Top 25 Games That Are... Alpha...One-Core?

Yeah it's time for an update. I decided to not update the old list and start from scratch. I'm also going to be stricter by only keeping it to 25 games. No more. No less.
If these picks seem inconsistent with my user ratings for them... shut up! I don't put much thought into scoring games, so there's bound to be things that don't make sense if a game's score means more to you then the words I use to describe my feelings towards said games.
These games are judged by a lot of things. Whether I would want to replay them at a moments notice. How often I still think about it when I'm not playing it. Does it spark my mind with fuzzy feelings like comfort, nostalgia, or dopamine. How much it speaks to me as an art piece. What it has helped me with at the time I played it. How much I enjoy the setting and characters. Or how much do I want to talk about it; but am too self-conscious and think I'd be way too annoying while I blab on and on about it.
As you'll see I'm more fond of "gamey games". Some exceptions apply, but strong core-gameplay loops are key to me wanting to play it in the first place, and then sticking with it for hours afterwards. Hook me with satisfying gameplay first, then I'll be willing to hear you out on the story and world you've created. Also not ashamed to admit that a good progression system can get me hooked. Hard. BUT, there have been plenty of progression systems that have fell flat, or have even repelled me from engaging with it in the first place.

Now without further ado, the hardest thing I've had to make on this site so far:

Old List:

Subdued yet brilliant design exude from every orifice in this masterpiece. The definition of "The Rule of Cool" while having layers of intrigue and tension. What I would give for a PS5 version at 60 FPS.
Bravely Default
Bravely Default
A game I love so much that I think I'll play it again, whether I want to or not. But that final act goes so hard and I feel this story has more to offer then people give credit for. The job system allows for ludicrous builds that can destroy everything with amazing synergy, while the core combat's turn manipulation system can create some incredible highs where you unleash several destructive attacks at once.
A game about both identity, and the good and harm that comes from meaningful connections; while also being a tough as nails Action RPG with some surprisingly brain-tickling puzzles tucked in. A story that deserves to be experienced by so many more.
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Surpassed Dark Souls III has my favorite Souls game (lets be real, its a Dark Souls game with the same gameplay but different terminology and visuals). If I was ever in the mood for a character build focused game, I go straight to Elden Ring. Not just in the amount of possible builds, but also the numerous ways you can achieve your desired build. Also quite possibly the best designed open world with so many secret bosses and entire sprawling ecosystems waiting to be discovered.
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Made with shoe string and hope, but man is that hope powerful. So many ways to play with the consequences of ones actions almost always reflected in the most captivating way as you tackle an increasingly dangerous political storm brewing between many factions.
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
Infinitively endearing cast coupled with one of my favorite settings in fiction makes this a game I always look forward to visiting again.
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
No surprise to anyone familiar with me in the slightest. I'm just as enchanted by it now as I was when I was a wee lad. It's a game that I will never get tired of; whether its for its visuals, its music, its characters, its story, and especially its gameplay.
A game that means the world to me.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Some of the best bosses in the industry, coupled with a welcoming cooperative experience and a loot system that actually has some meaningful depth makes this one of the most addicting games I've played.
NEO: The World Ends with You
NEO: The World Ends with You
A slow burn that unravels into one of the most enthralling stories I've experienced. The slow start also applies to the gameplay the reveals an incredible action combat loop based on teamwork and stylish combos.
Massive in scale with infinite replayability. The amount of content added over the years for no additional cost feels borderline criminal. Seriously, how is this still only $10? Also the best multiplayer game I've played, without a doubt.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
If I just want to chill and reminisce about the good old days, then no other game comes close. A game that I just simply don't care about any of its glaring faults, it just puts me in a happy mood with its grindy simplicity yet charming jank and exploits. Quite possibly the funniest game there is, albeit in a ironic way.
The Wonderful 101: Remastered
The Wonderful 101: Remastered
One of the most creative games ever created. An odd yet original concept executed as perfect as it could be. Off-the-rails at all the times while exuding captivating confidence in itself makes this game like no other.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
War. Is Hell. But also very fun and creates an enthralling narrative. Cried so hard during my first playthrough, which was then followed by an immaculate twist that borders on hysterical and depressing.
Also includes the fantastic DLC storyline.
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Cute but tough RPG with high customization, a wonderful party of bugs that carry surprising amount of depth, and a deeply entertaining presentation makes this a keeper to me.
Unmatched in visuals and fun as Hell in the gameplay department. My favorite game that can be beaten under three hours or less (assuming I'm not having a off-day)
Devil May Cry 5
Devil May Cry 5
The game that gives players near endless freedom in how they want to express themselves in a action setting. A action game in its purest form; a exceptional PS2 game that came out on modern consoles to, yet again, redefine the genre.
Doom Eternal
Doom Eternal
As tightly designed as they get. The intentional design of the mechanics and enemy design puts my brain into overdrive as it moves a mile a minute, leaving me out of breath from all the fun I'm having. Has some of most satisfying guns in gaming that contain much nuanced depth in this blood-drenched romp of a game.
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
Missteps aside, this was the only game I've beaten on launch day in one long sitting. Glued to the TV unable to wrap around all these emotions in me while playing. A game I feel that's both magical and sincere.
Live A Live
Live A Live
Bite-sized 16 bit RPGs that cumulate into a captivating tale of the dangers of spite and anger. Plus it has arguably my favorite soundtrack on any game.
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Who doesn't want be vigilantes who makes shitheads stop their shithead behavior with the power of the devil himself? Style is substance indeed.
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
You can also put the original here, but either way you're getting a tense thrill ride. Filled with moment to moment decision making that has you on the edge of death at all times. The snappy pacing and the simple yet elegant shop system makes every replay just as engaging as the last.
Shin Megami Tensei V
Shin Megami Tensei V
My favorite turn based combat system that makes every fight fun, both the easy and hard ones. Demon fusion is the most addictive mechanic in any RPG and I could spend hours creating either overpowered or really nonsensical demons. Bosses offer high challenge while being susceptible to being total pushovers if you plans things just right.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Herlock Sholmes is quite possibly the greatest copyright dodge in gaming history. A captivating mystery that takes place over the course of two large visual novels, paired with some highly expressive character design and a atmospheric yet memorable soundtrack. It'll sink its hooks into you, and you'll be in for one wild ride through ye olde London.
Turbo Overkill
Turbo Overkill
A game that moves faster then the chains of a chainsaw that rapidly adds more and more to your enormous arsenal of weapons that violate the Geneva Convention. Contains some of most imaginative set pieces in any action game to date.
Pokémon Scarlet
Pokémon Scarlet
Can't deny how much fun I have with this. Pokémon is a franchise which I will never escaped its grasp, but I gotta say these are some comfy hands


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