felt wrong and I was constantly pressing the wrong key all the time.
But Minecraft is on this list because I barely put ten minutes into it before just returning to watching other people play it instead. Never bothered to give it a real shot. And frankly Minecraft just isn't for me even to just watch anymore. Didn't think I could burn myself out of a game I've never played. I don't dislike it inherently though, but I'll stick to Terraria.
See above but multiply it by ten. Same deal, saw all of it. Played none of it. And is probably too late now.
UPDATE: Played and reviewed it.

Another big old "maybe". I love action games, but I'm not a rhythm game person. I know I'm missing something about them, but anytime I try a rhythm game I just see it as "follow the leader" and it just doesn't do much for me. They always feel really limiting yet also demanding at the same time, plus the emphasis on being perfect rubs me the wrong way. Would genuinely like to hear why people enjoy that genre.
All I can give this is a half-hearted "eh..."
In case you haven't noticed, I tend to play games out of order a lot. I played Resident Evil 4 first, played Doom Eternal first, I played Bayonetta 2 first, and I played Portal 2 first.
Requires even more friends then Lefty 4 Dead (I love hilarious misspellings). I do own a physical copy on Switch though because I love showing to people as a joke. Though is all seriousness, I did play a ton of Henry Stickman back in the flash days and it was real cool finding out they were the same team behind Among Us. Also I will say, the crewmates are actually pretty cute. I always get a kick out of seeing the animations of them from the official accounts and trailers. Helps that they are mascots who don't talk; not the game's industry would know anything about screeching, annoying mascots that may or may not have killed another seri- Rabbids.
Maybe. It does lack a lot of what I love so much about RE 4.
At the time it really did not look like a game I'd enjoy. It looks better now, but I ain't clamoring to play it. Online only games in general are really not my cup of tea conceptually, but who knows maybe there are some that I would actually like.
Being real even with the added shop system, I still would probably play Remake 2 over this.
Probably should at some point considering how much I enjoy boom shoots
Not feeling anything with this, so I choose silence
Stardew Valley is as cozy as I like it, and I mostly enjoyed that game since I played it with my partner. What I'm saying is Animal Crossing needs a rouglite system where if you die your island explodes or something.
Fun fact: there was a time I was deathly afraid of zombies. The gore was too much, the hopelessness of a incurable death virus was depressing, and I never liked how 90% of the time things ended on an extremely downer note.
Of course nowadays I understand the appeal of those stories more, and Left 4 Dead as a concept. Seems like a cool game, don't have any friends to play with.
Interest really isn't there (going to be saying that a lot). Nothing about it mechanically is enticing me. I know! You play this for the atmosphere and setting and all that jazz, sorry but those kinds of games aren't for me. Who knows maybe it'd be the rare exception, but I doubt it'd be this game to be that exception.
Why is this game on Backloggd? It doesn't even exist.
These games always seemed fun enough, but I don't know their humor and world more repel me then interest me. Plus Gearbox themselves are... you know
Think I'd have an alright time with this but have no interest to 100% it. I don't think it's enough for me to seek copy of it on the Nintendo PC system that's so popular these days
See Double Dash/ DS/ Wii Sports
Confession: I've never own a Wii. Despite being into Nintendo, I always stuck with Nintendo handhelds and my console of choice were the Playstations. I did play it once or twice in my life, but for my Backloggd (and this list) I only count games that I've invest a large amount of time into before logging them. Maybe that should be it's own list: "Games I played a tiny bit of and haven't logged into this site"
I'm surprised it took this long to get one of these games, but this is one of many games that I just watched Let's Plays of then actually playing them. For a multitude of reasons; maybe I didn't own the console, maybe they were being played by one of my favorite Let's Players and I didn't care what game they played, maybe I had a passing interest in the game but not enough to actually buy it, or maybe it's because I'm part of a large family and we couldn't exactly throw money around on a lot of games in general. So yeah I know what happens in this game, and while that is never a adequate substitute for playing it yourself (don't review games you never actually play), you can still get a good idea whether or not you want want to play it.
Oh geez my one sibling was obsessed with COD for a the longest time. Use to watch him play all the time and while I enjoyed seeing gameplay of COD, playing them myself was too intimidating. You saw in the entry above that gore was hard to handle for a while, well when I saw a guy's legs disintegrate from a land mine then that was a hard "NO".
Even though I now enjoy a lot FPSs these days, I'm more into the ones with fun movement and insane weapons. COD does nothing for me. Give me a staff that shoots planets over yet another machine gun any day.
See Double Dash.
Probably is still fun casually speaking, but despite for a while watching competitive Smash Bros I fell off that really hard the past six or so years. I do not care anymore whose top tier, or any of that dumb-ass drama between competitive Smashers on why Steve McMinecraft should be banned.
Is this still worth playing even with 8 Deluxe existing? Genuinely curious about that.
If you want to be technical then Pokémon Crystal would be here instead. But I've played Silver and Heartgold, so I've basically already experienced that game.

It looks fine, if a bit too easy for my liking. I ain't expecting Kirby of all franchises to kick my teeth in, it just ain't that kind of game, but this looks a little too cozy. Probably would've loved it as a kid, just that my tastes in games have changed a lot (for the most part)


5 months ago

The last thing I want to do is be the “um actually” guy, but I will say that I 100% agree with everything you said about why you don’t like rhythm games…. aaaand that’s why I like Hi Fi Rush so much. For the most part it doesn’t really punish you for missing the beat. You just play it like any other action game and if your attack does land on the beat then you get rewarded with a damage and score bonus. There’s never that horrible clanking “you fucked up” sound you hear constantly in guitar hero et al. if you’re anything like me. It takes the approach of rewarding your successes and quietly ignoring your failures. If you have game pass I think it’s worth giving it a shot; you’ll know pretty quickly whether it’s going to work for you or not. And I found it to be a real delight of a surprise for this year.

5 months ago

@cowboyjosh You know that actually explains why I've heard people who are mixed on that game, because it more leans heavily towards action than rhythm. I guess that's always the risk when making a multi-genre title, some people will be either "there's too much rhythm is my action game" or "there's not enough rhythm in my rhythm-action game." But if its the former where its lenient in the rhythm department, then yeah it might be something I'd like. Thanks.

5 months ago

As a Double Dash fan, I will say I had a lot of fun going back to it a few years ago. I do think it's worth a visit for both the tag team vehicle concept and the special items. Baby Park isn't the same without giant Bowser shells and DK bananas littering it.

As someone who's tired of Among Us you made a good point about them not speaking, I'm not sure what I would've done if they spouted whedonisms and went screamo at random.

5 months ago

@Vee As someone whose only played 8 Deluxe when it comes to Mario Kart, a even crazier Baby Park is both terrifying and enticing.

5 months ago

Not only are all of those Mario Kart games worth playing, so is Super Circuit.

5 months ago

for rhythym games, i can only really speak on Guitar Hero stuff, but yeah i guess you are just "following the leader", but it just feels cool as fuck to synchronize with a song. Just going "FUCK, WHAT? I ACTUALLY HIT THAT SHIT?" is so fucking satisfying. Stuff like Guitar Hero are basically just a string of parry buttons, or Sekiro is a rhythm game without the music.
And for Hi-Fi Rush, it was like earlier stated, too much action game. I'm sure it would be satisfying to do that shit, but then I will have to build up the skills for that and I don't wanna.

5 months ago

@DeltaWDunn Really don't hear much from Super Circuit ever. Even the retro courses from later games don't borrow much from that game, that would be an interesting game to try.

@Snigglegros So it's pretty much a hard-as-hell skillset that's gratifying to see yourself improve? In that case, was adding action game elements overly distracting for Hi-Fi Rush? I'm curious since a lot of games can require a different amount of skills needed to master it. Rhythm is certainly vital in Sekiro, but there's also positioning, movement, offense, environmental awareness, stealth, and partially your build. Though maybe the issue is more of what it seemed H.F.R was seemingly selling to people, and not quite being what they were expecting.

5 months ago

Yeah the action was distracting for me. Im just used to focusing solely on the "clearly telegraphed parries" (or even quick time event) with the frets coming down the highway, but with the action elements I have other stuff to focus on that keeps compounding and I start playing bad. I don't really get super into action games where I memorize a bunch of move inputs, but I feel like that is needed more in Hi-Fi, and then I gotta remember those on rhythm. Guitar Hero is more reaction based, but can be memory too if you wanna perfect songs.
Again, I do think if I wanted to sit my ass down and learn it right, it would probably be satisfying. Rhythm mixed with other genres is just gonna be a harder sell for me because I wanna do the rhythm part without the action or platforming or what have you.

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